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Help! Face twitching/vibrating on one side!

I’m sorry you did not have a good experience with this vet.

When you say you are feeding 7 syringes a day, what do you mean by this. She needs to have a minimum of 60ml per day (how much more depends on what her daily weight checks are saying) and usually you’d feed using a 1ml syringe.

CBS is caused by bacteria from an infection which wasn’t fully treated. The bacteria then get into the ear and get blocked off.
This is the guide which explains it more fully

CBS (Calcified Bulla Syndrome) and Neurological Problems - Symptoms and Care
Went to the vet an hour ago. I'm super sad about the service. I was told that I needed three different pain medications and when I asked why we didn't just need Metacam she told me “Oh you we could just do that”. Like what? Then she said we could remove her eye with surgery since it has not been able to heal. So I told her I was not doing that because she was not going to survive surgery at all. And she was like “Oh you that's definitely a possible complication”. So then she said we should try a whole course with multiple antibiotics for an ear infection. WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH CBS BY THREE VETS NOW. So I obviously said no told her that and got the pain meds. I'm literally just keeping her alive at this point. She is laying in a litter pan staring at me right now as she eats her softened pellets. I am genuinely so annoyed right now. She even gave me 5 months worth of .25 ml a day of Metacam. I hate to be a downer and all with an attitude like this and think that way, but I don’t think she is going to live for another 5 months! She has lost 150 grams and I’m support feeding her 7 syringes a day. I’ve read through the guides on terminally ill guinea pigs and when to say good bye, but this still sucks.
I am sorry to hear this. I also have a little boy with a similar condition (But tending to the acute condition) and very very very bad experience with vets 😔 In my experience with other animals (not guinea pigs) do whatever you can to save her, but if you see that she is already suffering a lot, lots of pain, bad quality life, unfortunately, and hardly, maybe it's time to let her go. (I'm not a big fan of saying this, but it's possibly the most painful truth).

Know that you are doing everything possible and impossible to keep her well. And I know that she thanks you deeply for all the efforts you are putting into her.
I’m sorry you did not have a good experience with this vet.

When you say you are feeding 7 syringes a day, what do you mean by this. She needs to have a minimum of 60ml per day (how much more depends on what her daily weight checks are saying) and usually you’d feed using a 1ml syringe.

CBS is caused by bacteria from an infection which wasn’t fully treated. The bacteria then get into the ear and get blocked off.
This is the guide which explains it more fully

CBS (Calcified Bulla Syndrome) and Neurological Problems - Symptoms and Care
The syringes are 12 ml each. It's a wisdom tooth syringe that has the top bit cut almost fully off. I found it much easier to use than the one ml syringes that I had to keep filling up. So that's around 84 ml a day (I fill it up a bit more to a count for the Emeraid that did not get eaten). The vet did let me know that the right side of her face was paralyzed.

Was there anything I or anyone else could do in the future to prevent it? Or is it just impossible to prevent (like the bacteria lays domate in the ear for ears or just being in the cage)? There was no URI that she had like the main suspicion by the Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue. I understand that there is still a lot of research that needs to happen though.
I am sorry to hear this. I also have a little boy with a similar condition (But tending to the acute condition) and very very very bad experience with vets 😔 In my experience with other animals (not guinea pigs) do whatever you can to save her, but if you see that she is already suffering a lot, lots of pain, bad quality life, unfortunately, and hardly, maybe it's time to let her go. (I'm not a big fan of saying this, but it's possibly the most painful truth).

Know that you are doing everything possible and impossible to keep her well. And I know that she thanks you deeply for all the efforts you are putting into her.
It honestly sucks. My parents have come and talked with me about it and we are just keeping her comparable as she slows down. I appreciate your words.
I am sorry. No matter where she is or wherever you are, I'm sure she will be eternally grateful for all the effort and care you put into her. ♥️
So very sorry for your loss. Sleep tight little one.💕🌈🐾
Thank you @YvonneBlue. It’s crazy how quickly things can go down hill. The vet office made it very peaceful for her. She was put to sleep on a little pillow with a fleece blanket. We have a decomposable bag she was placed in, ceramic of her paws, and hair bits. The vet made sure to fulfill the request of trimmed nails and that the bit of hay in her eye were removed. ☺️
It was recommended by the vertrantain that we put Cocoa down. We just did it. She is no longer in any pain. 💗


I am so very sorry. You did your best; that is all we can ever do. You have not failed Cocoa in any way and have bought as her as much lifetime in good care as possible; that is a priceless gift. Some things are sadly beyond what we or any veterinarians can do.

Be sad but do not feel bad; Cocoa was blessed to find you and you her. Cocoa will be popcorning at the Rainbow Bridge together with Willow.

I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Cocoa, sending big hugs. Cocoa will have known just how much you loved and cared

Popcorn high little lady 🌈
I am sorry. No matter where she is or wherever you are, I'm sure she will be eternally grateful for all the effort and care you put into her. ♥️
Thank you very much @naguya. She received sooo much care along with sooo much time and effort all to make her better. Some things are just beyond our control though. I did everything I could for her up to her very last moments and I know she is very lucky to have had the plush life she was provided with. 💗
Thank you @YvonneBlue. It’s crazy how quickly things can go down hill. The vet office made it very peaceful for her. She was put to sleep on a little pillow with a fleece blanket. We have a decomposable bag she was placed in, ceramic of her paws, and hair bits. The vet made sure to fulfill the request of trimmed nails and that the bit of hay in her eye were removed. ☺️
She was very much loved and not every piggy has that. Take care of yourself. You did everything you possibly could for Cocoa.xx

I feel your pain, I lost 6 of my piggies in less than a year. Mainly due to old age but 1 became sick overnight and we lost her after emergency surgery.

We have placed their ashes in the garden and planted wild flowers there which will bloom every year.

I am so very sorry. You did your best; that is all we can ever do. You have not failed Cocoa in any way and have bought her as much lifetime in good care as possible; that is a priceless gift. Some things are sadly beyond what we or any veterinarians can do.

Be sad but do not feel bad; Cocoa was blessed to find you and you her. Cocoa will be popcorning at the Rainbow Bridge together with Willow.

Thank you for your words @Wiebke. It means a lot to me. Maybe one day they will find a cure or reliable surgery, until then I'll continue to support and help owners with CBS pigs with the experience that I have. Her death was not a shock to me like my other girl and I knew it was very much her time when it came. It makes me miss her no less, but I understand her passing more. 💗

I found the guide you linked very helpful as well as the one that explains bereavement for piggies. The other two girls have had their problems in the past but seem to tolerate each other much better right now.