I'm devastated!

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I actually had a female that did this to my neutered male. She would just go up and rip out his hair and eat it. It was really bizarre. My poor male would squeak but he didn't run away. Rather strange. I'm not sure why they do this. She had plenty of hay and other foods to chew on. It never got to the point where I could tell he was missing fur and he didn't have scabs so I didn't separate them.
So sorry to hear about Marvin, but I'm sure you have made the right decision and that Marvin will have no problems finding a new home.

You really did do everything you could to allow them to bond, so dont beat yourself up about it and do the right thing by getting the sow if that's what you want to do. Remember its your decision and not anyone else's and do whats best for you.

Sending lots of hugs. :))
poor old fred, hope he makes a swift recovery from his wounds, and marvin is a young man and i am sure he will find a home quickly! I know how heart breaking it can be so if you fancy a chat you can pm me
Sorry to hear your pigs don't get on :(

It must have been a very tough decision to make to rehome Marvin. Hope he finds a new home soon and Fred starts to feel like his old self
In reply to everyone's posts I want to thank you all for the wonderful advice,and all the help not to mention support that was provided to me!

Also I would like to thank Niki for setting the facts straight. I did not choose boars, Fred choose me I fell in love with him when I seen him. Why shouldn't boars be givin a chance? He was a lone pig, and as he is an older pig I would not dream of neutering him! I got Marvin as a friend for Fred when I heard they should be kept in pairs, by no means did I love any of my boys less, but unfortunatly my loyalty do and will always lie with Fred. If I had the funds I would have maybe got Marvin neutered but then that leaves Fred, it just wasn't logical!

I did have the boys separated for a night and watched Marvin clucking though the bars at Fred. To me who would want to live with that?!

Marvin unfortunately left me with NO other option but to Rehome, he has went to Cerys at Assisi and is being neutered and paired with a sow! They will be rehomed in a pair and Assisi only rehome after a homecheck so he will go to a LOVING home! The Raw end of the deal would be opening my door and just putting him out, or taking him to pets at home adoption. Not me travelling 40 minutes in the car to take him to somewhere, that has a good reputation, and look after them well!

The ONLY person to get the Raw end of this deal was FRED! I noticed the first scab and put it down to Mites 2 weeks ago, for 2 weeks he has been having tuffs of his fur pulled out and not making a sound. In hindsight, If I would have had pigs before maybe I would have saw it earlier all the behaviour was Marvin bullying Fred, not letting him out the cage, taking all the food. Poor Fred has been subjected to hell! If left any longer I strongly believe Fred's health would have suffered. It is enough that my boys confidence has been severely damaged! Who would want to be bullied in there own home it must have been awful for him!

Now Fred has a 2 inch bite down his back not too mention, many other bite wounds, the only thing I am thankful for is when they scraped I was there otherwise I fear somebody would have been horribly hurt, thinking back I don't even know how I managed to separate them!

Fred has been to the vet and the vet said his wounds were infected and gave him an injection of Baytril! Fred would never squeak before since Marvin has been gone, he squeaks none stop and has a thousand stories to tell, he even pop corned last night which says alot to me!

I feel absolutely devastated I had to rehome MArvin and if anyone has to go though this experience my thoughts are with you as this is truely Heartbreaking! I spent my weekend crying, for the fact I had to do it and for the fact that I missed all the signs of what was happening. I by no means blame Marvin he is just a guinea pig after all and unfortunately thats how some act, but I couldn't possibly have allowed this behaviour!

I just pray if someone reads this post and can relate this to there piggies maybe they can pick up on the behaviour alot sooner than me!

As for the neutered sow she has been rehomed, and as I will most def not be getting another baby boar for Fred as I do not wish to go though that experience again, nor him. He will not be getting neutered as he is an older pig and if he died I would never live with myself! I will keep a look out for another Sprayed female, as rare as they are, there maybe one somewere! I shall continue the search in the hope one day Fred can have a lovely wee Friend!
I think you have done what is best for both piggies and I'm sure Marvin will find a lovely home and I really hope Fred recovers quickly. He is obviously feeling happier now he is on his own. I feel sad for you that things haven't worked out but you really gave them every chance to be friends and like you said, Marvin was just being a piggie but you had an obligation to Fred to protect him.
I hope Fred finds a nice wife, and until then I'm sure he will get lots of attention from you!:)
You have done the right thing by both your piggies, hope Fred makes a swift recovery from his wounds. I am glad fred seems to be going back to his old self. BIG HUGS to you it is an awful and dreadfully heartbreaking decision and i appauld your courage to do the right thing
This is such a sad story for all all concerned but I do feel Joanne has made the right decision for all concerned too. Fred is talking and popping again, thats got to be good. It can't have been easy for Marvin either spending his time being a bully instead of living a balanced happy piggy life and now he is in safe hands who can find him a wife so he can relax, chill out and experience guinea pig life to the full. I hope you manage to find a friend for Fred and you all live a long and happy life together.
I'm so sorry you had to make the decision you have, you have done your best for both and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you will be able to find a compatible companion for the wee one soon.
Glad Fred feels better Joanne and I'm sure marvin will be happy as larry with a wife too. It's the best possible outcome for both boys and for your sanity.

I know you are not up for getting another baby boar but maybe if you ever do decide to go don't this road then take Fred to the rescue and let him do the picking so he picks his own mate. It's risky though isn't it whichever way you do it.

I'm just pleased poor Fred has a chance to get better and to be himself now. You're right popcorning says a million words!
Lisa, No more baby boars, but I've not gave up on a friend as I feel Fred did like the company, as I'm not sure of his age neutering is not really an option, but now I have seen Fred is not such a dominant piggie afterall I may look into pairing with an older piggie, I have heard some success stories and then we miss out on the teenage years! Also the rescue, have told me they will inform me if they get any sprayed sows here's hoping!
I am sorry that you had such a bed start to piggy life. It is not always easy to pick up on little signs, especially when you are new - and piggies are perfectly able to baffle everybody from time time!

Hopefully, you can find Fred a friend in time , but I think that for now, he will be perfectly happy just being utterly pampered by you!
Aww love I'm sooo sorry to hear this happened! You really did do everything possible to keep the peace between the two :( sometimes these things just aren't meant to be.
I understand why you had to give Marvin up - and it's not wrong at all. When I got Robin, Wendi told me that if the pair did not get on I was to bring him straight back and I could try again with another piggeh. You may take on the responsibility but not everyone is as knowledgable on the subject of guineas as some - I know I certainly am not and if I'd known a lot of what I did before Hamish I may have considered sows instead of boars. But I love my boys and wouldn't change them for the world!

So sweety, I think what you're doing is right - hold out for a sow or maybe in the future try-out with an older boy. As long as Fred keeps talking and pop-corning, that's all that matters *hugs* :)xx>>>
I heard the lovely Fred chatting away tonight, he never shut up, bless him.

Joanne you know Marvin's ok, he's safe, happy & healthy & will have his friend. I hope Fred finds the same too & if you do get to England i may just have to do a spot of pig-napping ;) :)) :))
I heard the lovely Fred chatting away tonight, he never shut up, bless him.

Joanne you know Marvin's ok, he's safe, happy & healthy & will have his friend. I hope Fred finds the same too & if you do get to England i may just have to do a spot of pig-napping ;) :)) :))

Fred would never shut up, he'd give you away! :))... Hopefully I'll find a friend soon!
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