Hi. Wanna Get A Guinea Pig!

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I can see you said that you have a double hutch outside and thats the cage you are using whilst you are having the rabbit inside. ..but its still too small.

Do you get the rabbit out alot in the day/night to run around?

If it's also used to having a double hutch it will get depressed being squashed up in that cage.

We all don't doubt you look after your rabbit, he looks healthy and clean but regardless of how short he is in that cage it still needs to be bigger :)
Yeah, we don't doubt you take good care of him, is just that there are things you can do better, but just like the rest of us! Everybody makes mistakes, but there will be always people who will help us in a good way, just to make us improve.

The cage is indeed too small, for the rabbit and even for one guinea pig. Its not like they don't fit in it, they surely do, but they will not be happy, because its too small and they can't run enough in there (even if they are nearly newborns). Its like... if you lived in a really small space, like a wardrove, you fit, but you won't be happy because theres no enough space for you to feel free and do your things.
I have a big 2 story hutch outside for my rabbit, I just had to bring him inside cause it's so cold. And my dad said he is pretty such he had like 2-3 guinea pigs In that size cage together. Do you have a pic of a good size cage?
Your rabbit cant live in this cage throughout the entire winter, even if you did give him time to run around during the day.
Also, i dont really understand what you meant in the bit about what your dad said, sorry. He kept 2-3 guinea pigs in the a cage the size of the one you posted?
Hope you take on board what everyone says to give your rabbit the best quality of life :)
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Hi and welcome to the forum.
I think you really need to have a good look at all the information given.
The correct size cage for guinea pigs is crucial in order for them to live a happy, healthy life. Sadly most people assume when you say 'guinea pigs' a small cage kept in a bedroom. This is not the case at all, you kind of need like the space you have for yourself in a house, in the same context for a guinea pig. Not barely any room to twizzle around and do two steps forward, two steps back is appalling!
First of all male or female guinea pigs can both make excellent pets, the sex does not matter it depends on the piggy in question and I have 6 and I find they make wonderful pets but they do require a lot of attention and I clean mine every 3 days but I have very messy pigs plus I use fleece, the best cage type for a pig is a c and c cage and you can make it as big as you choose and you should get atleast 2 pigs because they do better with a friend or friends, as for the smell they can stink but its up to you because as long as you keep them clean and tidy they shouldent smell to bad but there will be a smell so you should atleast expect that, and that cage is way to small for guinea pigs even one, as for your bunny that cage is way to small for her/him you should get a different cage or rehome your bunny because thats not fair, my bunny is free range when I'm home and whem I'm not she lives in her 2 floor c and c cage which is giant and then in the summer she lives in her rabbit hutch which as plenty of space, think long and hard about adopting piggies because they need and deserve lots of attention so unless you can give them that theres no point in getting piggies not trying to judge or anything I was a beginner once as well and I hope you decide to get some piggies because theres lots of pigs needing loving homes but I just want you to be aware of the ins and outs of owing pigs.
Good Luck! Erin :luv::wub:
I don't think anyone blames this girl due to the fact she seems to be quite young, However her parents are adults and should not permit their child to continue get more pets when they are not properly researching the animals needs and providing appropriate living conditions before saying yes to more. To me, it is the equivalent of parent's who allow their children to get pets and then refuse them vet treatment when they fall ill.

Maybe you should discuss these things other have said with your parents and give them a look at some of the links you have been provided with, and if you need assistance along the way, we are always here to help you.
Good luck & please don't be deterred from the forum.
Your cage is way to small. Maybe perfect looking after rabbits before getting another pet. I hope we don't sound mean!
Hello, Welcome to the forum
Your cage is really to small for a rabbit, guinea pig or any smaller animal. Maybe consider getting a new bigger hutch for your rabbit or let him free range before getting guinea pigs. I really hope we don't sound rude.
Hi, if you're still around, I want you to know that we on this forum are all animal lovers and we all feel strongly about the welfare of animals. We believe your rabbit cage is too small and this has upset us so that is why there have been some strong reactions to your post. However, we are trying to help you, your parents, your rabbit, and any potential guinea pigs you might get by advising you about the best possible housing for these pets :) I would love you to get two (or more!) furry guinea pigs from a rescue and have a great time with them, but it is always important as a responsible owner to take the advice of experienced animal owners about how you can improve the welfare standards of your pets. We are only trying to help and we hope that you continue to use this forum as a way of learning. Nobody here is a perfect guinea pig owner (actually I have my suspicions about @Wiebke as she seems to know everything there is to know! ;) ). Everybody can always improve and that's why we use this forum to ask questions and learn from each other to improve the quality of like for our furry friends. I am sure you love your bunny and it does look like a lovely, sweet little thing! :) So please have a think about what the others have said so you can make it have the happiest bun life possible :) Take care and maybe ask your parents to have a look at this thread so they can take on board the comments people have made too as I guess they will be the ones financing your pets...bank of mum and dad ;) xx
Sorry but that cage is too small for guinea pigs let alone a rabbit. Rabbits should not be in cages as they need as much freedom as cats and dogs. My rabbit free ranges and I would never cage him. Guinea pigs need a minimum of 120 cm by 60 cm and at least two hours exercise time out of the cage.

I agree that cage is far to small for a rabbit let alone a guinea pig but however I dont agree that rabbits should not have a cage of some sort. I have 4 bunnies they have hutchs with large dog fence round them so they can go in and out as they please but they are technically cage as they can't run round all the garden. 1 of them use to but dug a hole into next doors garden where he could then get access to the main road so sometimes for their own safety they need to be restricted and not free range. Just my view on it
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