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Help please! Urgent!


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 29, 2018
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Sorry for this being my first post on here but my guinea pigs and I are in a dire situation:
My female (roughly) five month old guinea pig broke her leg sometime yesterday her leg was at an odd angle and she put her weight on the other one although I think she can still control the leg. I didn't have enough money to take her to the vet, so I made a makeshift cast out of a popsicle stick and tape and tried to put her bones back into place as best as I could although it was based solely on how 'in place' the bones felt so I think that it isnt all that likely that the bones are in the correct position. Today I took the old cast off and put a new one on her leg after trying to cool it with ice a little so that it was tighter because the old one was loose because of the swelling, now she doesn't really cry when she moves so I think it might have helped a little. At the moment I bring her kale and hay and take her out to give her water so she doesn't have to move but does anyone else know what I could do for her or tell me more about how to make sure the bones are in the right place?
I’m sorry to hear that your piggie has a broken bone, but this really does need veterinary treatment. Maybe discuss a payment plan with your vet if you can’t afford it right now.
It’s dangerous to try and do this yourself as it could re-position her leg at an incorrect angle and she will need pain relief.
I understand that you have little money and you’re doing your best to help your Sow at home, but this isn’t something a lay person can treat unaided - one way or another your girl needs to see a vet as a matter of urgency. Regardless of how well you have splinted her leg she must be in significant pain, which could and should be managed. Trying to reposition broken bones is likely to do more damage and cause more pain.

Have you talked to any local vets? They may work with you to arrange a payment plan.

Are there any rescues near you that may be able to help?

Your guinea pig needs medical attention and she needs it now.
I just checked on her and found that the cast only helps part of her leg and is still definitely floppier than her other leg. I know I need to take her to a vet badly but I really don't have money as there are financial issues going on due to school so I am looking at possible free vets or services like the rspca but all of them are out of my area so I think I would still get charged
I just checked on her and found that the cast only helps part of her leg and is still definitely floppier than her other leg. I know I need to take her to a vet badly but I really don't have money as there are financial issues going on due to school so I am looking at possible free vets or services like the rspca but all of them are out of my area so I think I would still get charged

Are there any family members that could help you? I’d definitely call around some rescues and vets to ask for their help. I understand your financial strain, but your piggie needs a vet as soon as possible no matter what the circumstance may be.
I do not have any family members that I know of that would be able to help and just the thought of looking at the bank account is scary because financial issues with schooling isn't the only financial issue I have and it is 7:09 at the moment so I'm not sure how many places would be open but I am definitely looking for anywhere I cloud give a call to
So far my best bets are Merston or victoria emergency services from blue Cross (but I am outside of their catchment area) or the Merston Hammersmith hospital which I am still out of area of
I'm sorry for your problems and clearly your pig needs veterinary help. Pigs will hide their pain as best they can. I'm sorry but the only thing you can do is somehow arrange for the funds, I don't know your personal situation when you talk about schooling...schools are free, but unless you ask your friends or relatives for their assistance you are in dire straits.

Whenever taking over the care of any animal or person you must ensure you have the funds to look after them, having a separate fund for unexpected veterinary bills for sure. I don't know your area so it's difficult for me to give you any further advice. Would you consider giving up ownership of your piggy to the RSPCA?
I agree with the above posts that unfortunately your piggy needs to see a vet ASAP. Chances are that your piggy will make a full recovery but on a vet can assure that will happen and she will be in need of some pain relief.

I once had a degu with a broken leg. There was nothing the vet could do in terms of casting but after 3 months of rest (we had to put him in a smaller cage to prevent him from jumping and climbing) and a high dose of metacam, apart from a slight limp, he made a full recovery
Because of the time I think the soonest I would be able to take her to the vet is (hopefully) tomorrow since I have found some promising free animal service places and I just took the makeshift cast off of her because I think it was too tight, do you think I should try making another one or do you think that would do more harm than good?
Because of the time I think the soonest I would be able to take her to the vet is (hopefully) tomorrow since I have found some promising free animal service places and I just took the makeshift cast off of her because I think it was too tight, do you think I should try making another one or do you think that would do more harm than good?

I would try and limit her movement as much as possible and leave her well alone until you see the vet. Messing around with her bones could make things worse plus cause unnecessary pain
Ok will do! She is with me right now, is there anything else I can do to help her at the moment?
Welcome to the forum
Sorry about your piggy’s injury.

Is there an emergency vet available tonight so you don’t have to wait until tomorrow?

Let us know how everything goes
Sorry to hear about your poor piggy. :( I can only echo the practical advice above on speaking to the vet about a payment plan. I understand it's scary and you're in difficult financial straits so it's worrisome to think about, but asking is the first step. The worst they can do say is no and you're in no different a situation to now. :) Sending you hugs!
Sadly we have contacted just about every emergency vet I could find at this time of day and all of them (consultation only) cost over a hundred pounds not covering the cost of further treatments and that is something I wouldn't be able to spent if it were for my own life as for keeping her warm and comfortable I have put a medium bean bag on the floor she sleeps on and there is always a house that keeps her warm
Will keep you updated tomorrow! At the moment she is eating OK but I have to bring her food and she can't drink water without help so I am planning to give her critical care before bed and will try to think of a way to give her easy access to water as she was really thirsty this morning, any suggestions would be very welcome
I thought about that too but I'm a bit worried she might fall in and not be able to get out or not be able to drink at all due to the hight of the bowl, she hasn't been able to eat out of her normal guinea pig sized food bowl either and that may just be the smallest bowl I have
I hope you manage to find a vet that will see you, pain relief is the most important thing she needs. I know there are rescues in London that could potentially help if needed.