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Hamish :(

  • Thread starter Thread starter CharlottiesPiggies
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Well as some of you know I rescued Fergie & Hamish about 5 months ago, they are a pretty similar size when I got them, but Hamish seems to be getting thin, but hes happily running around, eating and he doesnt seem ill or anything.

Is this normal? I'm confused as hes getting thin but hes not loosing condition or his general behaviour isnt changing 98)
I'd weigh him then weigh him weekly so you can see how much he is loosing
it maybe he's loosing fur due to the weather
i'm not sure if guineas molt?
Yep as Ron said weigh weekly. I have a smaller than usual pig in Eccles. It may just be that Hamish is smaller than usual too. :)
my boars are the same age (or so i was told anyway) and carl is ligther and a little smaller than lenny. if he keeps loosing then a trip to a vet would be good. if not and he levels out dont worry if he is happy enough. xx
My boars are the exact same age. One I purchased at 3 months and one at two months later who was 5 months. The second one I purchased weighs 1 1/2 more than the first. First of all, he is much longer in length, so that accounts for a lot of weight differences. I often think the one is shrinking, but when I weight him he is always the same. Try to keep an eye on them and make sure one isn't eating the other food, etc. I have to separate mine when I give them their veggies or the larger one will try to eat the others food. I wouldn't worry too much as long as they seem happy, eating, pooping, drinking, but it is possible if he is still losing weight he could have a parasite of some sort.
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