Hair cut.


Forum Donator 2023/24
Feb 3, 2023
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Blossom is desperate for a hair cut, I'm worried she's going to trip on it soon. I'm not confident enough to do it myself as she can be quite skittish at times.

Would the vetinary nurse do it do you think or would they just laugh at me if I phoned up and asked for an appointment for a haircut 😂
I dont personally think they would do it.

What makes you not feel confident about it?
I have a long haired boy and his haircuts have been absolutely shocking! I am no hairdresser! It usually ends up taking two separate sittings so he goes a few days with one half of his hair shorter than the other!

An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting
I'm worried she will jump off my lap or something. Obviously I'd sit on the floor so if she did she wouldn't have far to go. I'm probably just overthinking it.
vet nurses sometimes do haircuts,or have you a local guinea pig rescue that maybe able to help.
No rescues around here unfortunately.

I'm going to attempt it tomorrow when I get home from work. She doesn't need a lot taken off just so she doesn't trip.
Do you have anybody to hold her while you cut?

My hubby won’t help me, and I don’t think my daughters could hold Dex still so I trim him myself. one hand holding him, the other cutting and this is probably why he ends up looking such a mess for a while!
just take your advise i would say,is that you have your fingers/hands in between hair and guinea pigs skin.good luck.x
Do you have anybody to hold her while you cut?

My hubby won’t help me, and I don’t think my daughters could hold Dex still so I trim him myself. one hand holding him, the other cutting and this is probably why he ends up looking such a mess for a while!
No, my OH is the same as yours. He loves them to stroke and play with but not the hygiene/care side of it haha.

Don't think I could expect my son to gold her, he panics if she even moves while she's on his lap.

I'm just going to be brave and attempt it solo.
I have had a couple long haired pigs, they do usually look like they've walked past the shaver by accident, not like I spent 20 minutes on it.

All the best for tomorrow, I am sure you will do great!
P.S - Pictures are always welcome ;)
I have had a couple long haired pigs, they do usually look like they've walked past the shaver by accident, not like I spent 20 minutes on it.

All the best for tomorrow, I am sure you will do great!
P.S - Pictures are always welcome ;)
I'll update for sure.

I'll take a before and after.

This was her last week..... You can see the sides starting to flick outwards. IMG_20230512_080208.webp
My Finn gets into his tunnel, then I cut his bum hair as shown below. Finn, my long hair boy, gets his bum hair cut regularly.
That's a great idea, she would dart straight out the other end though. She's only around 6 months old and still quite a nervous little girl. I'm just going to hold her in one hand while I sit on the floor and trim her with the other. I'll use this tip in future though when she's older and more relaxed, thanks.
Good job there, a better haircut than Priscilla had when I started on her long fur.
When we were in lockdown I offered to do my husband’s hair for him.
His response was - no way, I see what you do to Priscilla.

Blossom is such a beautiful girl :wub:
Like that furdo! You did a great job for your first attempt. Did you look at my hair cutting guide that was linked in earlier? Betsy took a year or more to sit still while having her 6 weekly trim and Son No 3 had to hold her while I trimmed one side then it would take 2 days for her to calm down until I could trim the other side.
Good job there, a better haircut than Priscilla had when I started on her long fur.
When we were in lockdown I offered to do my husband’s hair for him.
His response was - no way, I see what you do to Priscilla.

Blossom is such a beautiful girl :wub:
Hahahahaha Ahhhh the lock down haircuts. I shaved my sons head on a number 2 and he cried because he hated it that much 😂
Like that furdo! You did a great job for your first attempt. Did you look at my hair cutting guide that was linked in earlier? Betsy took a year or more to sit still while having her 6 weekly trim and Son No 3 had to hold her while I trimmed one side then it would take 2 days for her to calm down until I could trim the other side.
I did have a little look through it, some really useful tips in there.

She was rather matted around her bottom so I'm going to give her a little bum bath tomorrow, I did cut all the matts out but I just want to clean her up a bit.

She was so tolerant throughout it, she surprised me as she's rather skittish at times.
Good job! We've had long-haired pigs before... a lot of the time I could just plunk them on the couch with treats facing away from me and just pat the a bit... then snip a bit off the back... then go back to patting... and by the time they were done the snack I had trimmed all the end-pieces so they were off the ground. I never bothered cutting anything on top, just cutting the bottom up so it wasn't dragging.
Good job! We've had long-haired pigs before... a lot of the time I could just plunk them on the couch with treats facing away from me and just pat the a bit... then snip a bit off the back... then go back to patting... and by the time they were done the snack I had trimmed all the end-pieces so they were off the ground. I never bothered cutting anything on top, just cutting the bottom up so it wasn't dragging.
She was super tolerant, she even lay down at one point which wasn't ideal 😂

I'm thinking ahead, the warmer weather is fast approaching and I don't want her getting too hot so I snipped some off the sides and top too.