I rescued a little girl tonight!


Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
Yesterday a lady posted on a local selling page , a guinea pig free to good home. Dirty cage, the usual. I commented saying there is a guinea pig rescue in Ayr and if they could take her, I would transport. The lady replied "It's gone", like she was a second hand sofa! I left it at that and thought there isn't anything else I can do.

Tonight, the lady who took on the pig messaged me. She said the pig was matted, unhandled and squealing in fear. She asked if I could take her as it wasn't going to work out. So the story unravelled...

She bought a new guinea pig today after taking the free ad one. They didn't get on, she decided she didn't have space for 2 and wanted to get rid of the first one so she could go back to pets at home and buy the new piggies litter mate as they would get on....

I explained this isn't the case and she could end up in the same position, but she said she had a better feeling about it....

I did what i thought was best. I informed her about bonding, the mishaps, the fact there's no guarantees.. their needs and living arrangements... And secured a rescue space for the terrified baby she was wanting to get rid of after 24 hours. I am angry, but I am glad she contacted me after seeing my comment and didn't simply rehome her through another Facebook post.

This little girl is around 6 months old, beautiful but by God is she terrified. She submissive squeals at your presence never mind handling her. The 2nd lady cut off her matts so she is already a little more comfortable .

She's home with me, she's clean and she's fed. I'll be leaving her alone as she's just so scared but have weighed her to make sure she eats. She's in my hospital cage, just a 100 ferplast but she has clean vetbed and a big pile of excellent quality hay which is more than she had before. Luckily she appears healthy.

My little guest will stay till Sunday morning where I'll take her to the rescue in ayr where I know they will do amazing by her! She has always lived alone and I'm happy she's going to knowledgeable people who will bond her with a pal and find her a home.

Here's to new beginnings little one



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What a gorgeous piggy. Such a bad start to her life, let's hope things can only get better. Glad you were there to rescue her Adelle.
She came out for a cuddle and a weigh this morning. One squeal as I put my hand infront of her hidey then I waited a little minute before putting my hand in and lifting her- no problems as she wasn't getting chased around a cage! She enjoyed a little chin scratch and likes sniffing my hands as can smell the other piggies. She didn't eat her cucumber from last night but she's been in her hay and only lost 5g so not worried there. You forget how tame your piggies are when you seem ones this frightened!


What a very sad back story but how lucky is this girl to have escaped such a mess and to have found her way to safety and via rescue a proper decent home. She doesn’t look too bad and hopefully she will tame once she realises humans can be kind and she has a friend of her own.
You’ve done a wonderful thing @Adelle stepping in as the intermediary.
@Adelle Thank goodness that lady contacted you! She is absolutely gorgeous... So glad she has you for now and you will ensure she goes onto a happy life via the rescue x
Aww bless her. She’s beautiful and well done for giving her a loving home
Not staying sadly as I swore no more piggies through these doors and I won't change my mind as I have my hands full with old crunchie and my other 3 girls will all grow old at the same time! But temporarily it's nice to have another little piggy to look after, already getting attached but I know the rescue finding her a companion and a home is the best thing for her !
She just came out for another cuddle and is calming down alot already, very inquisitive. Think she was just so stressed by all the changes and a bad attempt at bonding in a little cage. She took a tiny bit of lettuce from my hand but she's very unsure of it and I'm certain she's not used to fresh food. I'll try her with a tiny bit of grass as don't want to upset her tum but she hasn't touched a drop from the bottle. I managed to clip all those sharp nails, sitting calmly on my lap whilst I lift each individual toe- no wrapping in blankets or restraining, the same way I do my girls and she was an absolute star and was over in less than a minute!
Well done in rescuing her Adelle! In the first pictures she looks so very sad. The last few she has brightened up no end. She will now go on to lead a happy life like all piggies should but unfortunatley some do end up being forgotten about and lonely and only being chucked food when the owners remember. It makes me so angry! :cen:
What a cutie! How can people be so cruel?
Well done for stepping in and rescuing her. I would be so attached already.xx
I love her but to be bonded properly with a friend then find a loving home via the rescue is best for her. Old crunchie has cost me nearly £2000 the past couple of months alone, her arthritis, lung and kidney disease are all age related and with her meds and laser treatment I'm around £120 A month before iv even bought hay and veg or been to the vet! My other 3 ladies will all be old at the same time (If I'm lucky to have them till 8+ like crunchie and my last sow) and the thought of all this times 3 gives me heart palpitations! No more piggies for me, need to think ahead and let my head rule!
She'll be in ayr guinea pig rescue by Sunday if you fancy a visit !
She is gorgeous and if I was closer I would defo be visiting the rescue to find Pippin a new friend but its sadly too far away.