New Born Pup
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
This is exactly what I thought, but wished I had said something at the time and this is what I raised to them in my complaint how could the vet possibly have known how much Bonne received. I agree they did not investigate correctly especially as they got all our details wrong. I have added an itemised bill above and I think you and others who have been kind enough to reply are right to report it to the RVCS. I totally agree it's happened so often that the vet hasn't been familiar with guinea pigs or treated them as inferior to dogs or cats which is so wrong. Thanks so much for your reply.In human medicine you would not give another dose,if there was spilage.As you would never know how much the patient recieved.
Any morphine based drug can depress breathing,and neurological function and slow down the gut.
I'm sorry you have had to go through this.seems they have not investigated correc
tly .
I agree with others it would be good to get a itemised your concerns to the RVCS.
Just because guinea pigs are small and exotic they deserve a knowledgeable vet,or willing to admit they are not sure,but will find out.
Thank you so much. Yes it's the least they can do to be honest and I hope through this complaint it might help another guinea owner so this doesn't happen again xI hope you get a proper acknowledgment and response from them, although that’s not going to get your little soul mate back, it’s so sad x
Thank you so much. Yes, I totally agree, I don't think she knew so much about guinea pigs, but because of that I would have thought she would have made especially sure she checked the dosage properly. She may just have been another guinea pig to her but she was my little girl. Thanks so much, I will keep going until this is resolved.Last time I used buprenorphine it was given as transmucosal, I was told that the dose was much higher than what I had previously been given because it was harder for the body to absorb that way, so the fact that the injectable dose is higher than the transmucosal one should surely have been a red flag to them! Especially not to give double.. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you're able to get a satisfactory resolution with the vet
Thank you so much. Yes it was so horrible, I felt so guilty but then had to remind myself I was trying to get help for her as quickly as possible. But I won't give up with these vets until this is resolved.I hope you can get things sorted. What a sad situation to be in![]()
Thank you so much. Yes definitely, I wrote back to them today and they have asked for more time, let's see what they come back with this time. It's very poor though. That's a good idea, I will speak with my normal vet especially because they recommended this one as an out of hours vet. Thanks againI am so sorry for your loss, especially under such tragic circumstances. I agree with the others to tell them you are not satisfied with the way your complaint was dealt with. I would also let your normal vet know what happened.
Thank you so much, I really hope she didn't. Yes, I just feel that they have to acknowledge their mistake so that it doesn't happen again xI agree with the others. Unfortunately nothing will bring back your special girl but you pursuing this can give you a sliver of comfort with the knowledge that you may save a future small furry. Be assured that with an opiate in her system she won't have suffered.
I'm very sorry for your loss. Sleep tight sweet Bonne![]()
Thank you so much I really appreciate it. Still waiting for a reply unfortunately, but hopefully news soon.I am so sorry this happened.I hope you get things figured out with the vet. Praying for you
Sleep tight, Bonne![]()
Thank you for messaging. Yes that's exactly what I thought, plus there was spillage so she injected twice. I felt so bad under normal circumstances I would have said something but I was worried about Bonne and not thinking straight. I can't imagine in any situation you would inject twice as how would you know how much had been absorbed and how much spilled. Thanks again.That dose sounds huge. I’ve injected a piggy with buprenorphine and I’m pretty sure it was 0.1ml or certainly no more than 0.2ml. It was a few years ago, so can’t remember the exact dose.