I think Roo's dying =(

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Sleep tight little Roo 0:)

You did your very best, his time with you was never going to be long as he was a special needs piggie, but he was happy :smitten: :smitten:
on another guinea pig forum someone mentioned Roo could have been a lethal? is this possible? although I'm aware there is no proof so we cant be 100% sure i just wondered what the chances of me buying a lethal guinea pig from a pet shop :-\ as i actually thought lethals were rare :-\
Awwww R.I.P. Roo 0:) Lethals are white I believe and some can have problems with or no teeth amongst other problems. Maybe ask a question in the breeds thread, someone may have the appropriate knowledge. At the end of the day Roo was a piggy and your beautiful piggy and you gave so much to his life and only because of your time and love and care he had a quality of life :)
{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}
You did your best and he was comfortable and now he's passed over the bridge he's happy and waiting for you another cherub :smitten:
I just saw this post for the first time and hoped it would end with good news. I am so sorry about Roo. I cried for you and little Roo. Don't ever feel any regret over anything. You loved and took care of a guinea pig with special needs. Not everyone could do that. You should be proud of yourself. You took care of him until the end. God Bless you and God Bless little Roo. I'm sure he is so grateful to have you as his owner. All guinea pigs should be so lucky! I hope in time you feel better. I can't imagine how hard it is to lose your little friend. Rest in Peace Roo...... :'( :'( :'(
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss, I hope all is going well... I know how it feels to loose a pet as I am sure the others are as well, just be reassured that you loved him well, and did right by him, and he loved you just as much! He is now your little guardian angel guinea pig 0:) Sending you well wishes :)
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