Huxley seems poorly again

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am so glad huxley is on the improve and hoping his head tilt gets better too :smitten: was it huxley that was flirting with vet and vet nurses and then got an injection? :o :o :o and huxley is the one who falls asleep in the waiting room isn't he? :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: so glad he likes the vets. zoe doesn't mind but when she goes back into her material carrier she grabs the material in her mouth and tugs it as if it is the carrier's fault for taqking her to the vet :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending you and huxley hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-*
I was just reading your post and I'm so happy to hear that Huxley is better. He sounds like quite the charmer! Is that him in your picture? He resembles my guinea Ricky a little. (the coloring) Your stories about the vets office made me laugh! I have to tell you, I love the name Huxley! I love it so much that I told my daughter I wish I came up with that name when we got Ricky. It just sounds so cute. My daughter named Ricky after Ricky Ricardo (from "I Love Lucy). Don't know if you get the show there, but she thought we would get a "Lucy" and eventually have a cage full of "little Ricky's". That will never happen. But I would name my next guinea after yours if you didn't mind! I just wanted to post that I truly hope Huxley feels better every day and will soon be back to normal! Get well Little Huxley!
:smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Great news Katie, hope he continues to improve - keep up the good work Huxley (and of course you Katie :))
Aw thanks everyone! Annie he would be delighted if he had an American namesake! Thats not him in my avatar, thats a young Tiger, my coronet - he is very naughty.

Here's Huxley;


Mary he is the one who charms everyone on the vets, falls asleep int he waiting room and is happy as larry until he gets a jab!

Glynis he hasn't been a model patient I'm afraid - he has started fighting with the syringe so OH has to help me - he is learning tricks from Emma's Ralfie! I wish we could get flavoured baytril over here - I haven't tasted it but it smells pretty nasty.

He had his last lot of baytril today, and after sulking for a bit he came out of his hideyhole and started bombing round his cage and popcorning like he used to do before he got poorly - we were delighted! Its the first time he's done that in weeks! Also his head tilt has really improved - we think he is truly on the mend.

Thansk for all your kind words!
huxley is a real cutie and am so happy he is on the improve. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: also glad he is running around and popcorning around. :smitten: :smitten: you have done a great job with him :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and vets are such nasty creatures with those pointy things! :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: hugs and cuddles to you both :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-* GO HUXLEY YOU'RE THE MAN! O0 O0 O0
Oh boy, katiep...he is so beautiful! What a gorgous color! I would love to have a guinea with his coloring! I'm really happy to hear he is feeling better. Thanks for posting the pic! I have fallen in love with little Huxley! Good job getting better Huxley and good job to you katiep! You've done wonderful with him! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
well done Huxley :-* :-* :-* :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks guys. I have noticed a scabby patch on his nether regions today, but OH thinks it is clearing up. His head tilt has almost gone and he is back to his cheeky self - just got to keep an eye on the patch on his little danglies! Annie he is a cream/saffron piggy, according to our breeds expert Emma! I found him when I was on the way to joing a gym 98) - the gym was closed, so as I was walking back I passed a pet shop. I thought I would pop in and see what kind of food and hay they had - it was full of snakes and spiders - shudder - but I found a cage with a couple of baby pigs and a bun tucked away round a corner. I spent about 40mins just watching them and wondering what to do as Huxley was a teeny little scrap, very underweight and boney, and was huddled in a corner. The other piggy was bigger and was picking on him. I couldn't leave him - he was special - I had both pigs out and made the shop owner listen to their breathing as I thought they were both poorly. I would have taken both of them but the other one was picking on Hux so I told the guy I would take Hux and that I thought he was ill. The guy checked them both over and seemed concerned. He said he didn't want to sell him if he was poorly and would keep him in the back of the shop for a week. He was a bit better when I picked him up one week later - and since he has been with us he has come in on leaps, bounds and popcorns, but does seem to have a recurring problem with a snuffly nose which we are monitoring.
He is our little beardie weirdie and we love him!
love the picture, is is a real champ, looks like he is saying okay mum take a picture of me but your NOT taking my food! seeing as i am coming to UK to do some piggy napping will just add huxley to the list 2funny 2funny 2funny 666) 666) 666) my girls would love huxley :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: hoping he continues to improve sending :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-* and it is good to hear a good story about a petshop that cares for their pets. :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks! ;)
He seems almost back to normal but has mucky crusts on his nose and black round his mouth.. don't know what it is, hopefully it will clear up soon.
Huxley was really snuffly last night - put some Vicks on him - booked into the vets tonight with Scruffy. :(

We are wondering if it is an allergy, or his teeth..
It might be an allergy. Ginger has a snuffly most days but its not an infection so it must be from the hay. Everything 4 or 5 days I put a dab of vic on her nose and shes fine :) Hope things go ok at the vets.
oh dear - the vet gave him a jab of steroids to open up his airways and he really squealed! Poor little man. He was less snuffly - I am going to change his bed and take him off the hay tonight. If the crusts are still there next week the vet is going to send them off for analysis! :o
Poor Huxley, sorry it didn't go as hoped at the vets Katie.

Come on Huxley, your mum needs to you stop the snuffles!
poor huxley :'( :'( :'( he dozes off in waiting room chats up the nurses and vet and whamo a needle to upset him :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: hoping he gets better the poor sweet mite, get hubby to do piggy dance for him to cheer him up :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: sending him hugs and cuddles and hoping scruffy is feeling better too. thinking of you all. hugs :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
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