New Born Pup
I’m hoping you may be able to give me some advice. A couple of weeks ago I heard what sounded like a wheezing sound coming from my guinea pig while he was sleeping. I managed to catch it on video and took him to my local vets (Dragon Vets, Tewkesbury). They gave him a once over, checked his breathing, listened to his heart, weighed him, and found nothing wrong. He’s eating normally, going to the toilet normally, being his normal self. He’d stopped making the noise so they said to keep an eye on him and let them know if it reoccurred. A few days later I noticed it again so they prescribed him a course of Baytril just incase. He completed that course a couple of days ago. I’ve just noticed the noise yet again. It sounds very much like snoring. As soon as he’s up and about he doesn’t make it.
Has anyone come across anything like this? Should I be concerned? He’s going to be 4 years old in May and has never made this noise before the past 2-3 weeks to my knowledge. My other guinea pig of the same age isn’t making the noise at all. And the pig in question literally only makes the noise while sleeping.
Has anyone come across anything like this? Should I be concerned? He’s going to be 4 years old in May and has never made this noise before the past 2-3 weeks to my knowledge. My other guinea pig of the same age isn’t making the noise at all. And the pig in question literally only makes the noise while sleeping.