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I need advice!!

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I'm sorry my first post is such a sombre affair

My beautiful little piggy is as of today no longer with us and I'm devastated

I need some help in understanding what happened as the vet is useless

Two weeks ago i sent him in for a castration - after researching for months i understood the procedure to be fairly routine and was advised he would be up and running within a day or so

He was very fit and extremely active - my pigs live in doors but have a massive run and loads and loads of floor time.

He came back a very different piggy and i was very concerned - so much i took him back to the vet time after time to say i was not happy

He ate little and moved so little i was concerned

Very quickly i recognised he was not eating at all and was extremely unhappy

His tummy was puffy and his eyes became sunken and weeping a light yellow - i took him back again to be told he had an eye infection which i found frustrating to say the least as he was such a healthy pig before hand - the vet again gave him vit b jab and some antibiotics and some baytril which was to be given orally twice a day.

He became so incapacitated so quickly it was heartbreaking.

I really need some help in understanding how such a healthy beautiful piggy became so ill so quickly and what could i have done better for him.


welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: am so sorry for your lost of your baby. :'( :'( :'( RIP darling run free and popcoirn in paradise 0:) 0:) 0:) i can understand your frustration with your vet we get that all the time here.
will guinea pigs they hide the fact they are sick until it is too much for them to hide it, in the wild a sick piggy will be attacked and killed by the pack to protect the herd from predators. which is why our guinea pigs hide the facft they are ill. your vet should have told you to syringe feed your piggy critical care food or mashed pellets and baby food as guinea pigs tummies are continually working and need food to do so. piggies also need water which the vet should of told you to syringe some water with vitamin C supplement in it.
i have never had boars nor get one desexed as it is not common practice here in oz, but i am guessing the stress of the surgery was too much for him and he went into shock. he may have also had an infection too for his tummy to swell up.
i would find another vet and when your heart heals get more piggies as you can never replace your baby (what was his name?) but you have much more love to give O0
take care sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* RIP angel find eternal peace and when your daddy's heart has healed stay there and comfort him and be with him in spirit. 0:) 0:) 0:) and DON'T blame yourself you did all the vet told you, the vet should have told you to syringe feed and water. guinea pigs can go down hill real fast, it is very common sadly. :'( :'( :'( thinking of you, hope when your heart heals you get more piggies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hi and welcome from us in OZ too :) :) :) :)
Oh Dan this is so sad for you all :'( :'( :'( :'(
RIP little piggy 0:) 0:) 0:) 0:) run free at the bridge, i'm sure you've found some lovely friends to play with and popcorn around the green meadows :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
(((((((((((HUGS)))))))) and piggie kisses for you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

I'm no expert but this really sounds like he'd picked up an infection :( :( :(
At this stage of the night the girls who've had more experience in this area are asleep but i'm sure they'll be able to perhaps reassure you tomorrow :)
Again i'm sorry for your loss, it's so dam frustrating when you just have this gut feeling all is not well but you get what is supposed to be an expert telling you otherwise >:( >:( >:(
You did everything you possibly could've by what you've said :smitten:
Wishing you all the best :) :) :) :)
Hi Dan
RIP to your piggie :( very sad when they pass on.

Sometimes these operations don't turn out well unfortunately. He may have picked up an infection like Glynis said, the baytril should've worked though? Was he ever given any pro biotic?

Whenever any of my small animals are operated on I get very worried if they are slow to eat or don't eat - it's a bad sign and although they may not want to eat due to feeling rubbish from the anasthetic or in pain, they do need to keep their guts moving. Bunnies get gut stasis injections after ops to get their guts moving again, and after my boar (no longer with us) was neutered he was given mushed up pellets to encourge any kind of eating, which he liked ::) ;D

Hope someone will give you a good explanation, :)
Hello Dan, I am so very sorry to hear of this tragic news. It's never easy losing a beloved pet and is harder to accept when an owner feels it really wasn't that pets time to go, which in effect prevents the grieving process or increases the pain felt by an individual.

My advise to yourself, is to change you vets and if you get another cavy - not to replace the one you have just lost, but to begin another relationship - is not to get them neutered. There're a numerous cases like yours. Additionally, the distressing concern about these cases is once a cavy has been neutered and begins to gradually become lethargic, the chances of reviving or saving that cavy are exceedingly small.

I will end by saying, feel blessed your little one didn't suffer for long. My boar unfortunately lived - if you could call it that, everyday he fought to stay alive - for sixteen months, the majority of his short life, simply due to a "routine" castration that went wrong. Your little guy knew how much you cared for him.

If you need someone to talk to about your bereavment, please visit:

Thanks to you all for your messages.

My other little piggy is missing him terribly as well :(

She is getting lots of cuddles - i think i will get another one for her to keep company with but make sure i get a girl this time

I never realised before owning piggys how much joy they can bring and I'm 30!
I am so sorry for your loss. My vet is great and I was told of the pro's/cons before my boys got done. Your poor little girl will be missing him lots, I hope she finds a friend soon, where do you stay? x
I'm sorry to hear about your little piggy - my guess would also be that he picked up an infection xx
Hi, I have found that BAYTRIL can kill piggies. My vet gave it to one of my 5 year old girls who had been in contact with pneumonia and she blew up like a puffball. I was meant to give it to her twice daily, but I stopped it when she puffed up and she went back to normal size but still wasn't right so I again gave her Baytril and she again puffed up and then died overnight. Don't know if this helps . Sorry to hear about your loss.
pinkrose if baytril killed your piggy then your piggy was allergic to it. as a lot of people on here have used baytril and had no problems with it. as for me baytril is not available in south oz so i can't say i am only gouing by what others have said. am sorry that you lost your baby girl :'( :'( :'( RIP swet darling run free and have fun in paradise 0:) 0:) 0:) find eternal peace. so much loved so sadly missed. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Pink rose i'm so sorry to hear about your little one too :'( :'( :'( :'( 0:) 0:) 0:) 0:) 0:)
I can access Baytril in OZ and my boy has been on it many times without reaction, i'm one of the lucky ones i suppose you'd say...
Welcome to the forum too :) :) :) :)
I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to your poor little piggy. I'm sure you did everything you could to make him comfortable and happy. It seems to me that he acquired an infection after he had the surgery, which would explain the puffiness and the yellow discharge. I don't think the vet realised that there was an infection and so it was left untreated. I should also point out as well that male pigs DO NOT need castration. If they are aggressive towards each other then they just don't like each other. Giving them the "snip" does not help this. I have 2 male pigs in the same pen and they get on well enough without being "snipped." Sometimes, one will mount the other but it never turns in to a fight. This is just natural dominant pig behavior.

If you wanted to have 2 males living together then choose one that is slightly older then the other, or make sure that they are directly related. As long as they cannot smell sows, and are not placed anywhere near them, they will get along just fine...
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