Thanks for posting so quickly. I have been waiting on getting the labs back and am definitely going to take him somewhere else tomorrow or Thursday. I can't just leave it to grow.
The labs were not conclusive but they didn't manage to grow anything from the sample. I couldn't attach the file but here are the main findings:
Description of fluid 21ml, moderately bloodstained, watery, very cloudy, dark brown aspirate
No growth from microbiology.
Examination reveals significant numbers of rbc in the background which is pale pink. Nucleated cells include cells of peripheral blood origin as well as mononuclear/macrophage type cells. The latter sometimes contain rbc and rbc breakdown product. On one slide there is a clump of cells that appears to be enmeshed in fibrin so may reflect a clot within the fluid. In generate this clump of cells is very thick and hard to assess- I suspect this may reflect the "tissue" that you noted grossly. The direct smear made in the lab is similar to those submitted. The concentrated preparation is thicker and mostly reflects peripheral blood along with findings consistent with those already described. Occasional larger cells with a prominent perinuclear clear area are found. Could be reactive mononuclear cells even large lymphocytes. These are very low in number and only found on concentrated prep.
COMMENT: The finding are consistent with pathologic hemorrhage - hematoma for example. I cannot rule out an underlying vascular lesion or even inflammation.
Sorry for elongated post! Am just washing the lump with saline to try to keep it clean where they have aspirated. Am going to put a cold compress on it now.