Help my male pig isnt eating and i dont see any poop in his pen


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 5, 2022
Reaction score
Roseburg, Oregon
My little peewee acts lethargic and he doesn't really eat also i dont see any new poops in his pen i will take a picture of his bottom to get advice on if its impaction or not. 16461853143971672964599416379078.webp
I have no idea if this is impaction or not. I have posted several links to help you on the other thread you started. I hope it works out for you guys, I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be able to help you soon, please start syringe feeding as soon as you can, it really is important.
Gi issues caught early can be fixed, get to vet ASAP, exotic the best! a I lost one , put on critical care but prob too late, stopped eating and they can go down fast. Prayers for your precious pet.
Please urgently syringe feed him a fibre rich recovery feed or mushed up pellets, and please see a vet.

You also need to switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh him daily so you can ensure you get enough syringe feed into him.

If a piggy is not pooping at all, then it’s because they have not been eating enough for a couple of days. Poop output is 1-2 days behind food intake and this is why poop is not as reliable an indicator of food intake and daily weight checks are more reliable.
The picture does not appear to show any impaction

The guides below detail the emergency care you need to take, the importance of syringe feeding and a guide with a section on GI stasis

I hope he is ok

Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Digestive Disorders: Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement) And Not Eating
I have no idea if this is impaction or not. I have posted several links to help you on the other thread you started. I hope it works out for you guys, I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be able to help you soon, please start syringe feeding as soon as you can, it really is important.
Hi thank you what do i syringe feed him i hear its there own poop?
If you see the links @Piggies&buns has posted that should help. You can buy a feed specifically for it, or in an emergency their pellets you feed them, mushed up with water will do. Those links are super useful and easy for you to follow.

However if you haven't syringe fed in all this time, I fear you may be too late! How is he?
You must start syringe feeding ASAP when you notice your piggy lose its apetite. Are there no emergency vets open?
Hi thank you what do i syringe feed him i hear its there own poop?

No, it’s not their own poop. You need to use a recovery feed such as Oxbow Critical Care or Emeraid. In the absence of these, mush his normal pellets with water to form a paste and syringe that to him. You will need feed every two hours to keep his gut functioning if he isn’t eating any hay for himself.
You will need to weigh him daily so you can monitor that he is getting enough feed in each 24 hour period - if he loses weight daily, then he needs to be fed more. (You should routinely weigh them weekly but switch to weighing them daily if you hafe any health concerns or notice any weight loss more than 50g - Weight - Monitoring and Management)

He must also see a vet urgently for a diagnosis of his illness and treatment, gut stimulants, painkillers etc.

It’s urgent that you do this right now. A piggy who isn’t eating anything and isn’t pooping means his gut is shutting down - this is an urgent situation which requires immediate vet care. By the time you notice there isn’t any poops/less poops being produced, then they already haven’t been eating properly for a few days as output is 1-2 days behind food intake

Giving them poop soup - the very fresh poops from their healthy cage companion (never use a poorly piggies own poops) can be soaked in water and then some of the water given to a poorly piggy - acts as a probiotic to boost their gut micro biome. This is not the syringe feeding to keep a poorly piggy alive

Probiotics, Recovery Foods And Vitamin C: Overview With Product Links
Good luck. I really hope you can keep the guts moving until you can get to the vets to see what the problem is. 🤞
How much 100 cc syringes should i feed him. The vets all filled up till tomorrow. He did eat some celery leaves last night.
Ideally you need to get 1 ml syringes off your vet or chemist. Your syringe sounds quite large. You new syringe feed around 10 mls every 2-3 hours. So your 100 CC syringe you need to syringe 10 cc which is the equivalent, about (three desertspoonful) Only syringe very small amounts onto his mouth which will be quite difficult with such a bit syringe . Good luck x
Yah i have gotten a bit down him every couple hours. So hopefully he willmake it till tomorrow for the vet he seems to be a little more energetic and he is moving moving around more now. His stomach seems to be hard could that be a sign of impaction?
I don't think so. Impaction is when poop clumps and gets stuck in the perineal sac (between the testes). If his stomach is hard and he's not eating that could be bloat and is a medical emergency as it can kill quickly. I'd get him seen today.
No, his stomach being hard could well be because of gas.
Impaction is when the anal muscles lose strength and they can’t push their poops out properly.

It’s safest to keep him off veg. Adding veg to an unsettled digestive system can make things much worse. Please stick to just offering hay and recovery feed.

Please make sure you weigh him once every day so you can know he is getting enough food in each 24 hour period.
As the others have said, you will need 1ml syringes - piggies can only take a very small amount in their mouths at one time - about 0.3ml at most so if you are using a 100ml syringe you risk too much going in
I don't think hes gonna make it through tonight there our no emergency vets here so I have to wait till tomorrow morning he went downhill so fast like an hour it seems i hate myself for not doing more and for not finding a vet sooner he is having trouble breathing hes laying on his side eyes open coughing legs moving but he seems unconscious it hurts to see him like this i love peewee
I’m so very sorry. Try to keep everything quiet and peaceful. Hopefully he will go over the bridge soon. Sending you a big hug 🤗.
I’m so sorry, they hide illness right up until it’s too late to do anything sometimes x
I’m so very sorry. Try to keep everything quiet and peaceful. Hopefully he will go over the bridge soon. Sending you a big hug 🤗.
Yes he is gone and i feel so shitty how i should of started syringe feeding him sooner. I loved my little man.
I’m so sorry, they hide illness right up until it’s too late to do anything sometimes x
Yes he did i wish i would of been a better pig owner and seen it. I should of syringe fed him sooner now hes gone and its my fault he was only nine months the runt of a litter of six he grew to be bigger than his dad piggy fats. Now piggy is alone and i know thats not good.