I Think I Am About To Order Everything I Need


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 25, 2017
Reaction score
Kingwood, Texas
ok, hear me out so sorry for posting so much I am just hell bent on the best care for my future piggies
This is my amazon cart right now
10 pound piggie food
96 oz Timothy hay bag
2 32 oz bottles
Vital c pellet bag
2 hidey huts
2 high quality food bowls
3 bed type hidey huts
Hay bin
Big bag of bedding
30 wire squares with connectors
2x 24" by 36" cloroplast sheets
Zip ties
Anything I should add/take away?
Hey there,

Hopefully you've read the reviews on food, hay and bedding. Your list sounds good to me. I wouldn't be bothered about treats, just purchase some veggies weekly.

Then have a small medical box with stuff in like nail clippers (if you are doing them yourselves), shampoo, invermicin or xeno spot on, depending on the age and weight of your pigs of course you will either need xeno50 or xeno450.

Looks like a good list. Oh yeah and dustpan and brush and cage cleaner for pets.
what treats are you looking at buying, alot of them are essentially junk food for piggies. with a good diet of veg and hay they won't need the "Treats"

what are you using for bedding? are you considering puppy pads as well?
Hey there,

Hopefully you've read the reviews on food, hay and bedding. Your list sounds good to me. I wouldn't be bothered about treats, just purchase some veggies weekly.

Then have a small medical box with stuff in like nail clippers (if you are doing them yourselves), shampoo, invermicin or xeno spot on, depending on the age and weight of your pigs of course you will either need xeno50 or xeno450.

Looks like a good list. Oh yeah and dustpan and brush and cage cleaner for pets.
I forgot to add I included nail clippers. I'll go ahead and add some vitamins and skin care stuff too. Thanks for the advice
It's doubtful you'll need vitamins if they are young. Probably keep some Oxbow Vit C in the stores in case and some probiotic.
Look forward to seeing the new arrivals.
what treats are you looking at buying, alot of them are essentially junk food for piggies. with a good diet of veg and hay they won't need the "Treats"

what are you using for bedding? are you considering puppy pads as well?
Carefresh bedding, what purpose does puppy pads contribute ?
Carefresh bedding, what purpose does puppy pads contribute ?
If you are using care fresh you won't need puppy pads they are generally used for c&c cages, not ways, but people use them under fleece bedding.

Excellent job, it sounds like you are really getting on with the job, it's amazing how much stuff you end up having.
It looks tidier than that now.
If you are using care fresh you won't need puppy pads they are generally used for c&c cages, not ways, but people use them under fleece bedding.

Excellent job, it sounds like you are really getting on with the job, it's amazing how much stuff you end up having.
View attachment 69167
It looks tidier than that now.
Thanks. I'll probably end up getting like 2 bags of bedding because I'm making a pretty good sized c and c cage
Not very important but which Carefresh are you planning on using? Only that I've tried them all and tbh the Natural has been the best one out of them all.
It would be interesting to know the difference? Can you tell?

The Confetti stuff has been more like shredded paper when I used it, nó idea if that's still the case. The Ultra is...odd. It has this texture that's almost like cotton, but my two managed to get it everywhere and it seemed to stick to everything whilst being more expensive and less absorbant than the Natural. Plus the Natural lasts longer and doesn't start to smell as quickly in my experience.
The Confetti stuff has been more like shredded paper when I used it, nó idea if that's still the case. The Ultra is...odd. It has this texture that's almost like cotton, but my two managed to get it everywhere and it seemed to stick to everything whilst being more expensive and less absorbant than the Natural. Plus the Natural lasts longer and doesn't start to smell as quickly in my experience.
That's good to know.
That's good to know.

Plus the Ultra is white/cream so it shows every bit of poop and pee very proudly!

I would only say to definitely avoid the Confetti @PiggyProdigy, from what I've seen and read online it seems to be aimed at animals like hamsters etc that like to properly burrow and nest. Plus they never seem to do it in large enough bags for guinea pigs anyway.
Not very important but which Carefresh are you planning on using? Only that I've tried them all and tbh the Natural has been the best one out of them all.

Natural also contains little to no chemicals during is production process compared to the other types in the product line and also no scent. I know this as natural is the only option of carefresh suitable for rats due to this (I don't use it but found it an interesting fact as they have a more sensitive respiratory system than piggies).
Thanks everyone, the bedding I ha flicked out was in fact natural. I am not interested in using fleece so I won't be getting a puppy pad. Glad to see so many people willing to help :)
If you're using the Natural, then I usually get one 60l bag of that between two 2x4 (Midwest) cages easily. They currently have two bags between two cages at the minute, but that's because I'm not staying at home at the minute so I can't have more delivered - they don't need that much, but it means I can spot clean for longer without needing a full clean out. One 60l bag is definitely enough for two boars in the 8x4 space.

I know it's relatively expensive, so if you need to cut the cost slightly, that's where to do it.
Personally, I wouldn't get the vit C supplement. Your guineas should get all the vit c they need from their veggies
Looks good! Only thing I'd say is that the bendy bridge might be too small if for hamsters?

You'll have some lucky pigs to have you as their slave! :D
Thanks everyone. I added a bridge capable for the size of piggies and I'm still keeping the vitamins in case of emergancy. Consider forum thread over :) :) :) :)
Also, I have a gerbil cage set up right now and I know LOTS more about them than guinea pigs... my local petsmart and petco don't have any neither does my off brand pet store and I just can't find any anywhere.. any recommendations for the Houston area?
Not sure when you're getting your guineas - but looks like the food ships within 1-2months. U may need some food when you pick up your guineas to tide you over until the delivery arrives :)
Welcome to the forum &sorry I'm from England so can't help with finding gerbils. Do you have any rescues nearby that have any?
ok, hear me out so sorry for posting so much I am just hell bent on the best care for my future piggies
This is my amazon cart right now
10 pound piggie food
96 oz Timothy hay bag
2 32 oz bottles
Vital c pellet bag
2 hidey huts
2 high quality food bowls
3 bed type hidey huts
Hay bin
Big bag of bedding
30 wire squares with connectors
2x 24" by 36" cloroplast sheets
Zip ties
Anything I should add/take away?
I would delete:
- treats (? they are bad. You can give them fresh grass or even a tiny nibble from your apple... or something else once in a while)
- 10 pound piggie food... how much is a pound? consider that the maximum amount of pellets is 10-20 grams a day. Anyway you can put the pellets into the freezer and you will keep it fresh for years.
- vit C pellets. if you want to use a supplement, give them Cebion drops. Cheapest and for sure they have the amount of vit C declared in the box.
- bowls... I used recycled bowls but as they were going on pooping into them I removed them and now I let the food on the fleece.
Honestly I would not buy anything but the cage and the materials for building a good floor; you can use recycled objects, have some idea when you visit shops... I changed so many times the furniture into the cage... you would consider even objects which are not sold into petsores. For example, @flowerfairy bought two cute beds dolls Ikea and her piggies go and sleep below and on the top of them... I bought a breadbin:)) which is my piggies' favourite hidey.
About Timothy: also common soft hay is well appreciated and sometimes timothy is not...:D
About bedding: have you considered the fleece? it is very practical. If you want to give it a try, buy some piece of fleece fabric, wash it 2-3 times without any softener and it is ready. Underneath as an absorbent layer you can use newspapers (like me; this is totally free) or puppy pads.
Another advice: start now to search for a good exotic vet; decide by now which one will be your vet.
Welcome to the forum! Can't add to the excellent advice above apart from to say, yeah two bottles is a cool idea. Could you add your location to your profile as it helps us tailor any advice if ever needed to your geographical location

Welcome again