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Hematoma causing huge lump in guinea neck

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New Born Pup
Jul 23, 2019
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Hi. Our guinea has a huge lump ( larger than a golf ball) under his chin which is still growing. The lab results suggest that it is possibly a hematoma. Once drained it refills very quickly.The vets have no idea what to do and suggest leaving it and eventually euthanasia. He is otherwise a very happy piggy, eating well etc. I was wondering if anyone else had experience of this/ possible ideas on how to save him?
Hi and welcome

I am very sorry!

I haven't got any personal experience with a hematoma like this, so I am linking in some medically more experienced members for you.
@Jaycey @helen105281 @Abi_nurse
Sounds very odd to be a heamatoma. This basically means a blood filled lump, and often happens when something like a vessel ruptures and causes blood to fill an area. Have they suggested doing anything at all? Cold compresses may be of use to help some of the inflammation. Was the lab result conclusive or suggestive? Would be tempted to sample it again. Or at the very least drain it.

Have you considered getting a second opinion from another experienced vet?

Thanks for posting so quickly. I have been waiting on getting the labs back and am definitely going to take him somewhere else tomorrow or Thursday. I can't just leave it to grow.

The labs were not conclusive but they didn't manage to grow anything from the sample. I couldn't attach the file but here are the main findings:

Description of fluid 21ml, moderately bloodstained, watery, very cloudy, dark brown aspirate

No growth from microbiology.

Examination reveals significant numbers of rbc in the background which is pale pink. Nucleated cells include cells of peripheral blood origin as well as mononuclear/macrophage type cells. The latter sometimes contain rbc and rbc breakdown product. On one slide there is a clump of cells that appears to be enmeshed in fibrin so may reflect a clot within the fluid. In generate this clump of cells is very thick and hard to assess- I suspect this may reflect the "tissue" that you noted grossly. The direct smear made in the lab is similar to those submitted. The concentrated preparation is thicker and mostly reflects peripheral blood along with findings consistent with those already described. Occasional larger cells with a prominent perinuclear clear area are found. Could be reactive mononuclear cells even large lymphocytes. These are very low in number and only found on concentrated prep.
COMMENT: The finding are consistent with pathologic hemorrhage - hematoma for example. I cannot rule out an underlying vascular lesion or even inflammation.

Sorry for elongated post! Am just washing the lump with saline to try to keep it clean where they have aspirated. Am going to put a cold compress on it now.
Thanks for posting so quickly. I have been waiting on getting the labs back and am definitely going to take him somewhere else tomorrow or Thursday. I can't just leave it to grow.

The labs were not conclusive but they didn't manage to grow anything from the sample. I couldn't attach the file but here are the main findings:

Description of fluid 21ml, moderately bloodstained, watery, very cloudy, dark brown aspirate

No growth from microbiology.

Examination reveals significant numbers of rbc in the background which is pale pink. Nucleated cells include cells of peripheral blood origin as well as mononuclear/macrophage type cells. The latter sometimes contain rbc and rbc breakdown product. On one slide there is a clump of cells that appears to be enmeshed in fibrin so may reflect a clot within the fluid. In generate this clump of cells is very thick and hard to assess- I suspect this may reflect the "tissue" that you noted grossly. The direct smear made in the lab is similar to those submitted. The concentrated preparation is thicker and mostly reflects peripheral blood along with findings consistent with those already described. Occasional larger cells with a prominent perinuclear clear area are found. Could be reactive mononuclear cells even large lymphocytes. These are very low in number and only found on concentrated prep.
COMMENT: The finding are consistent with pathologic hemorrhage - hematoma for example. I cannot rule out an underlying vascular lesion or even inflammation.

Sorry for elongated post! Am just washing the lump with saline to try to keep it clean where they have aspirated. Am going to put a cold compress on it now.

So sorry your piggie is poorly with this. Cold compress may help - or make no difference but it's worth giving it a go. Hope you get some answers from another vet. I guess really the opinions if it really is a heamatoma would be:
- leave and see if is reduces on its own
- aspirate (suck out) the blood and place a firm but not constricting neck bandage on to see if you can stop it refilling and let it heal
- surgically explore it

It's very hard to know what is best to be honest. Is your piggie on any pain relief or antibiotics?

So sorry your piggie is poorly with this. Cold compress may help - or make no difference but it's worth giving it a go. Hope you get some answers from another vet. I guess really the opinions if it really is a heamatoma would be:
- leave and see if is reduces on its own
- aspirate (suck out) the blood and place a firm but not constricting neck bandage on to see if you can stop it refilling and let it heal
- surgically explore it

It's very hard to know what is best to be honest. Is your piggie on any pain relief or antibiotics?

Thanks so much for your advice. He doesn't seem in any pain at all and is eating well, so that's great. It's just terrible to watch this thing growing on him and I am very worried about just leaving it. He liked the cold compress though☺️

I can't find any suitable vets locally ( I've tried quite a few!) but will take him further afield to try and get him help. It is good to go with some possibilities to discuss with the vet this time though- thanks!

I'll post to let you know how it goes.

Thanks again x
Let us know how he gets on. If you want let us know where you are (if in the uk) we may be able to help.

Anti inflammatories (pain relief) may actually help bring down swelling even if you don't feel he is in pain. And antibiotics may or may not be helpful if they are worried about any infection in there.

Good luck. Keep us updated.
Thank you- that's great. I am ploughing through the internet to find a suitable vet. We live in Farnham in Surrey - any recommendations would be amazing!
Coastway in Brighton and hove - don't know them super well but have exotics vets. Exotic clinic for Pets In Brighton & Hove

Otherwise would be happy to see at the Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital in London (RVC) were we have exotics specialists. Exotics and small mammals - Exotics and Small Mammals - Specialist Services - Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital - Royal Veterinary College, RVC

However other people in the closer area may know more closer to you.

Thanks for suggesting some possibilities. Unfortunately it would take me a couple of hrs on trains and tubes to get to the Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, and I was worried about his stress levels after any treatment and then trying to get him home. I was very tempted to give it a shot though!

In the end I found a vet in Guildford who specialises in exotics...they seemed much happier with treating him but advised against surgery because of his age and because of where it is. Unfortunately still no answers. She felt there is an underlying disease causing the rupture ( the fluid is like very, very watery blood). It has been drained ( 21mls) but in about 36 hrs it's already filling quickly. He is still eating well etc but is sleeping more than usual ( but it could be just the heat!). I think all I can do is keep draining it to keep him comfortable. Am very gutted about it. Feels like I am giving up on him.

Thanks again for your support. It makes such a difference!
You certainly are not giving up on him. Sounds like your doing great with him! Sorry it's not really resolving or your able to get answers. Sounds like he is still in good spirits. The sleeping probably is the heat. Many are pancaking more lol. Don't lose hope yet, it may yet self resolve.

You certainly are not giving up on him. Sounds like your doing great with him! Sorry it's not really resolving or your able to get answers. Sounds like he is still in good spirits. The sleeping probably is the heat. Many are pancaking more lol. Don't lose hope yet, it may yet self resolve.

Thanks. Fingers crossed!
Hi! My Guinea pig has a huge hematoma on her upper back. whatever came of your guinea pig? Thanks ♡♡

It is best for you to start your own new thread for ongoing advice and support specific to your case.
The poster of this thread hasn’t been back on the forum in five years so you won’t get a reply to this specific case
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