Hairless Pigs

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Briony, I was going to ask do you bathe yours? I am getting conflicting views. Some say it is not good for their skin and others say I should. If it is OK to bathe them what shampoo is best to use as there are many conflicting answers about that too!
I have mainly hairy pigs. I bathe them periodically but not that frequently only when they need it ie if they get lice etc.. from hay. My boys get done more often when they get greesy glands. Ive only had my skinny boar since 1st Jan he is my first skinny. I have not bathed him yet but if he needs it I would be tempted to try the pregnant guinea pig shampoo from gorgous guineas as it is much milder and contains no essential oils.
Brilliant thanks. When I see the vet tomo I will grill him on everything :)
Everyone's making out like skinny piggies are such hard work. They really aren't that demanding. As long as they are kept in a warm room (minimum 18 degrees) and are fed their veggies 2-3 times a day plus have a supply of guinea pig pellets they are fine. My two babies are 11 weeks now and have such great personalities. They really aren't that noisy apart from when they know there veggies are coming which is so cute. We don't here them at all through the night. They love there cavy cosy pouches and tunnels (there's a great site cavy and I put vitamin c in there water to keep them healthy. I clean the poo from there cage once a day which takes 15 mins tops and clean there age entirely once a week. They really are great pets and become really friendly when handled daily. Coconut oil is great for keeping their skin soft too! They really aren't that hard to keep ! X


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It's not that they are hard to keep, they just need a bit more care than hairy ones, and I have one that has numerous health issues, but then I have hairy ones with health issues too.
're vitamin drops in water, have heard this is not a good idea.Better giving them a vitamin pill if they need extra but if they have a good diet don't need extra. The bit c depletes in water
This is the best resource in relation to skinnies, there seems to be various misconceptions about them elsewhere -

The only thing not mentioned is that, like other animals selected to be hairless, they can be prone to inwardly curled eyelashes (entropion) which causes damage and irritation to the eye.
Does anyone know how often skinny piggies should be bathed/oiled. There's alot of info out there some say not at all as it can cause skin irritation and infections.. others say once a week and some say every couple of months. What does everyone else do?
Does anyone know how often skinny piggies should be bathed/oiled. There's alot of info out there some say not at all as it can cause skin irritation and infections.. others say once a week and some say every couple of months. What does everyone else do?

I don't bath mine as a rule but spray them with Humilac spray once a week at the most. I get it from Vetuk.
I only clean Pinky and Perkins a), if they get a bit flakey or b), if they start to smell.
I use cold pressed virgin coconut oil and wipe it off with a round cotton wool facial wipe.
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