Guinea Pigs Swimming?

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So someone posted up a video of some guinea pigs going for a swim in a garden pool (it's probably a couple of feet deep). It looks pretty cute, watching them swoosh around, but I was wondering if it's actually safe? I've never really heard of guinea pigs swimming before (I know they can, but I've never heard of owners letting their piggies go for a swim), and they don't appear to be in distress. Other than obviously not having any way for them to get out of the water themselves, is there actually anything wrong with this, or is it actually perfectly acceptable (with proper supervision) to let your furry ones go for a paddle?
They should never swim it is cruel and the pigs can easily suck water in through their noses. The only reason they are swimming is because they are trying to survive.
poor piggies it may look cute or funny but it could really hurt them and they could do some stuff to your pool piggies or any pets shouldnt be MADE to do what they dont want! its horrible who knows what the piggies are thinking uh i just wanna do somthing to that guy
This makes me so sad :( I saw a video like this last night and could not understand how any piggie could enjoy this. MAYBE if it was very tame and had a way to easily get onto "land" and was in very shallow warm water. But, I don't feel like it's worth it to even try. They're such sweet little souls, they're not designed for all that water fussing.
I have read about how its bad for them but one super hot day, in our small wee paddling pool, with warm water, and a stable foam floatie, we placed the piggies on the foam floatie, and sort of wet them a bit, and one piggy jumped off and went for a swim, and as long as you moniter them and are close at all times, like I was in the pool with them, its fine, and they honestly love it! It hasnt hurt them, its just like giving them their monthly baths, and they haven't been affected. We have done this about 3 different times!
I saw something like this on youtube yesterday, made me so angry. The thought of someone putting me into a giant swimming pool with no way out and i can't touch the bottom so have to swim or drown terrffies me. Whether or not there is someone ready to pick me out of the water is at the time not relevant to my fear. I need to know i can stand up and be okay, i need to know i can get out if i choose.
I remember seeing a YouTube video about a blue hamster because people were ranting about it on a hamster forum that I was a member of. All I saw was a dripping wet, shivering, cold and terrified hamster coloured blue from dye, standing in a corner, scared almost to death. All I wanted to do was to wrap the poor thing in a fluffy towel to dry it off and return it to a warm cage with a comfy nest and toys.

I found the video nauseating and reported it to the RSPCA. What some owners do just to get online, and for 'fun' is truly disgusting. There is too much animal cruelty going on just for getting 'likes'!

Makes my blood boil!:cen:

Sorry but I did not have it in me to watch the piggy swimming for its life. Things like that upset me.
Swimming not look good for Guinea Pigs. They don't live at rivers
Just watching this video breaks my heart. I imagine if someone wants to do that to my babies :( my bf seen some videos somewhere and he asked me if they actually enjoy swimming so I had to explain him that this is an animal cruelty, he had no idea before I tell him, so as many people know that this is dangerous and cruel as many piggies will be saved from this. Posts explaining what does happens to piggies forced to swim should go viral and every1 being a piggy owner should know the risk. Bless them :(
I wouldn't dream of putting a guinea pig in a swimming pool. I also had this posted on my social media page as its well known I love guinea pigs so i'm tagged into a lot of piggy-related stuff. I didn't want to humiliate the person who posted it on my page though (as it was a young person) but told them in person that it's a dangerous thing to do instead. Some people just lack awareness (or in the case of youngsters, they lack responsible supervision), but any adult who is willing to risk just putting a guinea pig in a swimming pool and seeing if it swims doesn't deserve to own a guinea pig in my opinion!
I watched some of the video and wanted to die that b**tard down and set a load of angry piggies on him. The pigs could literally not escape! They were terrified! When we bathe our boys, we make it as painless as we can. And afterwards, they get a treat and a snuggle in a towel. Once, I took a heap of clothes and a towel off a chair and moved them so I could sit down, and my sister looked amazed and said "You know Duncan was in there?" I'd moved his towel off and plopped it elsewhere by accident! No piggies were harmed in the making of that anecdote.
Anyway, it's despicable. I have a poster that's cute and informative, but it says they like swimming and are good swimmers...D'oh.
I just wish there was a way to raise awareness- people know about deliberate abuse, but not misinformed abuse. Would you force a baby to swim for its life in order to get likes and fame? No. I feel so ranty right now! The furthest I would ever go when it comes to using pigs for entertainment, is photos. Maybe an amusing hat. And @Flamestriker the video has been taken down right? I couldn't find it, so hopefully it has. Okay, I'll stop ranting and think of my pampered boys.
I have found one of these clips, told them that their piggy was probably petrified. I also left a comment, I did try to be polite, but my mouth ran away with me. I said would they still be laughing if their piggy died. People who do this should never be piggy owners & should be charged with cruelty.
What I don't get is when people state that their piggies enjoyed it. I mean how did they know?! They don't grin or smile or giggle, they didn't actively locate the nearest pool and dive in...unless you are a piggy mind reader I don't know how you can declare that they love it. Its so unnatural and if they ever had to swim it would be for survival and nothing else. (sorry rant over!)
That video terrifies me! The sheer amount of water is just awful and I have no idea why anyone would think a guinea pig would like to swim anyway, they have such tiny legs and feet :(

I would never be able to tolerate bathing my pigs in water deeper than their little feet, never mind the amount of water in that pool that looks like the flipping ocean compared to the size of a guinea pig. I really wish people think more before doing such things, especially as a lot of people that watch the video might think it's normal and copy it.
Yep it's sickening alright, I saw this a few years ago. For me, the worst part is that those who don't think (kids and stupid people) may try it themselves without research and think that it's okay. Not many people think these days :(

I wonder how many of them would be okay with being dumped into the middle of the ocean and having to swim to the nearest piece of land?
Yep it's sickening alright, I saw this a few years ago. For me, the worst part is that those who don't think (kids and stupid people) may try it themselves without research and think that it's okay. Not many people think these days :(

I wonder how many of them would be okay with being dumped into the middle of the ocean and having to swim to the nearest piece of land?
I hate how people just assume this is okay...guinea pigs have no way of telling people that they don't like something.

I just...don't understand some people :(
I think we should just dump the stupid people in the middle of the ocean whilst giants watch and laugh while they swim frantically ! One of the reasons I hate humans!
Oh my goodness that's terrible. :( They don't look like they're 'enjoying' it at all, looks like they're swimming trying to get out of there. :( Poor things. That's horrible.
I've not seen any piggy swimming videos (don't have the slightest interest in voluntarily viewing an animal in potential distress, funnily enough!), but I know from the one bath time with my two that the stink-eye I got from them having a slight bit of water on their backs confirms there's no way mine would 'enjoy' swimming :))

I do think it's a completely nonsensical - piggies can't tell you they don't like skydiving, rock climbing or skateboarding; it's not a reasonable rationalisation to try it! Bozos.

However, I'm glad my two can't tell me they don't like Pointless or Casualty. Or Jeremy Kyle :))
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