I think Oscar has an ear infection

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Thanks Julie but, fingers crossed, he is ok for another week. Diana trimmed his incisors this weekend but said his molars are still ok - keeping everything crossed they are beginning to slow down a bit!

Hope you get Oscar home quickly.
Thats great that he's coming home on Wednesday Julie! :) I bet he'll be one cossetted little piggy when he gets home! Thats sad about his ear, but he will still be a handsome boy! I bet he can't wait to see his mum and dad.
Thanks Katie! He'll be spoilt rotten tomorrow I tell you - parsley, sweetcorn, broccoli you name it, he's getting it!
Oh little Oscar.... i'm so so glad he'll be coming home love i know how much you've missed him :'( :'(
Awwwwww he's going to be real real special now, not that he wasn't before :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Healing wheeks for his ear and gentle kisses from me and Dukey sends lots of manly brrrrrrrrrrrr's :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Well, we've got Oscar back - his ear is horrible and the other one isn't anywhere near as bad, but isn't great :( It's obviously incredibly painful for him as he was just hunched up tilting his head slightly and keeps scratching at it, it's all cracked and bloody, and he keeps shaking his head poor little man :'( On the plus side though any fungal signs around his man bits have cleared and he's still got an appetite which is good, and he's perked up a bit after we gave him some baby nurofen. He's also starting a small course of Intrafungal as well this evening. It might be a few weeks before we see an improvement, but I'm hoping we can find him something with GG's help to help save his ear, but time will tell.
Aw, the poor little fella. I'm glad he's back home with you and the ringworm has cleared up. I bet he was pleased to see his mum! Its a good sign he's munching away. Hope he is back to normal soon! It must have been a bit of an ordeal for him, poor little sweetie.

(How much baby nurofen can you give them, for future reference?)
Hi Katie, it's 0.1 ml twice a day.

I'm at work but Julie rang me a while ago, Oscar's ears are bleeding and the fungal seems to have returned to his 'man bits' so she's taking him to our Guinea savy vet... I can't understand how it can come back despite the treatment, Vedra showed Julie his bits yesterday and they were fine but within the space of about 18 hours it's back again, it's like the treatement isn't getting the chance to do it's work :(
He only started the anti-fungal medicine yesterday, Vedra had been spraying his ears and bits with Dactarin to kill the bacteria and we continued that this morning, poor little chap hates it, but the fungal seems to have returned :'(

Glad Huxley is doing better :)
Oh no, you must be at your wits end. Maybe the fungal medecine will start working and kill off the infection and outbreaks. Poor little Oscar! Let us know how you get on, fingers crossed for him!
We're having to take him back to the vets here luckily the guinea savvy(ish) man is there who he's seeing. Oscar was scratching his ear and it was bleeding quite badly it needs some kind of safe antibac on it to stop any further infection. They couldn't see him properly until 4.20 but have taken him down so the vet can put something on his ear in the meantime as I dared not touch him, so he's down there now all on his own until later this afternoon :'(
You mean you didn't take Dylan along for company? ;)

He'll be alright sweetheart
Well just got back from the vets again.

I was horrified when he said he wanted to keep him in, put him under and do a skin scrape as he said you couldn't tell it was fungal just by looking at it - I've read many times that scrapes are not necessary unless it's an absolute last resort so I declined. I suggested the Neem products, he said it was fine to give them a go and wanted me to use them alongside Mesaleb shampoo, not the Nizarol. I also asked about the possibility of a bacterial infection starting off a fungal and he said as there was lots of pus it was very likely, so we've agreed on 0.3ml Baytril twice a day and some Metacam. He was unhappy about the use of Daktarin (as was I) and the intrafungal wasn't necessary as it works from the inside to the skin and there was no evidence of internal infection. So the long and the short of it is - conflicting advice! It's so hard to make an informed decsion about what to do but I'm inclined to try it our way and use the Neem alongside the shampoo and Baytril my vet prescribed. Martin is there now just clarifying how to use the shampoo as it says twice daily but I'm not sure if he meant a whole bath or just the affected bits, so I'll know later on.
Oh no Julie, poor little mite. Fingers crossed the baytril works. Thats so confusing though, 2 experts with totally different advice.
Will be thinking of Oscar - all our pigs send their love. :-*

Oh its so awkward isnt it!? poor little fella, i'd be inclined to do as you say to be honest. hope he's feeling better soon xxxxx
Hi Katie!

He's protesting at the Baytril - we've discovered he prefers blackcurrant juice to orange, so we put a teeny drop of that with the Baytril and it seems to be doing the trick O0 his ears don't look as nasty as they did since we stopped spraying him with Daktarin and I've been making sure he's been getting his extra Vit C, his extra pro-biotic, his Metacam, we were bathing his ears gently with cooled boiled water and the Malaseb shampoo and loads of ick came out his ears, better out than in I suppose, then dabbing his ears with GG's Lavender & Myrrh lotion... it's an endless task when they're ill isn't it! And of course the Baytril is starting to affect his appetite, so a llittle syringe feeding some Cavy Cuisine will shortly be in order too I think :-\ but on the whole, his ears look awful still and he looked like he was in a bit of pain earlier, but seems perkier and his ears definately don't look as bad as they were. His man bits have a couple of small scabs on, but hopefully will be clear soon :smitten:
Oh gosh the poor little man, and poor you too! I thought it was bad enough giving Huxley and Marble their meds and probitoics but it sounds nothing compared to Oscar's list!
I guess its good that stuff is coming out of his ears - it sounds like he is fighting it off. I will remember that trick with the baytril - maybe it will help Marble as he refused any more than a third of his dose last night and has been off his food.
I'm glad he seems perkier - I bet being back home with you and Mary has cheered him up! Fingers crossed for him!

I had to lie at work when I was late in after taking Huxley to the vets - I know what a lot of people would say, "Its just a guinea pig", but to us they are such lovely little things aren't they? There was no way I could have gone to work and left him until the evening - he is a million times more important than my job which is getting worse by the day!
:-\ poor little fella, that sounds so sore :( I'm glad there's been some improvement though Julie, its a slow tast but we get there in the end O0 stick with it and his little ears with be right as rain in no time :smitten: come on Oscar, sort your ears out for your mummy and daddy! x
Thanks Emma!

Katie, it's not that bad, we're getting nore time efficient already as we are doing it more frequently I think! So it's not too bad, but we'll be dab hands at syringe feeding between Oscar and Pepe when he was ill! Definately would recommend the little juice trick with Marble, do rabbits like sweet things?
You'll be an experienced nurse after all this Julie!
Don't think our rabbits like sweet things particularly, the vet said today to stop the oral baytril over the weekend and see how he gets on.
He's definately off his food, the only thing he willlingly eats is cabbage and I daren't give him too much as it can cause bloat :-\ He took some warmed suggy Cavy Cuisine through a syringe last night, but he's such a drama queen, he's like a little kid being force fed peas! He goes all stiff and throws his head up in the air and you can practically hear him saying No! Shan't!

The ears definately look less gunky and apart from the rough outer edges, look immesurably better on the outside! We picked up some Neem and Coconut oil and Neem cream that Chrisse at GG kindly knocked up especially for us. We tried spraying him with the oil today, he wasn't impressed.

How's Marble?
Oh dear, the little monkey! Thats great that his ears are looking better though, sounds like he is on the mend! :)
Marble scoffed a bowl of salad yesterday and the dandy leaves we've been picking for him, he also had some of his special soup (Critical care) that we put in a bowl for him. The vet said to syringe feed it to him but he has been getting so distressed that we didn't want to do it to him anymore, and as he has been eating his salad, grass and hay I think his tum is settling down. He also has fur regrowing on his paw so we think the infection is going.
He's just been running round the garden burrowing and all sorts!
Hi Katie - he's still off his food, but again, I think it's the Baytril. It's so hard making sure he gets all the pro biotic and vit c as well, I've recently been told that you can't give a pro-biotic too close to an antibiotic as they cancel each other out - makes sense when you realise - but why has a vet never told us this before!

On the plus side, his ears look much, much better. A mixture of Malaseb and Chrissie's amazing GG products seem to have cleared it up tremendously. There is still some mank in his inner ears but so, so much less than there was. He's also pretty much clear on his bits again, has been for a couple of days, so fingers crossed!
Thats great news about his ears and "delicate bits" Julie!
How much longer is he on the baytril for? Poor little fella, he's done so well!

Scruffy and Huxely said to send their sympathy re the baytril!
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