How Did Everyone Decide What To Call Their Piggy?

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Poor Bramble bear remained nameless for 48 hours upon arrival at my house.
I went through all my favourite characters for books, films, tv shows and none of them felt right.
So then I went through a bunch of other names saying them to her.
Bramble only looked up when I said Bramble which came after Rose...
Go figure. She chose it herself. :)
Aww bless my friends 3 year old son thinks every guinea pig he sees belongs to me bless him when I said what about peanut he said yes my guinea pig is a chocolate Brown with a peanut butter colour in the middle of his back so hence peanut butter peanut for short lol
My last lot of guinea pigs were called Ben and Jerry after the ice cream and I had another one called alfie hence eastenders lol
My guinea pigs all get Welsh names when they come here. I try to find names with a suitable meaning either for the looks or for the personality and usually let the rescue people choose from a short list of favourite names.

If a piggy already comes with a name it is used to, I try my best to find a similar sounding name - Mrs Taggy has been Tegyd (living with Taffy for the last three years); Nala has become Mali, Jessica Essylt, her daughter Krystal Crisiant (Crystal in Welsh); Flower became Fflur (Welsh name meaning flowers); Mallow is now Maelog and his wife Rosa was Rhosyn (rose in Welsh). Five year old Oscar was rechristenend Bryn Oscar from lack of a suitable name; he didn't listen to either, anyway!
Really is what they looked like, Sophie was beautiful and so called Sophie after Sophia Loren, she had a very feisty attitude XX .

Honey is honey coloured, Lola was named by year 11 class who gave me her as a leaving present she is so named because it stands for Love Our Lucy (me) Always. Abbie, I wanted to name Amber (colour wise again) but best mate has a daughter called Amber so I didn't feel I could use the name :).

Henry just looked like a Henry. I miss my friendly boy.
Aww they are lovely names I miss my Ben and Jerry they were brought together and got on very well Jerry I wad going to call teddy coz he had scruffy matter fur like a teddy bear but sadly Ben passed away and even though I got a new friend for Jerry. I think he was still pining for Ben the loved each other :(
Amelia Jane was named after a character in Enid Blyton books. My partner named Mooli as the vegetable as he is white. With Sophie, Shereen and Amina the names just came to me when I saw them.
What a great thread!
We wanted to name our girls after kick-ass female characters from our fave movies so we had Beatrix (Uma Thurmans character from Kill Bill) and Leeloo (Mila Jovovich's character in the fifth element). My hub even has a tattoo cartoon style of them as their characters fighting over an apple!
Now we have Dotty and she just looks like a Dotty. Small and cute and a bit dotty! Lol
GiGi previously known as Ginger when I first got him because of his fur colouring but this didn't stick with me or him so he was renamed after the ginger bread man in shrek xD If you watch the second shrek when they go to the baker to make the giant cookie man to help get in to the castle he says it with a french accent and this is actually how I say it haha It works though as everytime I say it, GiGi's head pops up to look at me like "what now woman!"
Tinsel is named Tinsel because of how he looks he has odd fur kind of like a rex but longer but not Peruvian so the name stayed as he does look like a fluffy piece of tinsel xD
And I can't forget the piggy before Tinsel that I got with GiGi, his name was scruffy, he was an Abyssinian and that's all he needed haha R.I.P. my scruffy!
Kasper is Kasper because he's white but I wanted to change the spelling.

Quinn is named after The Mighty Quinn song that came on the radio when we were bringing them home!
well for wicca i looked online at a fantsy name generator and just kept regenerating till she moved (she was still in the I'm freaked out and not moving! stage) and when i got professor turtle i asked my sisters, and one insisted she be called professor something, and then we saw her carrying her box on her back, sticking her head out the side to steal food and so called her turtle.
Mine were named Sam and Frodo as I was finally getting through the LOTR trilogy (discovered it was bearable by fast-forwarding the boring fighty bits!) whilst researching guinea pigs; I was struck by the bond between the hobbits and felt it was reminiscent of the bond between guinea pigs - it's surprising just how much they resemble their namesakes' personalities!
Peri and Tikka came to me with their names, so when I got the other two girls I followed the sauces theme :)
Kitty is the same color as our cat Stella so I call her Kitty, plus it's fun when someone comes over and I say wanna see my kitty lol. My 11 year old named her pig Nancy, where that came from I will never know lol lol, she just blurted out I AM GONNA NAME HER NANCY! I loved it. We call her Nanners most of them time though. And Kitty kidders. I don't know why it's their nicknames. We have 3 dogs names Mimi, Mama "I fostered her pregnant and whelped her pups" and we kept one of them named Chester. Then the cats are Stella and Georgie "after the nursery rhyme" sorry TMI.
Pixel and Widget were named on the car journey home - I was suggesting all sorts of nice girly names and my husband (who was pretending not to be interested, but secretly was) was rejecting them all without a moment's thought. He's a big techie so I thought I'd have to try something down that avenue and Pixel (for speckled ginger and brown piggy) and Widget (for the brown and white) just sounded right!

Thor is named after the Norse god of thunder thanks to his mighty rumbling skills (and his long silky hair, not unlike a certain highly attractive Australian actor :drool::P)!
We go for old fashioned girl's names, and just try to choose what seems to suit them. So we've had Martha, Molly, Hilary, Harriet, Milly, Daisy, Ivy and Angelina (all over Rainbow Bridge). Angelina we chose because she was mostly white, (Angelina Ballerina!) and because we needed a name that matched up to her sweet, innocent, angelic nature!

Currently we have Cupcake, who was named at the rescue, Flora and Phoebe, who we named ourselves, and then Queenie, who was also named at the rescue. I have to say, besides her name fitting in well to our old-fashioned theme, she is also a queen-sized guinea pig, so it is very appropriate! Never have we had such an enormous girl.....!
Pebbles is a Peruvian with hair like pebbles flintstone and the ginger texel in my avatar was fizz after the character on corrie.Pia fitted in with the rest and Paris looked exotic,poppy rose I just liked the name salt and pepper are white and speckly grey, pixie suited the name and Pepsi is a loon
Nearly all my pets I have ever had have already come with names so usually I just stick with those, occasionally I change the names of rescue animals because they either have a name that is one I have already used or its just a random name I really dont like :-) All rescues get their names changed for advertising for rehoming though.

Like with duplicate names our dog is called Jess but the cat we adopted was called Jess, we changed the cats name to Arya :-)
Well, Tilly came to us as a boy and we renamed "him" George. George was a he for a few weeks until we realised he was a she. We renamed her Georgia but we couldn't get used to it so my Daughter suggested Tilly which we all liked.

Hettie was Tansy at RSPCA but we chose Hettie as we thought it went well with Tilly!

Tilly's full name is Tilly Tuppence and Hettie's full name is Hettie Feather! :wub:
Ben and Jerry (my avatar) were named after the very tasty ice-cream! Ben soon became 'Benny', as it seemed to suit him more, and Jerry's nickname is 'Belly' (hence my username!)

Frankie is all black, and for some daft reason this reminded me of the Mafia (I know, I can't explain it either!) - Frankie sounded like a Mafia sort of name! Marley was chosen after the film, 'Marley and Me' :)
Our poor girls were nameless for about 3 days after we picked them up from SSPCA! They did have names at the centre, but they were really young and hadn't been at the rescue for long so we wanted to change them. We found it really hard and spent hours looking through names on the internet, but finally chose names that just suited the guineas :) Amber, because she has some ginger in her coat (almost went for Tilly for her too, love that name!), Misty because her coat is dark brown, a bit longer and has some white through it, she made me think of the rocks and mist on a mountain and Ruby (in my profile pic) because she was the bravest of the three from the start and the name suited her so much!
Most of ours already had names when they arrived but those who didn't we waited to see what suited them. I have always loved the names Amelie and Jessica so they were obvious choices when we first had to name pigs. (Millie Moo's real name is Amelie).
It didn't take too long to name ours as the kids choose their names. We have peppa, names by our 3year old after peppa pig, and then we have Peanut named by our 5year old, when we get some more it will be our turn to name them no idea though what they would be x
Katanamoom, I love the fact that yout hubby was pretending not to be interested in their names, great move by you to give them cute techie names, and Thor I think this is hilarious he's too sweet to be a rough tough Norse god :luv:
Theres some great imaginations here!

We struggled for a good few days trying different name combinations (from TV/film) but in the end none really suited them. I settled on Ted because I like the name and he looks like a teddy bear with his little brown feet, and Gizmo (avatar picture) because he does look like a little gremlin with his pink ear and fur colouring - no offence to the guy!
Wallace & Gromit - after Wallace & Gromit :lol!:

Fred & Barney from the Flintstones as Fred looks like Fred and Barney looks like Barney in our strange imagination.

Uno ... That's his name which suits him... 1 uber cute piggie.

Ouzo our neutered boar, was called Ouzo at the rescue. which started a theme for his wifepigs. Morgan after Morgan spiced rum, Tia after Tia Maria and Saffi after Bombay Sapphire gin. ;)

Toby & Hunter ... kept their names from when we adopted them..

Lisa & Ali..
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