HELP! Dry patch on guinea pig ear?


New Born Pup
Jan 11, 2022
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So I recently got two guinea pigs, and one of them has a medium sized dry patch behind his ear- I don’t know what it is and I will post a photo as and when I can! Please help! :nod:
Please do have your piggy seen by a vet for diagnosis and any required treatment.
It’s normal for piggies to have a symmetrical bald patch behind each ear but anything other than that requires a hands on vet check
So I recently got two guinea pigs, and one of them has a medium sized dry patch behind his ear- I don’t know what it is and I will post a photo as and when I can! Please help! :nod:


Please see a vet. You can reclaim any fees from the place of purchase if the patch turns out to be ringworm (highly contagious species jumping fungal skin infection) as part of your customer rights for having been sold effectively damaged ware. Please do not treat on spec because this can make a vet diagnosis impossible and scupper your chances of claiming the treatment cost back if seen promptly. Even with a picture, we can only guess and not replace a vet trip.

More helpful and very practical step by step information in these links here:
New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights
Ringworm: Hygiene, Care And Pictures

All the best. If you get a fungal diagnosis please follow the advice in our ringworm guide. In 15 years of existence, we have had time to work out all transmission angles and how to best close them off so you have to do this only once and not turn it into a long running saga by false economy.