Help Please!


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 4, 2017
Reaction score
So I've had Keith and Steve for 3 weeks.
They've been getting on so well and are both great at being handled.
They share a cage ( it's very large) and during the day they come out into an even larger run.
Today I have been really busy ( out uniform shopping) so they haven't had as much run time.
This evening I heard loud squeaking. I look in and Keith is Humping Steve. I read this can be a sign of dominance.
Then Steve tried to bite Keith and since then they've constantly been fighting.
I feel upset like I've caused this and I don't know what to do.
I separated them for a while and as soon as they are back together they are fighting.
I don't have a lid for the run so I don't want to leave one in their overnight ( it is indoors but I'm worried about them jumping out).
I'm sat watching them and I don't know wether it's safe to leave them to go to bed or not.
I've tried putting more veg in and fresh hay.
Any ideas? It's just such a shame because for 3 weeks they were best friends.
When you say fighting, what does that mean exactly? As boys get older yes there will be dominance displays for sure and whilst to some or un-trained eye it can seem quite tough and they are fighting to others it's not.

Is there any biting going on?
Have either got any wounds?
When you say fighting, what does that mean exactly? As boys get older yes there will be dominance displays for sure and whilst to some or un-trained eye it can seem quite tough and they are fighting to others it's not.

Is there any biting going on?
Have either got any wounds?

No wounds on either of them.
Steve seems to be getting frustrated with Keith mounting him. He then chases Keith and it looks like they are nipping eachother but no wounds.
In between the "arguments" they sit next to eachother chatting away.
I've just put Steve back in his night time cage and he's very calm.
Keith is quite stinky and I gave them a little bit of watermelon for the first time today so I'm wondering if it's given him gas.
I'm going to wait another 20 mins and try them back in the same area.
The fact there are no wounds is a good sign, sometimes you have to let them sort it out themselves. My advice is not keep separating them to be honest. It can be hard watching boys sort out the boss of the two of them.

Even with males and females I find that even bonded couples can have moments, lots of rumble strutting, a bit of teeth chattering too.
don't worry about coming back and asking again. We all have different views here from our own experiences.

Thank you for your help. I think I just got a bit worried because I haven't seen them do it before. They seem to have settled right down now. Steve has gone to bed and Keith is eating hay. All is well again haha.
I'm going through similar things at the min, no mounting, but nipping and teeth chattering. For a few days I was quite anxious, but they've got better.

The advise I was given was to have 2 of everything (food bowls, hay etc)
And hideys with 2 exits

So if one is being chased he can escape.

As there is no blood just let them ride it out and sort out who is boss. I don't think separating will help as when they get out back together they will be wanting to show each other who is boss again, so it will only prolong it and maybe make it worse.

Hope they settle for you :nod: Mine are still having the odd tiff (I've had them nearly 4 weeks) but it's not as often, and I guess I now understand a bit more of what is normal. It can be very worrying to watch at first! :td:
I'm going through similar things at the min, no mounting, but nipping and teeth chattering. For a few days I was quite anxious, but they've got better.

The advice I was given was to have 2 of everything (food bowls, hay etc)
And hideys with 2 exits, so if one is being chased he can escape.

As there is no blood just let them ride it out and sort out who is boss. I don't think separating will help as when they get put back together they will be wanting to show each other who is boss again, so it will only prolong it and maybe make it worse.

Hope they settle for you :nod: Mine are still having the odd tiff (I've had them nearly 4 weeks) but it's not as often, and I guess I now understand a bit more of what is normal. It can be very worrying to watch at first! :td: