I was talking to one of my old school teachers the other day and found out he has a rodent and when he said he mucks it out once a week my jaw dropped cos I thought that’s gotta be well rancid living conditions,
I didn’t realise once a week was quite normal.
I muck out twice a day, it takes me 10 mins in the morning rush before work and they pee more during the day and early evening so at night I spend about 30-40 minutes pulling up newspaper and putting it down again, dunno how it takes so long.
There’s heaps of cardboard boxes with holes in in my pen now though so I have to shift them all from one side of the pen to the other along with my chair and sort through the massive hay pile weeding out any wet hay. I feel dead guilty if I leave any wee puddles cos I wouldn’t want to live with that around, I tend to also stop what I'm doing and chase after a new wee if I see it get done too.
A big wee can soak down a good 10 sheets of newspaper so if I can I like to get to them before they soak in, I chuck out a whole plastic bag of stuff twice a day and my wheelie bin is full to the top each week with it.
& I’m obsessed with collecting newspapers,
my worst nightmare would be running out.