Black piggies
Forum Donator 2023/24
Aw Sassafras looks sleepy. Glad she's pulled through so well.
Good luck, sounds like you're very organised.
Good luck, sounds like you're very organised.
Thank you. I have some critical care and some syringes just in case.Hope the inspection goes well. Pleased Sassafras came through the op. You may need to syringe feed her a bit tonight as she will be drugged up to the eyeballs and not really feel like eating that much. Don't be surprised if you get stringy poop from her over the next couple of days. Betsy had stringy dry poop as a reaction to the anaesthetic and not eating anything during the operation.
Thank you! And yes I am much improved. Finally able to eat something besides broth and Popsicles yaaaaay!Just caught up.
I’m so pleased that the inspection went well for you.
Sorry to hear about the oral thrush - hope you’re feeling better now.
Have you ever seen The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1980s TV version)? Our hero sees some mice in a cage and wonders what experiment they are for, then he learns that it's the mice who are in charge and the humans who are part of an experiment....Do you ever catch your guinea pigs staring at you like you're a zoo exhibit? Sometimes I feel eyes on me and sure enough someone is perched there, watching. Sometimes three or four of them in a row. Makes me wonder who the pet is...
Also I saw this guinea pig meme on Reddit and I can't stop laughing at it. Probably belongs on the meme thread but I'm lazy.
My husband cuddles our two and takes them on tours of the house too.Finally got everyone's weight recorded. Took me long enough but it should be easy to make it a habit every Sunday now.
I could definitely do it quicker. I spent most of the afternoon on it because I also took the time to give each pig an extra big cuddle and carry them around the apartment a bit showing them things and talking to them. "This is the coffee pot. Here are the fish. Yes that's a good pig."
I do give out random rubs and affection all the time but this is the first time I've methodically gone through snuggled the heck out of all of them in a row. I've got a lot of guinea pig hair on me.
Also, Juniper is the Biggest Pig and she knows it.
If you like surreal you may enjoy the author Jasper Fford.Nooo I need to see that, I love surreal things.
I watched a couple of videos on how to do it and I think I've got it now! Thank you for the pointers. I do wonder if his anatomy might be slightly quirky and that's what's making it challenging.George is also coy. He won't thank me for telling you but the tip of his penis is actually hidden in the opening of his anal sack. George was neutered, but gets mild impaction so he has to be flipped over and assisted with lumps of stuck poop. When you apply a little pressure around the base of the anal opening things invert a bit and the tip should appear!
George had his only UTI when this impaction problem started and his anatomy probably explains why. I've not had too many boars so I don't know how common this arrangement is. I don't poke around his penis too much but just use a little warm water to rinse him clean when it appears. Although he doesn't get badly impacted and can still pass his waste poops easily, the bit left behind is still cleared every evening in the hopes of preventing another UTI. He pees plenty which is a blessing as he probably rinses himself clean!
It's kind of tricky to get photos of this to show you... see how you get on.
Fantastic news! The herd is safe. What an achievementOkay so I have good news finally... it's not official yet as the legal document is still being drafted, but I'm told that things appear to be going my way!
The main office lady says she read part of it and it looks like my 17 piggies are going to be approved! Conditions will most likely include an inspection a couple times a year, and an agreement not to aquire any additional piggies. (Reasonable, lol.) She says she will hand-deliver the document once it's finalized.
I'm so relieved. I'll finally be able to sleep easy at night once I've got the documents in-hand, but knowing that it's probably all going to be fine feels so great.
She said "we've definitely never done anything like this before, it's a unique situation which is why it's been a long process."
The management company is in charge of a lot of properties, so I hope this precedent can help someone else someday! Maybe it'll help someone keep their emotional support rats or something, ha.
Congratulations!It's official! I got the letter from the lawyers and the piggies are now legal citizens of this apartment! We celebrated with some carrots.