I am sure this is not the correct use of a hay manger

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Sep 16, 2007
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I am sure Honkey does not understand how a hay manger should be used!

How did he manage to get in there? Just be careful a breeder friend of mine had a baby get stuck by its back legs and broke its back from using one of those
My girls used to have three of them in the cage and they would push each other out so they could sit in them!
I used to work in a farm and the babys used to jump in and hide underneath it and i had found loads dead before some were stuck and some i just dunno i think they have removed it now :-\
at the moment he can get between the bars, I will be taking it out at night, at the moment his cage is next to the PC so I can keep a constant watch on him.
When I get to the pet shop on Friday I will be buying the other sort, so he wil no longer able to get into it.
Ahhh bless :D I paid £5 each for my tiny hay crap thingys :o
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: BLESS :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Little rascal, a cute one though.
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
I have them ones too PP and i paid £5 each for them from p@h ? :D

You can get the plastic ones that you buy with cages and they are for the outside of the cage maybe look at buying one of them as i have some and there really good but i dont no if you can buy them separate ? :-\
I HATE the plastic ones you get on p@h cages ;D I take ours off and replace them ;D
LOL well after getting the hay racks them green ones from p@h for £5 each i thought what a rip off and just stuck with the plastic ones as there soo much easier and theres no risk of any injuries too O0 They come with the cage and accessories O0 I got my cage from kennelgate and pet shops and everywhere really :D
p@h do them as ive got a few O0 then the hay is less likely to fall through
;D ;D Try p@h :D they have some green ones for sale and have bars going both ways but are a bit smaller than yours O0 Or try the plastic ones ;)
I have one of the plastic ones on Gillys cage it is on the outside and he pulls the hay in through the bars, it makes it quick to fill it up without having to wake him up. This makes it a nice surprise when he wakes up!

I have one of the green ones from p@h the boys loved it at first but then lost interest and Sunshine was using it as a seat and I thought hmmm dangerous! 98) So I gave it to the girls and they looked at me as if I was cracked so now Cuzzy has it and he likes it as long as there is plenty of hay in it.

The boys, well I just throw theirs around the cage and they prefer it that way. The girls have a huge planter (cleaned of course) in the hutch and it is filled with hay tipped on it's side. This morning it was all gone, so I was freaking over them not eating all their veggies but they ate all the hay so that's a good sign! :)

That's an excellent idea, I worry about the boys as I can't always see how much hay they have eaten although when I leave them to it they are munching away. Seems much better than a hay rack!

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