How Did Everyone Decide What To Call Their Piggy?

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My boys were nameless for a couple of days! I just couldn't find the perfect names for them!

I knew I wanted 'paired names'. So after thinking I came up with names like Bill and Ben, Yin and Yang, Bubble and Squeak.. Ect, there were a few more.

I did originally go for Yin and Yang (as I have one black and one white piggies). But it just didn't seem too fit well!

After a couple more days and looking at their personalities, I just decided Bubble and Squeak seemed too fit them soo much better!

And since then, my boys have been Bubble and Squeak :D
The one in the middle of my siggie is Edward (after an anime character), but his brother his gone through so many names the last month and a half, and the little Aby girl I'm fostering has been here 3 weeks and still nameless! I suck lol.
Ben and Jerry (my avatar) were named after the very tasty ice-cream! Ben soon became 'Benny', as it seemed to suit him more, and Jerry's nickname is 'Belly' (hence my username!)

Frankie is all black, and for some daft reason this reminded me of the Mafia (I know, I can't explain it either!) - Frankie sounded like a Mafia sort of name! Marley was chosen after the film, 'Marley and Me' :)
Nice to see these names exactly what I called my last 2 piggies after the yummy ice cream nice one:lol!::tu::tu:
Maple and Pecan were named after a cereal from Asda... Rambo, Patch and Lucky were all named by the OH - Rambo because you can imagine her running around with a bandana and knife in her mouth, Patch because of her markings and Lucky as we couldn't leave her behind and Lucky we saw her!
Rory... Well I just loved the name xD
My daughters and I wrote a list of names we liked and when we finally found the piggies for us we shot listed the boy names, my piggie is black with white in the an Oreo biscuit so that's how he became Oreo.
Fudge is mixers of light browns and my youngest daughter short listed that name for her piggies and Pippin was named by my oldest daughters after her favourite tv program as a child.....come out side...with aunt Mabel and her very clever dog Pippin :)
All of my guinea pigs so far have had names relating to spices/nuts/condiments. First pair were Cinnamon & Nutmeg, second pair Almond & Conker and now Radish & Chutney.

Although, saying that, Radish and Chutney were named Harry and Ron (as in Harry Potter) when we got them, but after thinking for a while, and going through names that didn't seem to suit them, we went with the names they have now.
I decided my girls' names before I bought them!
But when I saw them, their names really suited them:
Lily- Gentle and sweet
Lola- Little less gentle when it comes to food! But I think Lola suits a slightly bigger piggy.
Logan and Bailey were re named by me when we adopted them just because I liked the names :) then Jackson and Brillo.

My sister named Jackson because she loved Michael Jacksons music,
Then Brillo because he's grey and wirey like a Brillo pad :)
My daughter chose Nibble and Munch for her piggies after watching them eat. At the rescue when I first saw the boys, Zebedee's "I'm rocking the electrocuted rat look" just made the name jump into my head, and then, of course, the other two of the trio had to be Dylan and Dougal - not showing my age at all, then! When Dougal gets his wife-pig (soon, we hope!) I would like her to be called Florence, although my daughter is making a play for Maggie, after Maggie McDougal in her school summer play.
My two were called bubble and squeak. But every time you said their names to them they ran and hid. :(

So I had to re name them. I started saying lots of different names and when I said Fudge, squeak ran out from hiding so he chose his name.

Bubble as was, is a white piggy now re named Alby as I liked the name and it suits him. Apparently the name Alby means white in Irish Gaelic. Both piggies seem to respond to their new names. Bye bye bubble and squeak hello Alby and Fudge. :clap:
Our Guinea Pig names are fairly unoriginal, Patch because she has patches of colour, Ruby because she has red eyes, and Minnie because when she was born she was Minnie compared to the others, also her name is very similar to one of my sons favourite cars!!
My partner wanted to call ours after the chipmunks. She could remember al alvin and Simon but couldn't remember the 3rd. I told her it was garfuncle and she found it amusing and it stuck. So now we have alvin Simon and garfuncle.
My partner wanted to call ours after the chipmunks. She could remember al alvin and Simon but couldn't remember the 3rd. I told her it was garfuncle and she found it amusing and it stuck. So now we have alvin Simon and garfuncle.
Theodore was the third :)

Garfuncle is cute. I think if I ever got a boy I would name him Wolfgang Lol.
I secretly new it was theodore but I wanted to have Simon an garfuncle or Gfunk for short;-)
All these names are lovely I chose mopsy as a kind of tribute to my daughters first rat who was called topsy she was amazing and mopsy sounds so the same but a little different.
Mine are all based on what they look like. Oreo is black and white. While trying to think of a name for Fuzzy we kept referring to her as "the fuzzy one" (she has fuzzy teddy/rex fur), and so it kind of just stuck. Pinky has pink eyes, ears, nose and paws. And Mouse looked like more like a big mouse when she was born than a guinea pig! :)
We have a Patch for the obvious reason, although my little boy originally thought John would be a good name (it really wouldn't suit him!) and we have Rosie. Rosie was named by my 5yo daughter who wanted girl guines pigs and was not impressed we ended up with 2 boys so the girl name was the compromise! She also has a toy rabbit called "Rabbit" and a kitten called "Kitten" so poor Rosie got of lightly really!
Peach has the lighter patches on her body and she's a complete sweetheart, Larkin as she's the troublemaker and Scout as she's the brave one. I had a list of over 50 names and I have no idea how I managed to whittle it down to 3!
Spud and Freckles were named by the shelter when I got them - and they really suit them! Spud is more often called "Spud-Spud" I seem to just keep calling him that and Freckles is often called Frecks, but they both suit their names - Spud looks like a potato and Freckles has a scattering of darker hairs along his back. He has a large brown patch over his eye too, so Patch would have been what I would have called him, as he acts like a dog too. :)
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