I can not believe Honkey scared my cat!

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HonkeysMummy said:
I must say, I am not a man hater and my friends are all men, some how in the past I just landed up with the duff ones and their main problem was the fact they breathed! lol xx0
PerfectPiggies said:

To be honest, in my life, ive met a lot more bitchy, nasty, manipulative females than I have males :o

I agree wholeheatedly with both these comments!
OoOoOh theres a lot of gossip going on here ;D Just read the whole thread VERY amusing and ive learnt loads :D From the guinea pig that scared the cat to marriage problems and OH ;D

I was only on about the thread when i read it ! :-\

I read about a guinea pig scarign a cat then into something else about peoples problems and past was only saying how i found it useful and amusing to read ?
I look back and just think how naive I was but do you think I could do a Jerry Springer the Movie and call it Honkeys Opera >:D
I think it's amazing you guys have any sense of humour left after what you've been through.
You sound like strong, amazing women.
((((( HUGS ))))) to you both Piglover and HonkeysMummy.
Anne. x
I'm astonished by you ladies' courage - you got away from these evil men, well done to you. I admire you. I know a woman who is 'trapped' by her abusive man, he's ground her down so much she just feels like there's nothing else for her and there's no point trying. She's such a lovely lady who has no idea just what she could be capable of but she won't even consider it. :(

You two are role models to women like these, you show it can be done. :-*
The lady you know can do it, I lost the small amount of confidence I had and have found it by the bucket loads here, the best thing anybody in that situation is to move and not tell anybody when or where you are going unless you can trust that person with your life.
I only have one friend left from back then, who has stood by me through thick and thin and I too am therefore him now as he is going through the same.
It is not just women who get mentally abused by men, women can do it too.
I can also point some women do like being victims, who will start the trouble and then play on it.
39 years of life has taught me.
You can do it - you're right! I lost confidence too, but now have confidence in a different way I now tend to be very wary of whom I trust both male and female.

As I said a lot of it was down to my naievity (sp?)
That was then, this is now and I have to say life is different, but still hard!
Yes I agree life is still difficult.

A few months ago we found out that my partners ex has been mistreating the children (only 1 is his)
we are trying to keep the kids together, so this week we are in court trying to get residential order for all 3 kids, as 2 of the kids have no idea who the fathers are.
So this Thursday it will be going through court that we will get stop overs for the kids and when we go back in December if the mother still has not changed then we will be getting all 3, we have not even met the youngest but we wish to keep the 3 girls altogether for their sake, at the moment they are not all together.
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