New Born Pup
At the start I would like to say that I actually don't know why I'm writing this or what I want to achieve here, probably just need to vent. Also sorry if grammar will be bad, english is not my native language.
Our kids (6 and 4 then) came up at some point of autumn in 2023 with the idea, that they would like to have some pet of their own, besides our dog Annie. Me and my wife werent initially thrilled of the idea to have another pet (had a bearded dragon Eddie that passed away of old age in 2023), because we thought Annie is enough. Our kids insisted though and we yielded.
Coincidentally our friends had baby piggies at January of 2024. We agreed that we would take two females, so they wouldnt suffer from loneliness if we only took one. At some point in February we brought two baby piggies to our home and our kids named them Lizzie (Líza) and Furry (Chloupinka). They were a bit shy at the start but got accustomed to us and they grew on us (which I'll be honest about, never thought would happen to me). I would often sit on the couch with them, chilling while Lizzie would lick my hands that were petting her (either grooming me or licking the salt from me, I'll never know). My son would draw these comic stories about hem etc..
On last sunday, our baby girl piggy Lizzie died because of my stupidity and recklessness though. We came back from our weekend trip while my mother was looking after Annie, Lizzie and Furry. It was sunny and warm sunday around 20°C so I thought, I'd take the cage outside so girls could get some fresh air. In my sheer stupidity and laziness I thought I'd make it faster if I put the piggies on my shoulders (as I have done many times before, but everytime while securing them with my hands) and took the upper part of the cage to carry it outside.
In a flick of a moment both Lizzie and Furry slipped and fell from my shoulders, I tried to slow them down by leaning backwards and offer them my thighs to land on. It slowed them down but they fell from them further down on the floor. I immediately put the cage away and took both of them in my hands to carry them, I said I'm so sorry to them many times, I went to the living room to put girls on the ground so I could carry the cage outside, but then I noticed Lizzie would just lean on her side, weakly squeeking. I thought maybe she one of her legs, immediately picking her up gently and started to check for nearest Vet that would be available on sunday (there was none in our region).
Then I felt how Lizzie's body suddenly went incredibly limpy, like ragdoll. She released one last sad, weak squeek and that was it, she was no more. We laid her on a towel on our bed (I still hoped she was maybe just unconciouss and would wake up later, sadly it didn't happen). She was becoming colder and stiffer with time.
After the incident has happened, I needed to go and tell my son (whom she "belonged" to. Furry "belongs" to my daughter) and daughter. When I told him, he seemed to handle it well, telling me not to worry, because he saw I was a wreck. But the realization and feelings hit him later that evening. He cried that he doesn't want Lizzie to die. Wanted to get rid of anything that reminded him of her on next day, all his drawings and so on.
We buried her later on that sunday next to Eddie under a nice tree in our garden. Kids made some drawings for her on stones that we put on her grave and laid pebbles on her grave.
Seeing how our son is sad and realizing that Furry is still way too young, being 1 year old, to be left alone, we got another young female piggy that our son named Aya (Ája). We are slowly trying to accustom her to our home and to Furry. They have separate cages for now, was in separate rooms on first two days, now moved next to each other in their cages and we are letting them meet up in living room while we are there in case something goes wrong. They seem to go nicely along so far.
I still feel like for ending Lizzie's being, taking Furry's sister away from her, making my son, daughter and wife sad.
After writing all that, I'm still not sure what I wanted to say or get out of me. Probably just that I'm sorry for her life being cut so short because of me and that she was the sweetest little thing. To the Lizzie: "I hope you are in better place now where nothing can hurt you no more. Sorry baby girl, you were the bestest piggy I could wish for."
Thanks to anyone reading part of this or even all down to this and sorry for probably untintelligible rambling.
Our kids (6 and 4 then) came up at some point of autumn in 2023 with the idea, that they would like to have some pet of their own, besides our dog Annie. Me and my wife werent initially thrilled of the idea to have another pet (had a bearded dragon Eddie that passed away of old age in 2023), because we thought Annie is enough. Our kids insisted though and we yielded.
Coincidentally our friends had baby piggies at January of 2024. We agreed that we would take two females, so they wouldnt suffer from loneliness if we only took one. At some point in February we brought two baby piggies to our home and our kids named them Lizzie (Líza) and Furry (Chloupinka). They were a bit shy at the start but got accustomed to us and they grew on us (which I'll be honest about, never thought would happen to me). I would often sit on the couch with them, chilling while Lizzie would lick my hands that were petting her (either grooming me or licking the salt from me, I'll never know). My son would draw these comic stories about hem etc..
On last sunday, our baby girl piggy Lizzie died because of my stupidity and recklessness though. We came back from our weekend trip while my mother was looking after Annie, Lizzie and Furry. It was sunny and warm sunday around 20°C so I thought, I'd take the cage outside so girls could get some fresh air. In my sheer stupidity and laziness I thought I'd make it faster if I put the piggies on my shoulders (as I have done many times before, but everytime while securing them with my hands) and took the upper part of the cage to carry it outside.
In a flick of a moment both Lizzie and Furry slipped and fell from my shoulders, I tried to slow them down by leaning backwards and offer them my thighs to land on. It slowed them down but they fell from them further down on the floor. I immediately put the cage away and took both of them in my hands to carry them, I said I'm so sorry to them many times, I went to the living room to put girls on the ground so I could carry the cage outside, but then I noticed Lizzie would just lean on her side, weakly squeeking. I thought maybe she one of her legs, immediately picking her up gently and started to check for nearest Vet that would be available on sunday (there was none in our region).
Then I felt how Lizzie's body suddenly went incredibly limpy, like ragdoll. She released one last sad, weak squeek and that was it, she was no more. We laid her on a towel on our bed (I still hoped she was maybe just unconciouss and would wake up later, sadly it didn't happen). She was becoming colder and stiffer with time.
After the incident has happened, I needed to go and tell my son (whom she "belonged" to. Furry "belongs" to my daughter) and daughter. When I told him, he seemed to handle it well, telling me not to worry, because he saw I was a wreck. But the realization and feelings hit him later that evening. He cried that he doesn't want Lizzie to die. Wanted to get rid of anything that reminded him of her on next day, all his drawings and so on.
We buried her later on that sunday next to Eddie under a nice tree in our garden. Kids made some drawings for her on stones that we put on her grave and laid pebbles on her grave.
Seeing how our son is sad and realizing that Furry is still way too young, being 1 year old, to be left alone, we got another young female piggy that our son named Aya (Ája). We are slowly trying to accustom her to our home and to Furry. They have separate cages for now, was in separate rooms on first two days, now moved next to each other in their cages and we are letting them meet up in living room while we are there in case something goes wrong. They seem to go nicely along so far.
I still feel like for ending Lizzie's being, taking Furry's sister away from her, making my son, daughter and wife sad.
After writing all that, I'm still not sure what I wanted to say or get out of me. Probably just that I'm sorry for her life being cut so short because of me and that she was the sweetest little thing. To the Lizzie: "I hope you are in better place now where nothing can hurt you no more. Sorry baby girl, you were the bestest piggy I could wish for."
Thanks to anyone reading part of this or even all down to this and sorry for probably untintelligible rambling.