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Hair loss after ovarian cyst removal 9 months ago


New Born Pup
Oct 23, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced hair loss with their piggies after ovarian cyst removal? Our piggie is otherwise well but is gradually losing a large amount of her lovely hair.
She had a mammary tumour removed 2 months ago and has recovered really well, the vet did not seem concerned about the hair loss and thinks it’s just hormonal.
Has anyone experienced this or have any advice?
Thanks so much x
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced hair loss with their piggies after ovarian cyst removal? Our piggie is otherwise well but is gradually losing a large amount of her lovely hair.
She had a mammary tumour removed 2 months ago and has recovered really well, the vet did not seem concerned about the hair loss and thinks it’s just hormonal.
Has anyone experienced this or have any advice?
Thanks so much x

Hi and welcome

I would have her checked for ovarian cysts or another mammary tumour if you are worried.