This is what I use, they are the shelf savers from asda £2 each I think. Hubby cut and filed the little leg thingies off them, I usually put one of their fleece blankets over it making sure I pad the top as they like too jump on top of them when their doing their nightly laps and I also make sure the inside bars are covered now as Ted chose to have a chew!
Great idea
View attachment 47871
I've spent hundreds on these things and after trying everything the top four are:
4- Large wooden house in the outside run.
3- Hay house.
2- Large box filled with Hay
Favourite by miles
1- old shoe box with entrance holes cut in two sides.
Chooooooookens! Must tag @sport_billy .
OHHHH HAHAHA. I keep saying they look just like hobbit feet.I thank you
Choooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooken legs
OHHHH HAHAHA. I keep saying they look just like hobbit feet.
She has been doing this the last two days... seems she is most comfortable laying down in her last days of pregnancyChooken is derived from Chicken Chicken Legs or Chooken legs are when piggies stick their little legs out displaying their 'drumstick'
Your piggy is a wonderful Chooken leg displayer!
She has been doing this the last two days... seems she is most comfortable laying down in her last days of pregnancy
OMG too cute! I am dying of cuteness over load since getting them!Hahaha the chooken leg talk had me smiling so hard-at orientation for my new job, looking like a crazy person