I think Oscar has an ear infection

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Katie he will appreciate that ;D I hope he won't be on it for too much longer - the vet was a bit vague, told us to come back in a fortnight and he was to take it until then - but I'd rather he wasn't on it for that long tbh. I was going to give it until the end of the week, then that'll be just over a week, and see how he's doing - if it looks like he still needs it, then we'll keep on going.
Hi Julie, glad his ears seem much better :) just wanted to say that Ralf was on baytril for 2 weeks then septrin for 4 and was fine when he came off it. I know its not ideal but basically all I'm trying to say is sometimes it does need that long to do its job and its not that bad when they come off it O0 hope the little fella doesnt need it for too long though send him my love :smitten: xxxxx
Just an update on little O - his ears now look almost healed. After a lot of hard work and lots of discomfort for Oscar, he even seems to be chatting to Dylan again and demanding his wet food :smitten: He still has a little bit of gunk which looks like a plug in his inner ears, but seems to be feeling much better and is even letting us touch them now. We're carrying on the Baytril until the end of the week when he's back to the vet for a checkup and maybe ear drops :) It looks like he may not lose his lovely little ears after all!

I know Chrissie at Gorgeous Guineas sometimes posts on this forum so on the offchance she sees this I wanted to thank her very much indeed for her assisitance and experience and her marvellous products which seem to have done the trick. Oscar and his humans are very appreciative of your help!
Aw soo glad he's feeling better and he gets to keep his ears :smitten: such a clever boy getting all better for you! well done you did great with him xxxxxx
Thats fab news Julie! I was wondering how he was. Its great that he gets to keep his little piggy ears too! Aw! Can we have a pic of him when he is better? :smitten:
Wonderful news Julie, I'm so glad Oscar is feeling better and its great that it looks like his ears are going to be ok. Can't wait to see some photos of him.
So pleased for you all that little O is on the mend - I know it's been a challenging time for you but looks like your hard work has been rewarded. Love and hugs from us all here at LB xx
That is great news Julie, so glad he is well on the way to being all better :smitten: :smitten:
Unfortunately Oscar has taken a massive turn for the worse. His ears cleared up with lots of had work, but it looks like it had spread to his nose and lips. We've done the same as with the ears but it's just got worse, although he seemed chirpy, his appetite was back and he was chatting to Dylan most days recently. Last night he was wheeking for his food like the others. However when I came in tonight from work he was huddled in his slipper bed with a load of diarhorrea and all fluffy. I immediately gave him half a Diocalm, Buscopan and rehydration stuff and an hour or so later 0.3ml Baytril but he's listless and unresponsive. He's barely even swallowing now which is making the odd ml I'm trying to give him of water and Dioralyte extremely difficult as I'm worried it may go into his lungs. His lips suddenly look all black and scabby and his coat is layered. We just feel sick. He was on the mend and now we're afraid he's not going to make it through the night.
Oh no, how awful...I am so sorry, I will be thinking of him and you :-\
I don't think he's going to make it. He's wheezing in pain when we move him so we've put him in his cage on a towel and kissed him goodnight. :'(

Thanks for the kind words.
Sadly we lost Oscar last night at 12.45am. We were both with him. At least he died knowing he was loved. Thanks for all your support and kind words, it's always a great help. RIP Oscar little man. x
I've replied on your Rainbow thread but again wanted you both to know how sad i'm feeling for you today :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
You tried everything and it was just unfair for this to happen :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
He loved being with you :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: that's why he chose to be with you at the end as well 0:) 0:) 0:) 0:)
OMG... I've just read this (knew something had happened because of your avator)

I loved Oscar so much... cant believe it. :'( ...he was a beautiful little man.

0:) RIP Oscar sweetie
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