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Help With Comfort Care For Very Sick Guinea Pig

Haven’t heard of this.
Might be something only in your country.
Can you describe the ingredients?
Poor girl! I am wondering if it could be a prolapse due to the chronic diarrhea. If her muscles are weakened, it's possible for some of the muscles of the rectum to begin to prolapse and thus protrude from the rectum. In her poor condition there may not be much that can be done, but a vet may be able to give her something for pain or to gently ease the inner lining back up in the rectum (don't try this yourself, obviously!)
@BonBon2010 Metacam and Baytril are very different medications, and can be used together.

Metacam is pain relief with anti-inflammatory and Baytril is an antibiotic. There are other antibiotics that can be tried if Baytril isn't working or if your pig has a poor reaction to it.
Her legs are literally at right angles to her body and I️ find her staring at the wall of cage sometimes which I️ know is a bad sign trying to prepare myself
This has to be your decision, but I wonder with the diarrhoea & infected feet. It doesn't look good below, personally i would say she has little quality of life. I know this is hard, I know you love her so much. I'd let her go. But the choice has to be yours.
This has to be your decision, but I wonder with the diarrhoea & infected feet. It doesn't look good below, personally i would say she has little quality of life. I know this is hard, I know you love her so much. I'd let her go. But the choice has to be yours.
Thank you and I am as prepared as I️ can be to let her go the problem is her feet are better as is her diarrhea since she finished the Baytril, still not forming pellets but better. She looks to me for food every time I pass the cage and as far as I can tell isn’t in pain as I haven’t heard her make that crying sound. She hasn’t lost weight but you can feel every bone it’s so hard when she’s still looking for food and today cuddled up under my chin. But I will make the decision I’m just waiting for what I hope will be the right time
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I am so glad she seems to be perking up, you are one of the most caring loving piggy slave, like I say you'll no, when it's time, maybe not now. Such a beautiful piggy! Can you let us know when you have been with her to the vet, I wonder if it's a prolapse, be interesting to see.
Thank you and I am as prepared as I️ can be to let her go the problem is her feet are better as is her diarrhea since she finished the Baytril, still not forming pellets but better. She looks to me for food every time I pass the cage and as far as I can tell isn’t in pain as I haven’t heard her make that crying sound. She hasn’t lost weight but you can feel every bone it’s so hard when she’s still looking for food and today cuddled up under my chin. But I will make the decision I’m just waiting for what I hope will be the right time

You will know when the time has come. The run up to it when you come close to the line is the most agonising time in my own experience. I am very sorry; it is usually a horrible period between bracing yourself and hoping against the odds and feeling very helpless because there is only so much you can do.
Treasure every precious moment you have with her. Enjoy the good times whenever you can! Love transcends time; you can create special memories that last a lifetime in a very short space. ;)

PS: Have you considered a course of fibreplex to help her poos? I find that pretty effective with my own piggies that have problems with an antibiotic. it is hopefully going to make her feel better in herself.
Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links
It is a very sad time for you. She will give you "the look" and you will just know she is saying goodbye.
Thank you and I am as prepared as I️ can be to let her go the problem is her feet are better as is her diarrhea since she finished the Baytril, still not forming pellets but better. She looks to me for food every time I pass the cage and as far as I can tell isn’t in pain as I haven’t heard her make that crying sound. She hasn’t lost weight but you can feel every bone it’s so hard when she’s still looking for food and today cuddled up under my chin. But I will make the decision I’m just waiting for what I hope will be the right time
Glad to hear that she has improved health wise now since the diarrhoea has cleared up. As @Wiebke suggested Fibreplex could help sort out her digestive problem at the moment. Xx
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND ADVICE. I knew last night It was almost time and that’s why i took the last Christmas pic of Cinnamon . I found her this morning seems she passed away peacefully in her sleep. My heart is broken and i will miss her everyday. She leaves a huge void in my life especially since i have nursed her back from the brink 5 or 6 times so we spent many many hours together
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND ADVICE. I knew last night It was almost time and that’s why i took the last Christmas pic of Cinnamon . I found her this morning seems she passed away peacefully in her sleep. My heart is broken and i will miss her everyday. She leaves a huge void in my life especially since i have nursed her back from the brink 5 or 6 times so we spent many many hours together
I’m so sorry that she has gone but you did your utmost to make her life better while you could. x
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT AND ADVICE. I knew last night It was almost time and that’s why i took the last Christmas pic of Cinnamon . I found her this morning seems she passed away peacefully in her sleep. My heart is broken and i will miss her everyday. She leaves a huge void in my life especially since i have nursed her back from the brink 5 or 6 times so we spent many many hours together

I am very sorry for your loss, but relieved that Cinnamon could make own way to the Rainbow Bridge in her own time.

She will always nest in your heart, your thoughts and your memory. I like to think of mine as little furry guardian angels that help me looking after my current piggies - in fact, what they have taught me informs my care and understanding now, so it is a visualisation of that legacy.

You are welcome to post a tribute to Cinnamon in our Rainbow Bridge section if or whenever it feels right for you. It is there for those who want to make use of it.
I am very sorry for your loss, but relieved that Cinnamon could make own way to the Rainbow Bridge in her own time.

She will always nest in your heart, your thoughts and your memory. I like to think of mine as little furry guardian angels that help me looking after my current piggies - in fact, what they have taught me informs my care and understanding now, so it is a visualisation of that legacy.

You are welcome to post a tribute to Cinnamon in our Rainbow Bridge section if or whenever it feels right for you. It is there for those who want to make use of it.
Thank you so much and I plan to do that when I’m up to It. Also thank you for this forum It has helped me tremendously