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Gut stasis?

It is a tricky one isn't it, especially when you're grieving yourself, but it sounds like you have a nice set up for boys there. It will be a time of adjustment for everyone whichever path you choose. But the young boar would be lucky to have a home where he was wanted and people could look after him x
Absolutely! I guess having a new pig in quarantine will give me a couple of weeks at least to adjust to Bobby not being in his cage anymore and him being gone in general. I think I will go for it and get him, as much as it hurts to be thinking of it I’m sure it also hurts that little guy to be on his own and in a place where he isn’t wanted when he could have a better life xx
I think having another piggy who needs a love and a good home will help you come to terms with what's happened. You are not replacing Bobby his place in your heart is forever his. You don't have to love the new boar straight away but I know from experience it won't take him long to worm his way into your heart with out you even noticing.
Thinking of you at such a very sad time.
I think having another piggy who needs a love and a good home will help you come to terms with what's happened. You are not replacing Bobby his place in your heart is forever his. You don't have to love the new boar straight away but I know from experience it won't take him long to worm his way into your heart with out you even noticing.
Thinking of you at such a very sad time.

You’re right! I didn’t “love” Bobby and Ollie straight after bringing them home because I was grieving my other pig and it felt hard to but it really didn’t take long to absolutely adore them. I barely had Bobby a year and I was truly willing to do absolutely anything for him and I know I can offer that to another little boy who needs it. Thank you so much ❤️
I'm proud of you for taking in another pig. I know its hard when you just lost one. However, the new pig will be so happy. Your're a sweet person! Bobby would want you to be happy.
I'm proud of you for taking in another pig. I know its hard when you just lost one. However, the new pig will be so happy. Your're a sweet person! Bobby would want you to be happy.

You’re so kind thank you so much ❤️
Bobby’s just been dropped in for cremation, should have his ashes back next week and a nice little box with a photo. Decided to go pick up that little guy who needs a new home on Wednesday too, Bobby’s home was his for as long as he was able to stay and now I can offer it to someone else who needs it too, just like he did once. Just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone here for all your advice and support over the past couple of weeks, it really means the world to me. I hope you all and your piggies are doing well and having a nice day ❤️
When I unexpectedly lost my boy Higgins, my heart broke. Within 6 hours he went from fine to gone. He left his cage mate Gibson behind and I had no idea what to do. I couldn’t even consider a ‘new’ pig. I’m couldn’t replace Higgins.

Then I heard about a tiny baby pig from an unexpected litter who ‘had to go’, and I met Keith. He was tiny, and gorgeous. He wasn’t Higgins. He was totally different, but he made everything feel so much, more right. He was born the day after Higgins left. It was a sign! Two years later he’s a big grizzly piggy now!

I guess what I’m saying is, your new piggy isn’t going to be Bobby, probably nothing like him, but he needs you - and you need him - and he’s been put in front of you now for a reason. It’s wonderful you’re taking him on, and it will keep Bobby’s memory alive and even stronger xx
When I unexpectedly lost my boy Higgins, my heart broke. Within 6 hours he went from fine to gone. He left his cage mate Gibson behind and I had no idea what to do. I couldn’t even consider a ‘new’ pig. I’m couldn’t replace Higgins.

Then I heard about a tiny baby pig from an unexpected litter who ‘had to go’, and I met Keith. He was tiny, and gorgeous. He wasn’t Higgins. He was totally different, but he made everything feel so much, more right. He was born the day after Higgins left. It was a sign! Two years later he’s a big grizzly piggy now!

I guess what I’m saying is, your new piggy isn’t going to be Bobby, probably nothing like him, but he needs you - and you need him - and he’s been put in front of you now for a reason. It’s wonderful you’re taking him on, and it will keep Bobby’s memory alive and even stronger xx

Keith is the cutest little name! This is so sweet, thank you for making me smile even just thinking about your boy with a little baby piggy.

You’re right. This little boy I’m taking seems to live outside in a cement shed in a regular pet shop cage, can’t imagine there’s even any heat where he is :( I live in Ireland and it’s cold basically all the time, my boys have central heating during the day and an electric radiator right beside their cage at night to keep toasty aswell as tonnes of little blankets and hideys. Aside from living alone even the thoughts of this poor little boy being cold is heartbreaking :( No way can I leave him!
Keith is the cutest little name! This is so sweet, thank you for making me smile even just thinking about your boy with a little baby piggy.

You’re right. This little boy I’m taking seems to live outside in a cement shed in a regular pet shop cage, can’t imagine there’s even any heat where he is :( I live in Ireland and it’s cold basically all the time, my boys have central heating during the day and an electric radiator right beside their cage at night to keep toasty aswell as tonnes of little blankets and hideys. Aside from living alone even the thoughts of this poor little boy being cold is heartbreaking :( No way can I leave him!
Please post pictures when you get him!
Please post pictures when you get him!

Of course! Hopefully my boys make him feel welcome 😂 Kip is over 6 and a half years old and minds his own business but Bobby’s brother Ollie has the personality of a really feral small dog so hopefully the new guy isn’t too intimidated
Of course! Hopefully my boys make him feel welcome 😂 Kip is over 6 and a half years old and minds his own business but Bobby’s brother Ollie has the personality of a really feral small dog so hopefully the new guy isn’t too intimidated
I am sure he will be super excited!