How Well Do You Know Guinea Pigs?

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Woop woop 18/20 go me :-) I was sure I would be so ashamed of my score I would refuse to post but yay.
I must have had some weard PG in the past as nearly all mine sleep with there eyes open, always good to learn that my baby's are weard and in the minority.
The other question I got wrong I still don't know what it means so I "Ipp dipp doo" on it and needless to say that did NOT work out well :-) good quiz.
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16, didnt know the mamal, and got clicked the wrong answer to one! silly girl lol
OMG the site is just crashing my internet constantly ... wasn't doing very well anyway! Back to piggy school for me!
wow, i was really bad at that, 14/20
fun though!
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