Help Needed Indoors?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 12, 2017
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Hi I want to ask if anyone can help me I would like to house my two male piggies inside in my room. I have asked my parents about but they said no because they "will smell and their meant to be outside. I want to know if this is true so I can change my parents minds? Please help thank you so much Misty
I find some bedding can smell quicker, but can be not smelly at all provided it it set up right. What bedding are you using?
I have just bought back 2 nature bedding and found that after 5 days of no cleaning except where they had weed and poops it doesn't smell. A lot of people on here use fleece bedding and say that doesn't smell either, I think as long as you clean them out regularly and choose the right bedding for you they shouldn't smell.
My piggies never smell and I have 4 indoors. Also they're not "meant to be outside" it's where we force them to be all year round lol.

Where are you from? I'm from the UK and winters get far too cold for them to be outside imo. Considering they're from South America our climate is just not good enough for them to thrive, survive maybe but not thrive. Not to mention wild animals.

It's no longer acceptable to lock dogs and cats outside 24/7 so hopefully one day it won't for piggies either :)
My boar Mo is kept in my bedroom. He is housed on fleece which I wash every 3 or 4 days (3 ifor it's extra messy) but I have 5 fleeces and I wash them together once there is only 1 left. I spot clean his cage in the morning and night. I shake of any poos or hay and then take a layer of newspaper off which I use as my absorbent layer underneath the fleece. I put in new newspaper every 3 days. Occasionally I might get the whiff of his natural boar stench lol but other then that my room smells fresh- infact it's the nicest smelling room of the house! When I fill his hay rack up all I can smell is that anyway and it's a pleasure to hear him active at night and have him run around my floor.
I used to have a trio of guinea pigs in my bedroom. Two sows and a neutered boar. No smell at all that I noticed.

But it isnt you that needs convincing. Mabe show this thread to your parents ...
I keep my guinea pigs in my bedroom and they don't smell ! But I'm always cleaning them ! If that helps you
Thank you so much I will show this to my parents and maybe they might change their minds.
And Jesse's pigs I might try your way of bedding them with the newspaper and fleece.
Oh and I live in the UK

Hello and welcome to the forum. Please could you add your rough location to your profile (county would do) . It just helps us if you ask for help with vets or recommendations for anything where we need some geographical information. Thanks.
Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
I so agree with you Cavy, my piggies are indoors. I think you build a stronger bond. As I go pass I stroke them or talk to them.

I always sit on the floor next to their cages in the living room, and we're always chatting back and forth, heh. Even if it's just asking B what he's wheeking at, again. Now they come over for their first bit of food at dinner time, or if they think I have treats, and occasionally they'll even come over to say hello. It's made them a lot calmer about eating and drinking etc with me nearby, B especially. He's taken to eating his dinner out in the open now rather than in a carrot cottage, which even 2 months ago would have been barely possible. Having that constant activity and movement nearby just isn't as doable outside, especially when you consider the weather, or foxes, cats etc.
Yes I didn't like the idea of them being outside because in the past we have had 4 chickens die of a stoat killing them.:bye:
Yes it's a lot easier to bond and keep a look out for illness @Tiamolly123 and it's lovely to be greeted by them every day!

Hope it helps @Misty you sound like a very caring piggy parent! :)
That's certainly enough time for them to popcorn into your heart!

Also feel free to post pictures of them, probably 60-70% of the posts on here are pics of our piggy bosses! :)
I would think about an alternative to your bedroom. I know many people prefer indoors but you might find they are too noisy to be in there at night. My boys had a "sleepover" at one point due to renovations in their outdoor cage. They were a nightmare! They have a tendency it seems to run around and yank the tip of the bottle noisily against the bars when I was asleep. Just make sure you have an alternative room to have them in, all piggies are different so yours might be quieter, but even as a heavy sleeper it was too much to bare!
Love your avatar!

You get used to smells, you must have seen the advert for Febreeze about going nose blind?! So my piggies are in the front room, I would categorically say they don't usually smell. Apart from I am obsessed about the fact that I might have gone nose blind to them, so anyone that comes in the house is interrogated about the smell. I am reassured they really don't!
Haha I think piggies do smell indoors but only in the same way as having a hamster or a cat or a dog really. All animals have an odour of some sort and I got used to them being outside so when I moved Daisy indoors and got her a friend I really noticed the difference, especially when I got home from work at the end of the day and they hadn't been cleaned for 24 hours. It's not awful but when you aren't used to it it can be a bit invading to begin with.
I had three girls in my room for a couple of nights, never again! :)) They were very cute but kept me awake all night :doh:

Is there an alternative room you can keep them in, like a spare bedroom?
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