Help.... Guinea Pig Mites Advice

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New Born Pup
Jul 7, 2008
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I have a lovely guinea pig called jet he's my boy and i love him to pieces. However about four weeks ago he started itching quite a lot then about a week ago i noticed irritation and a small scab on his back. So i called the vet and took him 3 days ago now. When i was there the vet had a look and said he thought it was mites but wanted to do a skin scrape to make sure. I was wary about this but i decided for it as i wanted my boy to be happy again. anyway yesterday i took him back for the results and the vet said it was indeed mites and he gave me a pack of Xenex Ultra Spot On treatment. The vet did the first treatment for me on the back of his neck, 15 drops as he weighs 1kg exactly :) i was told by the vet to repeat this every two weeks until i had used the whole pack. Now i got back from work today and he is looking a bit brighter looks like he is still itchy though. what i wanted to ask as this is the first time i have had this with a piggy, did i do the right thing? and has anyone had experience with Xenex Spot on?

Thanks in advance

The skin scrape was not necessary at all, it is painful for the pig. I use xeno 450 spot on, suitable for pigs up to 1kg. One capsule on skin going down the neck and back and second capsule 10-11 days later.
I have also just had problems with mites, I agree the scrape was not really necessary unless the vet suspected a possibility of ringworm.
I've researched this a fair bit recently.......

It's all down to the vets choice with mites....some vets choose to use a course of injections of ivermec, some will do 3 injections 1 week apart, others will do 2 injections with 2 weeks inbetween each one.

Others will simply use a course of spot on treatments....the main ones being Xeno 450 and Xenex.

All methods seem to work and like I say it's just down to the particular vets preference.

Only one of mine had symptoms of mites....he was injected with ivermec and I have treated the rest with Xenex to be on the safe side, I clean them out twice a week and make sure they go into a clean hutch after each application.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the replies guys, Been keeping a close eye on him he seems a lot more like his usual self now, running about and screaming for food :) still a little itchy in places but i will keep an eye on this so far though so good.
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