Ill Again!

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Like you said its great that you got down to the weight you want to be, but it's how you got there..

Sure you haven't got a secret? ;)

You feeling any better?
Went doctors in my lunch break to get my results and she said my blood glucose levels were high and that I need to ring the docs on monday to see if they want me to go in. She asked me if I had eaten before blood test and I said I wasn't told I couldn't but don't think I had cos I felt ill. I just done my blood on Luke's dads blood test meter and it says mine is normal. Who knows? - Suppose i'll have to ring on Monday.
I hope I am not any type as when I used Luke's dads meter I was too scared to prick my finger with the proper thing so i had to get a needle and do it myself lol. My mum and Luke said me doing it like that would hurt more but it was ok lol. I hate needles that much!
squeakypigs said:
I hope I am not any type as when I used Luke's dads meter I was too scared to prick my finger with the proper thing so i had to get a needle and do it myself lol. My mum and Luke said me doing it like that would hurt more but it was ok lol. I hate needles that much!

LOL - the same as Mike and my family - my dad especially, he's a big fella but he was so scared and shouted ouch! Now and I again they all have a check! I prick my arm and it doesn't hurt - it's because you were thinking about it! :)
Exactly, Blood test results can vary all the time. I haven't really got any symptoms of diabetes so I am sure I am perfectly well...
Blood sugar fluctuations are very common for everyone. Try not to worry, Ellie.
But do let us know how things go xx
Try not to worry Ellie, it's probably just a glitch in the reading.
Good luck with your appointment,
Caroline x
I rang docs 1st thing Monday morn and the receptionist said the doctor would like me to go for another blood test but not eat for 10 hours or 12 (can't remember!) before it so I decided I would get it done today as its my day off. I haven't ate or drank anything between 11 and now so I will go later this morning. I am really scared again lol - It won't be as bad this time though because they are only testing glucose so they won't have to keep changing the little test tube things when taking the blood for diff tests so should be over and done with very quickly!
I have blood tests lying down, because I know i'm going to feel faint anyway.

Don't know how I ever had my belly button done without freeze stuff :D
Well I officially have two horrible holes in my arm lol - I had the same lady who did it last time and she said I looked more worried this time. Think it is because I heard people had fainted that day lol.

So she was really nice and put it in but guess what.... no blood was coming out so she had to do it again in another vein so I was scared about her doing it the once and infact she had to do it twice lol. I will ring up on Friday for the result of it...

I had my belly button pierced when I was 15 and my mum keeps saying "well you had that done which is much worse than blood tests!" lol
Oh dear lovey! Sounds like you had fun being a pin cushion! LOL

I get that quite often, them not getting any blood from me! - then when they do they take about 8 vials!

lol Well I shouldn't have been scared because it was only my glucose they were testing - the 1 before that was testing 5 diff things so more blood! I just look like a junkie now with needle marks in my arms lol
LOL Me too!

By the time mine heal up, I have to have another!

My thighs are full of holes! My fingers too!

When I once had a glucose test done - to confirm of my diabetes, they got the results within a couple of hours!
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