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if bingly could blush he would be right now

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^^ that was for bing.

poor little thing keeps getting stuff stuck in his "you know whats" *dont know if i'll get told off for saying it*

but yeah things like grass, hay....sawdust keep having to be retrived from his "bits n pieces" now its clean once i've taken what ever object which has got stuck in his "ging gang goolie bits"

it doesnt seem to bother him too much, no "ouch thats stuck in my manly bits mum" noises i just end up spending too much time looking at my babes little "thingy"

should i be all worried?

you know what its been kinda amusing trying to think up different euphemisms for penis!
its silly Darce my long haired boy *who doesnt get bits stuck in his bits* lets me carry him around like a baby but for poor bing he might as well be in hell!

as long as he's not in pain and not gonna be ill as a result then thats ok.

also i dont really like pulling long bits of hay out of his "ging gang goolies" its a bit well gross springs to mind!
What are you lot like - I'm sure Bingly is well and truly blushing now! ;D ;D

Same happens with a couple of our boys and they aren't too keen on me "inspecting" their bits either - oh the joy of boars ;D ;D
this would have to be one of the funniest threads i have read in health 2funny 2funny 2funny not for the first time have i wished piggies could talk, would love to know what bingley would say to you 666) 666) 666) maybe the look on his face would tell you ::) ::) ::) i am sorry i know you are genuinely worried but it is funny 2funny 2funny 2funny hoping bingley gets over his embarassment and keeps his private area forgien object free. O0 sending hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
lol i would be really really worried about him except i'm kinda mad at him and thinking they should maybe live outside...mummy doesnt like being woken up by any man at 3am...especially not one demanding food!

hmmm if Darce and Bing could talk now that would be funny! i can just imagine it now "look mother i dont look at your wibbly wobbly places so f*** off looking at mine" oh and i've been his teacher so he'll be great at getting in a huff! heehee

did i totally for get that euphemism?! private area?! lol ooppss
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