How to Keep Your Guinea Pigs Safe and Cool - Hot Weather Warning for the UK

Pepper, who has black fur, seems to be struggling with the heat more than Percy, who is light brown. Do you think it’s because he’s drawing the heat to him? How are all your darker piggies coping? Just a thought. 🤔
Rufus is my darkest boy and similarly I would say he’s feeling it the most. Strange as they aren’t in direct sun light, in fact their blinds have been closed with the sun deflectors behind, all week.
We just managed to drop a couple of degrees in the thunderstorm… but here comes the humidity now.. 🥵
It's actually 16 degrees and pretty chilly I've had to shut the windows Just now!
Yes it’s 17 outside here and that’s just perfect for me! Just sat out after getting pig grass for a while.
The hot weather has passed where I live (back to 20*C/68*F), and my pigs are doing good :love: When it was at the absolute hottest (reached about 30*C / 86*F), I put in a frozen waterbottle wrapped in a towel behind one of the hideys in the cage during daytime, but I did not see them using it to cool down. It was my first time trying this, as this was the first heatwave my pigs experienced. They sniffed it a tiny bit, but went to lie elsewhere in the cage to relax.
Anyone else experiencing that the pigs are not using the frozen bottle? For next heatwave, should I be worried if they dont use it, or does that mean that they are OK elsewhere in the cage and are already cool enough? Or should I try to find other ways to let them cool down if they dont like the bottle?
The cage is indoors in the coolest part of the house, in complete shade. They are both short-haired pigs ;)
I noticed that my two were laying mostly in one corner of their hutch in the hot weather. I think they had already twigged it was the coolest spot. So I put the frozen bottle there so they had to lay next to it. It worked. 😃