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ill piggie

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my squeak has not eating today, and he was sort of arching his back and kinda sqeauking,
it looks strange.

can anyone tell me what it is.
Hi Cazza,

Could be bladder stones, I've read that symptoms of that include squeaking and arching of the back. I would take pig to the vet for a check up.

Let us know how he is.

Hard to say from what you have described...

Def make an emergency appointment at the vets, and try and get him to drink as much as you can :)
Oh love that's no good, Squeak might have a tummy problem i'd be speaking to your vets love... Piggies do sit all hunched and puffed up when they're in pain, it is hard to know unless you get them physically checked out.
Let us know how you go, we'll keep our paws crossed and also sending healing wheeks :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I agree, this is not something you want to leave...get Squeak to the vets as soon as you can :)
Let us know how he gets on :)
oh poor Squeak, take him to the vets. Hope he gets better soon. :smitten: :smitten:
cant get in vets till 4,30 tomorrow.

he seems to be squeaking when trying to wee, he has had a few poos.

he is not eating either, just nibbling at things.

is there anything i can do until i can get to vets
Ahhh poor piggy hope everything at the vets goes well O0 Let us know how he gets on will you :-\ and just make him comfortable by placing lots of hay down and give him fresh food just in case its gone off you never know and give him a few pieces of fresh fruit/veg O0
Sounds like this piggy has a uti.Give plenty of water via a syringe to keep the kidneys and bladder flushed through.The treatment is Septrin o.4mls per day.
maryh said:
Sounds like this piggy has a uti.Give plenty of water via a syringe to keep the kidneys and bladder flushed through.The treatment is Septrin o.4mls per day.

wow mary u know everything :)
just had squeak to vets and they gave him a scan and found a bladder stone.

they said to give him a low calcium diet and hay that is low in alfafa and plenty of water( bottled water, low in mineral content)
and take him back in 10 days to see how he is

they gave him a pain killing injection and some antibiotics
they gave me a bottle of antibiotics to give him once a day
it is called marbocyl
give 0.5mls once a day, should that not be 0.05 mls cos there doent seem to be that much in the bottle.

can anybody tell me what fruit and veg are low in calcium,
Bladder stones are not likely to go away by just changing the diet.They need to be removed surgically as soon as possible because they are very painful.There is no point in just giving painkillers.The side effects from these could just make matters worse.If the stone is left it could stop the urine from flowing properly and set up a deep infection that could spread to the kidney.There is also the danger or urine retention.

Do you know the other name for the antibiotic,I have not heard of this one before and some anti biotics are not safe for gps.Hopefuly Karen or someone might know what this drug is.

Bottled water is not recommended for gps,filtered water is much better.

I think maybe you should see another vet for a second opinion,this vet does not seem to know much about gps.You need to do this asap because your piggy is suffering.
does anybody else agree with mary?

this vet seemed to know what she was talking about.

i couldnt get to my usual vets (vets 4 pets) as i didnt have transport, so just had to go to this one. (abbey vets)
she said she had a gp in the other week that has a stone and that one was put on a low calcium diet, and it was ok after that.

going back in 10 days
if no better will opt for surgery.
I would def go to another vet 100% Bladder stones are not going to go unless they are removed, if left, it is going to be bl**dy painful for the guinea, and could even get worse!

To be honest I have never heard of Marbocyl - some antibiotics are potentially dangerous for guinea pigs....but I'm not sure on that one....

You should get a second opinon O0
I agree with Mary, trust her she knows her stuff. You cannot wait 10 days, your piggie will be in agony.
Where are you located? we will try to find a guinea savvy vet for you or look online. Not that many vets are competant in guinea pig care and the wrong antibiotic could quite frankly kill him.
it says it is used for small animals aswell.
That is the only bit i understand
that might have been the injection they gave him, or will that be the stuff in the bottle they gave me to give him once a day?

I have emailed vets 4 pets and they said that-

"guinea pigs can suffer from bladder stones. they are normally caused by accumulations of calcium oxalate. they will cause recurring signs of cystitis - straining, blood in urine etc. diagnosis is by feeling them if they are large enough otherwise it requires ultrasound or x-rays.
correction of the problem is not possible by dietary change (low calcium diets are not possible due to the requirement for grass etc which is high in calcium). sometimes treating them is not necessary but the only way to correct the problem properly is surgery to remove the stones. antibiotics can control the signs and i certainly have one client who has not had surgery on their GP but it has lived on antibiotics for 2 years to control the signs.
Mary is right, bladder stones are only "cured" with surgery unless they've tiny & can be passed which doesn't appear to be the case because Squeak is in pain now.
As mary said what if the stone lodges in the ureter?  Squeak won't be able to pass water which would be complete agony & what if infection sets in & backtracks to the kidneys?  I personally know what this feels like (hell on earth).

The low calcium died your vet has suggested may help to prevent "further" stones forming but i would take Squeak to see another vet  :)

My Wilbur was passing huge amounts of blood in April (no other signs), the vet diagnosed cystitis & ab's were given. 2 wks after they'd finished it started again, more ab's were given.  He lost an immense amount of weight but was happy in himself  & regained his appetite.  Although he showed no signs after the last bout, he died 4wks ago, was it because he had an un-detected stone?  I will never know :'(
Marbocyl is used for small animals but I haven't used it. Septrin is best anyway, and an xray to see if there's a stone. Changing diet is only beneficiary sometimes after the op, often bladderstones reccur, though they may not.

Just make sure that pigs not in pain. That has to be the bottom line.

I would want a stone removed ASAP (if big enough to op on).

One of my old rescue Boys had a stone and our vet 'moved it' so it wasn't blocking his bladder or going to cause problems, he lived another 7 months afterwards, we think he was at least 6. This is 'common' in dogs but the first time he'd done it on a pig :)
he has had a scan today and there was a stone there about 1cm big

is the op safe for him though, with the anestetic.

do operations cost much?
does anybody know?
Hi Cazza so sorry to hear about your little guy. The advice you have been given is spot on, believe me Mary and Karen know their stuff!

My Tetley had a bladder stone earlier in the summer. He became unwell with no warning and within days was operated on to remove a bladder stone - the size of a large pea. He came through the op well and was up and running in no time. Make sure you get pain relief for your little guy post op and you will probably be given antibiotics, we found that Septrin was best. Despite our best efforts another stone began to form very quickly and crystals lodged in Tetleys tubes, incredibly painful for him. Please, please, please don't delay find a cavy savvy vet and get the stone removed asap.

As far as cost goes, it does differ from vet to vet but I have paid £140 for one bladder surgery and £190 for another. Post op keep your piggy warm and make sure fluids and food are being taken, you may have to syringe liquid to keep the bladder flushed through.

On the food front I have now changed my gang over to pellet only food. They will all eat P@H pellet and from time to time I mix in Oxbow Cavy Cuisine (difficult to get locally, but can buy it on line). I also only use filtered water and they get an unlimited amount of hay, plus fresh veggies, but I do try to avoid the ones that are particularly high in calcium like parsley and curly kale they just get these as a rare treat.

Good luck and keep us posted.
thanks for all your replies.

as for high in calcium food they have not been given, kale or spinach or parsley or mint, they have had spring greens but dont like it much

i am very upset about him and will not be able to get to vet till after work on friday.or saturday.
got an appointment for friday night
just have to go to tell them what is wrong and then they will tell me when his op will be.
You need to make sure that the vet is used to operating on gps,otherwise find another one.

Lithotomy if done by a competant vet is a straightforward proceedure,and there should be no ,or very few,post op complications.

Find out what aneasthetic the vet uses,.Isofluerine is the safest,but not all vet surgeries use it because it is expensive.

As for cost of op.That varies from vet to vet.Unfortunately they can charge what they like.It could be anything from £75 - £100.

The vet may,in fact should,let you pay in installments if necessary.
what is Lithotomy?
i am going to vets 4 pets surgery

the other vets around her do not know anything about piggies, this seems to be the best one.

he operated on my sisters rats when they had tumors
what post op complications do you mean?

should i give him this antibiotics that i was given today? marbocyl

and i have some bio lapis should i give him that aswell?
if so how do you mix it, and what dosage do i give?

Yes the Bio-Lapis would be a good idea.

Lithotomy is just the term for removal of renal stone,.

Do not worry about post op complications,they should not happen if you have a good vet.
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