If you could take part in any reality / Celeb show ....

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I'm not allowed to watch Strictly Come Dancing :( Other half finds it boring. However, can't complain too much as I made him sit through two hours of Torchwood last night ;)
Can't you tape it? That's what I do. Then I fast forward all the boring bits and just concentrate on the dancing :)
Our VCR stopped working after trying to tape BB one year! Guess it was trying to tell me something....

Saving up now for a dvd recorder.
I would love to go on I'm a celebrity get me out of here.

Not sure how long id last though ;D
I'm sure a lot longer than the Appleton girl! Though saying that, she didn't do too badly for someone scared of a tree......
yeah lol, i felt so sorry for sheree murphy though whe she had to sit in that pool with aligators, and that one were peter andre had to get in that box with spiders, i would have cried :'(
I would have left the jungle as quick as! I felt so sorry for him, I coudn't have even gone near that box, let alone get in it. Did you see how much he was sweating and trembling? He may have been a bit of a prat on that show but I did feel for him....
I couldn't do I'm a celebrity in a million years. The only thing I would be ok with is the rats but everything else no way.
Apart from the fact that I have a real problem with all these creatures being used the way they are. I don't see why they should have to put up with celebritys crawling all over them.
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