I can not believe Honkey scared my cat!

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Sep 16, 2007
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Corey cat is rather large, he just walked in the livingrom and saw Honkeys cage, Honkey popcorned and the cat ran.
Corey is now 10, I had him since he was 4 weeks old, the table is 4' 2" long.

I have a cat called Corey :o And my OH smokes Amber Leaf or whatever its called.....diiiiirty yukness ;D ;D

Lovely kitty :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Amber Leaf is correct lol
2 Coreys then, until now I have never heard of another cat called Corey 8)
I called him Corey Taylor, its someone from a band called Slipknot ;D

Its straaaaange, I have never heard of another corey either, or anyone else that smokes amber leaf ;D ;D
Corey was going to be called Curry, korma or Pakora, as we had a collie called Guinness as he had a black body and a white head and thought we would go for a food and drink theme but I Corey was nicer.
Do you have any pics of him as a kitten? :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

It is a lovely name :smitten: :smitten:
Sadly no pics, when I left my husband I had to do it while he was at work, so I took what I could clothes, cat, cat toys, cat food etc and my CDs and DVD player, I did not even get to take photos of me as a kid, I had sorted all the photos out into a album and put it on the shelf and I forgot to take it, I did ask the ex if I could have my photos etc and he said no.
I had some lovely photos of Corey, he used to run up my jeans and hold on at the top of the leg, while I was doing things at home. I had another photo of him in my Palm plant, where he held on like a panda climbing up a tree.
Corey has an attitude, we are waiting for him to get an ASBO, we came home one day to fiind him sat on a police motorcycle washing his paws.
We follows me to the post office and waits outside, thankfully there are no roads to cross.
HonkeysMummy said:
Sadly no pics, when I left my husband I had to do it while he was at work, so I took what I could clothes, cat, cat toys, cat food etc and my CDs and DVD player, I did not even get to take photos of me as a kid, I had sorted all the photos out into a album and put it on the shelf and I forgot to take it, I did ask the ex if I could have my photos etc and he said no.
I had some lovely photos of Corey, he used to run up my jeans and hold on at the top of the leg, while I was doing things at home. I had another photo of him in my Palm plant, where he held on like a panda climbing up a tree.
Corey has an attitude, we are waiting for him to get an ASBO, we came home one day to fiind him sat on a police motorcycle washing his paws.
We follows me to the post office and waits outside, thankfully there are no roads to cross.

Thats what I did - Packed the dog and left quick!
Awwwwwwwwww bless him! :smitten: :smitten:

and ((((((hugs)))))) to you, bloody men >:(

I would have about 15 cats if I could, I just love them so much, def one of my fav animals :smitten: :smitten:
My was the one and ONLY! never to be repeated!

We're better off with animals eh?!
Awwwww I really hope it works out for you HM.x

Why did you two leave, if you are okay to talk about it?

I keep getting all hormonal and wanting to leave andy if he wont pass me the remote control ;D ;D
PP - I lived with my husband for 7 years, then we got married, I left just over a year later - He changed completely! I was his 2nd wife, he began all this "you're my wife now....." and then the fists started to "back his mouth up", then he started to take it out on my beloved dog, enough was enough............this was 15 years ago

No pain! Blackie dog and I had 11 "very happy years" together :smitten:
1st husband stabbed me with a screw driver, tried setting me on fire, then I found he was sleeping with a relative of his!
2nd husband was drinking too much and I was embarrassed everytime we went out he started to pick fights with everyone. Went to a bike rallie he got that drunk he was nearly sick in my hair, then a few days late we were at Reading festival and he tried to pick a fight with the security guards, he was such a dumb ass.
The guy I am now with like me has had a rough childhood, has also been used, abused and wants better, we have been together 5 years and have had so much crap thrown at us that we have become so strong and no longer are neither of us door mats.
I was married to the 1st husband for 15 months and the 2nd husband lasted 22 months but we were together 5 years before we got married.
That really really scares me! The fact that you were with these guys for so long, then they just changed :o

I have been living with my OH over 3 years now, and we are expecting our first baby, he wants us to get married before the birth, its just so so scary!

Were there any 'signs' that told you things were going wrong? That they were violent?

And HM - Him sleeping with a relative - OMG! Its like something from Jeremy Kyle! (((((hugs)))) to you!

And piglover, I'm so glad you and Blackie dog got out and had many wonderful years together :smitten:
1st husband no signs until the ring was on my finger, then he became a control freak 18 years ago.
2nd husband was a show off, very extrovert but so was I, he enjoyed showing me off to his mates but he could back then 11 years ago, no other signs apart from he was very selfish, he changed just after we got married 2000 during the petrol strike and I left him in 2002.
Me my now OH, I met him on a Wednesday and moved in on the Sunday that was 5 years ago. also 2002.
Mine was always arguementative and liked a drink, but after we married he became completely dominant, almost like insecure which was strange as he "had" me then, but the arguements took a new turn with punches thrown in! I had broken teeth & noses and became scared, then when we got Blackie dog it was like he was jealous of him!?! He first started shouting at Blackie then he used to take him to work and someone told me that they had seen him being horrible to him, then I saw it and we left the next day after he'd gone to work!
But he could be really really nice, lots of people thought it was me and my fault as he was such a "nice bloke"...........
HonkeysMummy said:
1st husband no signs until the ring was on my finger, then he became a control freak 18 years ago.
piglover said:
Mine was always arguementative and liked a drink, but after we married he became completely dominant, almost like insecure which was strange as he "had" me then, but the arguements took a new turn with punches thrown in!

Woah! Not the same blokie is it! Ha ha!
Do you think, if you had never got married, it would have stayed okay?

Both of you have been through so much! You must be so so strong! :smitten:
you two have really been through it :'( it makes me realise how lucky I am I met my OH in feb bought a house in the april and married in the september , that was 15 years ago .I worship the ground he walks on ...but if you spoke to him he would say we have a love hate relationship....I love her and she hates me awww bless :D
Maybe........... I have to say I was a lot younger and very naive back then, if I was the person I am now, then, I'm sure I would have held my own a bit more, I think my naivety gave him more power, if you know what I mean, I still talk to him at Christmas (Strange) and if someone dies in our families we text each other, he went on to another relationship with an alcoholic woman and they had a baby and he got custody of the little girl! The mother must have been dreadful if they gave him custody! But seriously when I do talk to him once a year, he seems to have mellowed out a bit, perhaps the child has helped calm him and he has something that is all his - I only hope it doesn't change when she starts dating etc...............

I wouldn't say I was strong, just teflon coated!!

You'll be fine with yours - you'll see! x
No, I had had infertility treatment (reasons can not say on here) with the 1st husband and when I split up with him, I was going to have to have a few girlie ops, had them and then met #2 any way carried on with treatment, husband #2 then boyfriend encouraged me to carry on with the treatment, a year before I married him the specialist said I should have IVF, me and #2 talked about it and agreed on it, saved up and then just after we got married he said if the IVF did not work then he would have nothing to show for his money, so he went out and spent over £2,500.00 on a motorbike!
When I left husband #2 I found out by one of his family members he knew he could not have kids, as he had had mumps and he and a previous partner had both had check ups but not in the area we lived in.
I asked him if her knew he was jaffa and he said yes, I thought he had lived a lie for 7 years and knowingly allowed me to be operated on several occasions!

Yep very strong now, I do not suffer fools and I do not give trust very easily but I have a handfull of friends who I would kill for.

Glad your ok now.

As for gettting married if you do not feel ready for it wait, until you are.
OMG HM! :o :o :o :o

What a total p*ick! 666) 666)

Awwwwwwwww ((((megahugs)))))

Something like that happened with my ex, although no-where near as heartbreaking! We sold the house, and for months and months were looking for propeties, I helped him renovate, did everything I could, then as soon as the money was in his hand, he decided he wanted to go backpacking around america, and f'd off, not even a call for nearly year!!

I was only young, and sooo naive, looking back he took total advantage of me, him being a lot older, but he just left and for literally months and months cried myself to sleep worrying about what had happened...and from talking to his ex and friends, finding out new stuff hed lied about every day!

When me and andy had been living together about a year, the ex got back in touch, we met up, he was as smooth as ever, and I very very nearly left andy for him! Until I went back to visit my family and spoke to my nan about it, and she refreshed my mind of all the things he had lied to me about, all the things he did, then I had a reality check....

Andy doesnt know I considered leaving him, and I hope he never ever will :(

These days I cant hear the northern irish accent without wanting to retch ;D ;D
Reality checks are great, I do say go forwards in life and not backwards.
That what I am like with Cumbrian accents.
These experiences when I was young have left me a bit cynical about people.
I must say, I am not a man hater and my friends are all men, some how in the past I just landed up with the duff ones and their main problem was the fact they breathed! lol xx0

I hope I wont end up as one ;D Mind you, if Andy turns all strange and dominating when we get married, I will be halfway there! ;D

To be honest, in my life, ive met a lot more bitchy, nasty, manipulative females than I have males :o
I recently had a big falling out with my only female friend, we took her camping with us and a big group of friends,she got drunk, showed us up, threaten to put my OH boss on his bum, talk about sex with a complete stranger in front of my mates 2 kiddies and then when we dropper her off she blamed every thing on me and said I should be ashamed of myself for showing her up?
This has left all the lads really confused as no one including myself can work out what I am meant to have done.
I did let a guys tent down coz he was being a knob....
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