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help with treatment for mites please

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my 2 have what looks like mites - i have some shampoo and a melt from gg's but its not curing it - can i give spot treatments without having to see the vet? as i cant really afford a vets visit at the moment, can i buy ivermectin/xeno online?
I think you have to get it from a vet. Maybe you could phone and explain about the mites and they might give you something you could collect?
Yep if you ring your vets and just say you need enough xeno 450 (I think it's called) for 2 piggies. You will need to weigh them tho to find out how much you need.
You wont be able to get rid of them without it I'm afraid xx
My vet recommended Xeno 45 for mites on my piggies, it's quite a bit cheaper than injections, i have 13 piggies at the moment so if they get mites it would be expensive to have them all injected. I was told one capsule on the back of the neck, and it lasts a fortnight, you may need to re-apply after two weeks, but it works beautifully and they haven't returned as yet.

Have you taken any animals to the vet before? The vet that I had before would not charge me fo r a vet visit, I would tell him what was going on, he would check it out and then just charge me for the meds.
piggy_crazy said:
My vet recommended Xeno 45 for mites on my piggies, it's quite a bit cheaper than injections, i have 13 piggies at the moment so if they get mites it would be expensive to have them all injected. I was told one capsule on the back of the neck, and it lasts a fortnight, you may need to re-apply after two weeks, but it works beautifully and they haven't returned as yet.


how much spot on you give to a piggy depends on their weight, so if the piggy is big 1 capsule wouldnt work. i know this from experience, when a bad vet gave my 1.4kg boar 1 capsule, and it didnt work, then it turned out he should have been having 2
Ivermectin of the right dose can only be prescribed by a vet so that's where you need to go. Vet costs are something to be taken into consideration before taking on an animal.
I got ivermectin spot on drops from a site called pharmQ as my piggies we're only 7 wks old i got the 0.1percent strength ( for birds) & it was 1 drop for each 60g of weight. They also :tickedoff:do a stronger strength (0.8 percent) for Guinea & bunnies hope this is of some use to you.
I agree with DSL the only thing I would use for mites is Ivermectin I was charged £24.00 for 3 injections.
Buying Ivermectin or any other meds from the internet is dangerous.You do not know if the strength and dose is right,and a lot of meds. etc on the internet are cheap because they are fake or out of date.I would rather pay vet fees than risk my piggioes lives.
misspiggy64 said:
I got ivermectin spot on drops from a site called pharmQ as my piggies we're only 7 wks old i got the 0.1percent strength ( for birds) & it was 1 drop for each 60g of weight. They also :tickedoff:do a stronger strength (0.8 percent) for Guinea & bunnies hope this is of some use to you.
I know someone that uses these and the 0.8% dosage wise etc is ok - she got it checked out by a vet. Last time I had a mites scare I got some Xeno 450, but would prob use Pharmaq in the future
I totally agree with Mary you don't know if the medication over the internet is correct, it could just be water, it could be something toxic. It's not worth the chance. :-\
you said what looks like mites ? mites cant be seen - maybe your on about lice :-\
Perhaps they meant the symptoms look like mites? If it is lice (these are small white things visible to the naked eye) then they're easily treated with lice n easy from Gorgeous Guineas.

I also wouldn't buy ivermectin online - the dosage might be right and vet approved but how do you know what you're actually getting is ivermectin? There are also sites that decant ivermectin from a big bottle into smaller ones to sell on - the shelf life of ivermectin when opened is a month so I'd be wary of that, too.
I have just returned from the vets about 3 hours ago. My rescue Dickie has mites and they could only be seen thru a microscope after some flakey skin was combed off onto a glass slide.

He is scratching and loosing fur. He has some weight loss too.

The vet didn't recommend Ivermectin because its not licenced in the UK though it has been used for many years with some success she says.

We decided on Xenex Ultra. Its dropped onto the GP and the amount of drops onto the neck and back is determined on the GP`s weight so care must be taken to weigh the GP accurately as too much can kill it. After all it is an insecticide - a poison.

Good luck and keep us informed of your progress and I will too. O0
skin scrapes (the slide thing) isnt reliable and shouldnt be used to check for mites, theyre not very reliable

i learned this from experience when my old vets used to insist on skin scrapes, and said my piggies didnt have mites, when they clearly did

imo vets should be able to tell without resorting to skin scrape. if i can tell then so should they ::)
Try buying some Tea Tree Oil from your local health food store or online. You can apply several drops and massage into skin for the initial treatment. Let soak for several hours. Then, give them a bath. Put a little shampoo and a lot of Tea Tree Oil. Clean the cage out completely and put all new bedding and clean everything before putting them back in. In the morning you should notice an immediate difference. Apply some more drops of tea tree oil and massage morning and again at night. The 3rd day, massage oil in the morning and bath again at night. Wait about 1 week and bath with tea tree oil again. Best to do this for 1 time a week for the next month. AFter this they should be clean. No toxicity worries, but they do smell a little funny for a while. This is also good because it works on mites, fungus, etc so no testing needed.
I'd be worried about using neat Tea Tree oil on a guinea pig... as far as I know you shouldn't be using it neat on a human.

I wouldn't put Xenex ultra anywhere near my guinea pigs. It's a pyrethroid based product and there are issues surrounding the safety of pyrethrins. A few studies have shown they cause neurological damage (and/or death) in rats and skin irritation in cavies. Have a search on Guinea Lynx for more information on this.

Oh and FYI, Xeno 450 (ivermectin) IS licenced for use in cavies so your vet's information is out of date.
Tea Tree Oil is used in a variety of things on humans from beauty for acne, shampoos, toothpastes, toenails, etc. Most people just don't realize they are using unless they buy it directly. I am told some people haven't had luck with it, but I don't know if they dilluted it. I only use 100%, avoid eyes, don't let them drink it (which shouldn't happen anyways).
I agree with DSL that Zeno 450 is licensed for gps.My vet who is a gp expert uses this,she rarely gives Ivermectin by inj. now.I have found Zeno 450 to very affective and easy to use.

I also agree with you that Tea Tree oil,or any oil should not be used neat or in any large quantities on gps.

I allso agree with Lez that skin scrapes are a waste of time(and money!)
This is something I'd be tempted to ask Chrissie about the safety of since aromatherapy is her speciality. Will drop her an email when I get a second.
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