How Can Someone Be Such An Idiot!!

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It is defiantly their guinea pig. I was thinking to catch it now with my box string vegetable trap and then when they come back I can hand it over or if they don't want it I could offer to give it a home. I just don't want it to spend ANOTHER night outside all alone in the cold
So sad poor babys fingers n toes crossed for you all x x x
Can you contact the landlord to let you go into the garden legally?
I was going to but I'm not sure how to go on about this. They came back but not for the guinea pig as they left it there. I don't want to 'take' their guinea pig. I could say my dog got into their garden though. But i already contacted my local guinea pig rescue so i'll leave it at that for now and if they are unable to help I'm going to contact the landlord.
if you've got the inner strength, you could ask the neighbors next time you see them for permission to catch him.
if you've got the inner strength, you could ask the neighbors next time you see them for permission to catch him.
Yep thats what i'm going to do :) I'm also going to ask why they left it there and din't take it with them and if they don't want it i could take her in.
Hi @Gizi, I think you are lovely for trying to help the guinea pig (and he is gorgeous, I can see by the photo) but please ask your parents to speak to the neighbours or landlord rather than go round to talk to them yourself. You don't know what kind of people they are and it is safer if your parents speak to them. If your parents want to speak to the landlord they can offer to help catch the piggy, or get permission to enter the property to help the landlord or tenants catch him. Good luck Piggy!
Hi @Gizi, I think you are lovely for trying to help the guinea pig (and he is gorgeous, I can see by the photo) but please ask your parents to speak to the neighbours or landlord rather than go round to talk to them yourself. You don't know what kind of people they are and it is safer if your parents speak to them. If your parents want to speak to the landlord they can offer to help catch the piggy, or get permission to enter the property to help the landlord or tenants catch him. Good luck Piggy!
Oh no i'm old enough. Not going to tell you my exact age though :)) Well it's now morning and the guinea pig is nowhere to be seen. It was not the pigs owners that came yesterday as i thought. It was just people wanting to look at the house. I'm hoping the pig will come out and eat some vegetables soon! It was also raining last night and since it usually comes out when it's cool in the mornings i'm scared it got taken away by a cat! I'm going on piggy watch for now. I have a box and a string with vegetables inside to lure her in. I have already contacted the guinea pig shelter.
I'm sure someone took it. Although i don't know when because i woke up at 5 30 in the morning and check straight away and last i checked last night it was dark. it could be hiding somewhere. It was really active in the afternoon so i'll have to wait until then. My other idea would be a cat :(
oh no poor piggie hopefully hes just hiding somewhere, i hope you find him and save him
I don't think anyone could have taken him. I'm so desperate to just go into the garden and look around and just get him but i unfortunately can't :no:
Heres some picture I took of her yesterday... They are very blurry though as i zoomed in.IMG_1778.webpIMG_1774.webp
i hope he is there :(
So another update. He is not there! I should have just talked to the landlord yesterday when they went to show the house. I have my hopes up he is hiding though. When it gets a little cooler and when the suns not out hopefully he will come out if he is there.
Yea I'm sure if you talk to your landlord and tell him about your guinea pig dilema he'd understand
The landlord is the one that notified us about the guinea pig. I have no idea what the number is, i'll have to ask my mom about that. I'm thinking maybe the landlord took the guinea pig as it was getting in the way when people came to have a look at the house. I ring her up now and i'll have a look in the garden.
I hope you're able to find out what happened.

She/he is a gorgeous piggie and needs a home.
Yes i do. The day i contacted my local guinea pig shelter they did not respond quick enough to help me and by the morning the piggy was gone. I really hope it is somewhere safe, possibly the landlord took it as the people who came to see the house were very interested in the guinea pig not the house. I hope it's somewhere safe! x
Ohh no. I've been watching this thread and secretly hoping that you would catch the gp and have a happy Christmas ending! You mentioned in another thread asking your mum if she could find the landlords number. I'm just thinking of maybe asking them anyway to see if they had got the gp removed? Unless it found a gap somewhere in the fencing or it may be hiding in the shed somehow. But you did your best and we are all very grateful for your kindness.
My girls are wheeking at me for their bed time veggies!
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