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Happy Update to Poisoned Pigs

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:) Just wanted to let you know that Bebe and Daisy are better. They are walking a bit and holding their heads up and eating on their own. Thanks for the kind words and support. I will definitely grow a flat of grass for them to eat.

As far as the antidote is concerned, the vet says that their are two types of pesticides and one does not work itself out of an animals system and is fatal. My vet uses the antidote for cats and dogs but she did some research while I was there and determined a dosage that is safe for pigs. She also said that it has been given to animals 3 to 4 days after ingestion with success. I'm just giving you this info in the event that you ever need it. Another fyi...shots are $20 each and they have to have a series of four.
am so glad Bebe and Daisy are feeling better, i missed your original post but am so glad it has a happy ending O0 welcome to the forums from me and the girls in oz :smitten:
:smitten: :smitten: sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: please keep us posted O0
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