Guinea pig's swelling (with pictures)

  • Thread starter Thread starter RoeyTwins
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Devonguineas, I think what you need to ask your vet is what could cause a swelling, which due to a potential tooth problem, that couldn't be sorted by antibiotics.
Before you subject him to anaesthetic and the expense, just ask the vet what the possibilities could be.

Abscesses sometimes need to be lanced before antibiotics can help ... I hope I am right in saying that though!

Have you any photos of the swelling that you could post? Apologies if you have already, but I am just doing a quick catch-up on the forum.

Rikkyboy, one of my piggies, has a swelling under his chin but I know that isn't an abscess or tooth problem, it is a growth ... and getting bigger! :'( He doesn't hurt him when I feel it gently, but I know it is getting uncomfortable for him and that he isn't his usual self! I have been to the vet so I know what the prognosis of his condition is. :'(
devonguineas said:
No idea how to post a picture - sorry! 98)

Go to Register then upload your photos from your computer. Once you have your photo or photos uploaded, highlight the one you want from the options below the photo. Sorry, but I am unsure which is it without logging on myself but I will do tomorrow and if someone hasn't helped you before then, I will try to help.

Photobucket is really good and once you get the hang of it, well you will be posting piccies all over the forum! :)
Oops ... sorry if I wasn't meant to refer to another website from this forum! :embarassed:
oh dear i must check all my piggies teeth tomorrow just incase of sharp edges.I hope everyones pigs are better.Those pics look so sore :(
Paws crossed for us please. Rang the vets this morning and they said it is too distressing for a piggie to have an abcess lanced whilst awake. I did explain my concerns but of course you have to sign that awful disclaimer form! :( She's in there now so am hanging out for a call to say she is awake and all is OK.

Thanks for the info about posting piccies. Will try and work it out sometime!
Good luck. I hope your piggy is ok. She should be but i know how worrying it is.
Phew! Have just had a call from the vet - she is round and OK so just off to pick her up. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
So glad your piggy is o.k.I do think you need to find a better vet though for future problems.It is quite unnecesary to aneasthetize a gp to lance an abcess.An experienced vet can lance in a second and the release of the pus releives the discomfort straight away.I have had several pigs with neck abcess which has been lanced without sedation,have even done it myself at a time when the surgery was closed,but I have been trained to do this proiperly.I do not advise anyone inexperienced to try this.
Hmm - I suppose the thing is that if the vet ISN'T confident doing it then it is better if they ARE under! We live in q1fairly small provincial town and there are only two vets to choose from. It is a 50 mile round trip to a city so changing vets isn't that straightforward. I also asked Louise who runs the rescue quite near us and she said that there aren't ANY gp savy vets around our area.

Was a bit shocked by the bill though! But so delighted to have her looking safe and sell again. Apparently they just gave her a small amount of gas and she came round almost striaght away once the mask was removed. She appears absolutely normal - so far so good - albeit with a horrid looking wound on her cheek!

Just so please all went well and she is on the mend. Have to give her antibiotics (again!) for a week and go back for a post op check up on Friday. Does all that sound like normal procedure?

The GOOD news about all this is that DD now has a legitimate excuse to have her in bedroom - so we can see if DH will get used to the idea. He can hardly complain about a post operative piggie. :P In absence of any C&C I have used the largest cardboard box I can find and lined with cardboard, paper and hay to protect the carpet. I know this isn't ideal for her size wise (it is about 3 x 2) but I just can't put her out in the wet at the moment - and obviously need to keep the wound clean. Do you think this will be the best option for a few days? It is absolutely stair rodding here (no other word!) and has been for nearly 24 hours so it is WAY TOO wet to be moving hutch arrangements around today outside.
It does sound like normal procedure. Was it the back teeth causing the problem or something else|? It depends on what the actual problem was but i had a poor wee piggie before who needed his wound flushed out with antibiotics. It was so horrible doing it. I am glad it sounds so much more straight forward for you. Did the vet give you any recovery powder to mix up and feed by syringe? It can help them gain weight if they loose a lot and build them up a bit. I am glad your piggie is home.
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