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help PLEASE. Baby guinea having seizures?

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Hi All
I am hand rearing 5 orphans as their Mum didnt make it through an emergency caesarian last saturday. Babies have all been OK apart from..... on Wednesday one of the orphans was standing in a corner of the cage with its head 'up' higher and higher til it fell backwards, it then ran around in circles seeming as it wanted to climb the walls. Its back legs were very weak. I rushed it to the vet as soon as the vet was open ( 2 hours later) and the Vet said she could find nothing wrong. The orphan looked right as rain by this time. This Orphan yesterday afternoon had week back legs on waking but was soon Ok again.
Now this morning at the 7am feed another orphan is doing the same thing! Looks kind of hyperactive , running , throwing itself at the bars and into the corners and again looks like it is climbing up - back legs are weak.. I have held it for the last hour and a half to try and calm it, its grinding its teeth, calm one minute then back goes the head !
Could these younguns have brain damage ? Or epilepsy?
The youngun is now back in the cage and trying to be beside its siblings but then has these episodes of being unable to stand still. Head turns to the side and goes backwards? Clearlt it hasnt had a feed since 3am. The other recovered after two hours. The Vet is only open for emergencies today (£70 a visit) and last weekend we spent almost £180 with the mum and babies so and reluctant to head straight there at the moment, especially as one did recover.
Any advice welcome
Sorry to hear this Phil - after all you've been through over the last week!

I wondered the same as Ron - are they trying to popcorn - you know when they do a happy jump like popcorn in a pan? But perhaps are still too weak to do it. My babies were like this, they were skinny babies but still trying to run and jump after a few days and failing - they fell over too.

If it's not that then it sounds like maybe it could be neurological - but I would have thought it would be apparent from day 1 if they had brain damage? I don't know much about it though. If MaryH is on here she is very good at medical stuff.

Are they all eating ok now?

it certainly sounds neurological But it may be something that may go away as they get older maybe with all the stress of birth and being hand reared (You are doing a FAB job keeping them going thou!) maybe keep an eye on them and get to vets Monday especially if they ae 'recovering' and contact vets if it appears to be getting worse
Perhaps it is a case of trying to run before they can walk. You know like they want to do more but they are weak. How are their weights?
:'( :'( :'(
The little has just died. I am gutted. So much hard work this last 7 days to keep them all going. I didn't expect one to die after a week. Heartbreaking.

Oh Phil I'm so so sorry to hear this, after all you've done over the last week. You couldn't have done any more than you have been - some of them are just born not right and this little one might not have made it even if the mum had survived. All you can do is concentrate on the others and hope they pull through. Is there no chance of them going in with your other new mum for some support?

sending hugs

These guys are certainly going through it at the moment! and So must you Phil?
Sending {{{HUGS}}} and healing vibes for the othe piglets
Ron x
So sorry to hear that after you've been so dedicated. All the best with the other minis.

So sorry to hear this Phil
You are doing a great job and everything you can for your little ones.
Bug hugs
Hi Phil i'm so so sorry to hear about your little mini going to the bridge so early :'( :'( :'( :'(
OMG you've done everything you must be so tired and frustrated trying to work out what to do :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\
Keep up the great work we'll all be crossing our paws for you and the little mini's that are still battling O0 :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Why do these things always happen on a weekend :( :( :( :(
(((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) from us all in OZ to you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

RIP Mini 0:) 0:) 0:) run free at the bridge by now i'm sure you've found your mummy and the two of you are playing and eating together :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
hello phil,
am sorry for your lost of your little baby, may your baby run free and popcorn in paradise and find eternal peace with mummy. 0:) 0:) 0:) perhaps try guinea lynx or the peter gurney website and see if they have any information for you. you are doing a wonderful job and should be so proud of yourself! sending hugs :smitten: :smitten:
:smitten: and the girls send :-* :-* :-* and welcome to the forums from me and the girls from oz. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: RIP sweet little angel, another bright star in the sky. 0:) 0:) 0:)
Very very sorry to hear this. RIP Mini. Sometimes these things happen with Minis, but you're doing a really good job so keep going with the others. Thinking of you x
aww very sad after reading that! hope that all is ok with all the other babies... you did all that you could! lots of hugs! :smitten:
just wondering how your other babies are going? hoping they are going well. sending hugs from us in oz :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* you are doing a wonderful job and hoping when you have time you can keep us posted. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thank you all for all of your kind words of support. I can't thank you enough. The other four little ones are doing well and on the 'weaning' road, after consultation with the Vet following the death of the little one we felt it best to wean the babies off the puppy milk sooner rather than later. All responding well and I have now STOPPED the 2am feed - doing me the power of good ;D
Must try and post pics soon. Our other sow delivered on Saturday (what is is about saturdays here !) 5 babies, two stillborn and a little one that wasn't well but that one is now well.
Must go as need to do an 830pm feed lololol
that is wonderful news :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: bet you'll still wake up at 2.00am until your body readjusts again. :tickedoff: think you have done a wonderful job and should be proud of yourself O0 O0 O0 sending hugs and prayers for your little babies. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Hi Phil

I had a very similar experience to you....one of my sows gave birth to 7 live piglets. It was her first litter too and I knew straight away that she was going to struggle to feed them all so after about 6 hours I started to help her with feeding. It quickly emerged that there was 4 strong babies and 3 weaker ones. 2 of the weaker ones sadly didn't make it after about 4 days. The remaining weak one I separated (it wasn't getting a look in with the mum and the stronger ones started picking on him) and continued to hand rear him. He was very weak on his back legs and kept having the 'fits' that you have described, with the head tilting and throwing the head back and throwing himself around. I thought I was going to lose him too, but fortunately he pulled through. He is now 1 year old and he is my special little pig...the fits when he was a baby have left some long lasting damage, he still has the head tilt and throws his head around and is quite wobbly when he walks, and he is never going to get as big as a normal male, but he is a happy little chappie and is housed with two other 'normal' males who he bosses around. I had him checked out by the vet when he was a couple of months old and she said that the fits are caused by oxygen deprivation to the brain and results in brain damage and that he will never get any better. For a few moments I considered having him pts if he was never going to get any better, but apart from his wobbleyness he behaves like a normal guinea pig and he is not in any pain or suffering at all. So although I've got 6 other piggies, Basil will always have a special place in my heart.
I was sorry to hear that you lost your little piglet, but you are doing a fantastic job with the others...I know its not easy getting up in the night to feed them but its definitely worth it! How are all the others doing?


ps sorry for the really long post!
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