How to sell your house when it is owned by guinea pigs?

Good luck for later on! Fingers and paws crossed over here, you'll find something perfect.

Also I might need more sleep, I just read this as "antique cheese soft cream" and was very confused
I think this is a gender brain difference lol, I've twice asked piggy daddy for his opinion on the decorating and his response to "antique cream" walls was... "did you paint the door white?" Followed by, "have you cleaned those blue tiles by the cooker?" Lol :)
Worst bit is my brain didn't get confused because I read it wrong, my brain got confused because it was then trying to work out what sort of colour that was. Like were we talking brie, edam, cheddar? Because it definitely wouldn't be stilton.
The piggies are practicing being downsized for house viewings because the estate agent photographer comes tomorrow- the boys have briefly moved into the 3x2 "west wing" of the ladies' cage, leaving the ladies with the 8x2 space and some up close and personal neighbours!
I really thought this may not work, even as a temporary measure for a few hours, but... everypig loves this!
Theo is teaching Dante about "guarding ladies" and they are taking it in turns to nap by the cage divider (3 cable ties and 2 connectors on each join, triple lock security for Dante's teenage ginger boy bits) and various ladies keep right visiting on the other side- mostly Auntie Gladys, but also Frida, and Mummy Hilda is very pleased to sit next to her grown up baby boy and give him kisses through the bars with a piece of "modesty correx" covering his rampant manly bits :)
If anyone on the forum wants to buy a 2 bed terrace in Liverpool that smells of guinea pigs, is only a mile from an excellent vet, and can be ready furnished with about 30 surplus C&C grids and fully carpeted with spare fleecy cage liners, let me know :)
If anyone on the forum wants to buy a 2 bed terrace in Liverpool that smells of guinea pigs, is only a mile from an excellent vet, and can be ready furnished with about 30 surplus C&C grids and fully carpeted with spare fleecy cage liners, let me know :)
There's a proper place for members' ads you know 😁
If anyone on the forum wants to buy a 2 bed terrace in Liverpool that smells of guinea pigs, is only a mile from an excellent vet, and can be ready furnished with about 30 surplus C&C grids and fully carpeted with spare fleecy cage liners, let me know :)
Sounds a delightful place. It won't be buying it, sadly, after the last move I said "NEVER AGAIN!"
Well I am off the forum for a short period of time and what happens… You finish the decorating, downsize the pigs, find your dream home and get yours valued and market ready. Is it me or do things move at a galloping pace in your world? 😉
Seriously, though, I have everything crossed that it all falls into place for you x
If anyone on the forum wants to buy a 2 bed terrace in Liverpool that smells of guinea pigs, is only a mile from an excellent vet, and can be ready furnished with about 30 surplus C&C grids and fully carpeted with spare fleecy cage liners, let me know :)
I may know someone who could relieve you of grids spare fleecy liners