Have you ever?....

Yes, once while backpacking round the world and once to visit then kiwi boyfriend's family. Would love to go back sometime.

Have you ever gone collecting door to door for charity?
Yes went to London paralympics table tennis, which was fun. Brisbane 2032 Olympics might be possible for you.

Have you ever been told off by the police?
Yes, I would definitely love to go as it may be my only opportunity for a while. 11 years to go 😂

No I haven't - I hope not to!

Have you ever been to a waterpark?
Hopefully will have got rid of covid by then!

Yes been to waterparks in Cyprus and Spain. Too scared to go on a lot of it but like the lazy river type stuff.

Have you ever had heatstroke?
No, was in Scotland for - 20 degrees Celsius winter 2010, but stayed cosy and warm inside.

Have you ever won anything?
That's sounds really cool.
No I haven't, but would love to go at some point.

Have you ever pat a kangaroo?
Haha, I've only ever pat them at Australia zoo, not wild ones.
I have gone snorkeling, it was really beautiful 😃

Have you ever been scuba diving?
No, I've been on the Great Barrier Reef but had a bad ear infection so just snorkeled. Was amazing, I don't feel that I missed out.

Have you been scuba diving?
No. Only chickens, ducks (well my Mum did when I was growing up so I sort of co-owned them), hamsters and guinea pigs.

Have you ever had an unusual pet?
I grew up in a Scottish country village, nestling among mountains, beautiful place, but which I left when I could 😊

Have you ever ridden a bike off road?
Yes and I went into Hogwarts there and "flew on a broomstick" with Harry Potter.

Have you ever ridden a horse bare back?
Sounds great.
Luckily no, as I came out in tons of hives just riding a horse the normal way.

Have you ever been in an earthquake?

No thankfully I have never been in an earthquake.

Have you ever sorted out a problem for someone that they just couldn't see the end of?
Was awake when UK had a little quake in 2007 or 8. Quite cool.
I think up solutions for friends' problems but then they usually have other ideas 😂

Have you ever sorted a problem for someone they couldn't see the end of?