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Dental Guinea pig not eating despite dental treatment


New Born Pup
Apr 23, 2023
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My Guinea Pig, Frank, is still not eating food by himself despite having two lots of teeth trimming.

Last week I noticed he wasn't eating any if his vegetables so I took him to my vets. She looked in his mouth to see he has overgrown molars so he went back in the next day to have them trimmed under anesthetic. We would hope this would solve the case and Frank would be back eating again, but this was not the case. We had to syringe feed every day throughout the day as well as give him two doses of metacam. He was going to the vets every day for daily check ups.

We thought there was some sign of improvement, he drank his waterbottle by himself one evening which he has never been able to do since he stopped eating. He is interested in food, puts his teeth in it but doesnt eat it.

As a week went by and there was no improvement we got referred to an exotic vet. Long story short, he has bloods and xrays. Bloods were fine but Xrays were very bad. He has overgrown roots. Top roots growing very near to his eye, bottom growing very near to his jaw bone. He had anesthetic again to have his teeth trimmed even more in hope to release some pressure when he eats and to hopefully prevent an abscess forming.

We brought him home on Friday, today is Sunday and we are still seeing no improvement at all. Still having to syringe feed. I am very concerned as he has lost a lot of weight and is continuing to lose weight each day. He sometimes takes the CC very well, other times he refuses the syringe.

If anyone has experience or advice, please let me know! I just want him back eating on his own again.

Thank you
I’m sorry to hear this.

I'm going to tag in our dental expert in the hope she can give further advice. @furryfriends (TEAS)

What dose of metacam is he getting?
Is it cat (0.5 mg/ml) or dog (1.5mg/ml) version?

How much weight has he lost?
How much syringe feed is he getting in each 24 hour period?

You need to give as much as is necessary to keep his weight stable each day aiming for a minimum of 40-60ml each day.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
I’m sorry to hear this.

I'm going to tag in our dental expert in the hope she can give further advice. @furryfriends (TEAS)

What dose of metacam is he getting?
Is it cat (0.5 mg/ml) or dog (1.5mg/ml) version?

How much weight has he lost?
How much syringe feed is he getting in each 24 hour period?

You need to give as much as is necessary to keep his weight stable each day aiming for a minimum of 40-60ml each day.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Thank you for the reply and the useful link for syringe feeding.

He was on the cat Metacam but the exotic vet prescribed Dog Metacam and he has 0.6ml every 12 hours.

On Thursday 13th April he weighed 950g and today he is 880g, more or less losing 10g a day which is extremely concerning. He is probably getting 30ml of the critical care, I really am trying to give more, i can open his mouth and put some in but then he will just keep his head down and make it difficult to feel more.

I bought a blender so i could blend his favourite veggies and fruit. He went mad for blended banana and apple last week but the next day he wasn’t bothered about it (he is a picky boy). So trying different veggies in between too.

He does eat a few pellets which I find strange because theyre hard. I think its because theyre small and he can just put them in his mouth. But saying that, I grated carrot and other veggies for him so its easier to eat and he just doesn’t bother with them.

It’s frustrating because I have been going to the vets nearly every day with him and there’s barely any improvement.
I'm glad he’s got good pain relief.

He will need more than 30ml to stop the weight loss. As I say 40-60ml is the minimum amount that a piggy who is not eating any hay needs. It’s the hay intake which the syringe feeding is replacing and hay is 80% of their daily food intake.

Do you have someone to help you? It can be easier if there is somebody to hold piggy, and then you can syringe feed. You do need to be firm to ensure he is getting enough.

Blended veg is fine but he needs enough recovery feed for the fibre so don’t let the amount of blended veg he gets become too much that he won’t take the critical care.

Pellets turn mushy with saliva which is why he is able to manage them, they don’t remain as a hard food for very long, whereas veg wont go mushy so if he can’t chew them, then he will struggle much more than with pellets.

Are the vets experienced with piggy dentals?
I'm glad he’s got good pain relief.

He will need more than 30ml to stop the weight loss. As I say 40-60ml is the minimum amount that a piggy who is not eating any hay needs. It’s the hay intake which the syringe feeding is replacing and hay is 80% of their daily food intake.

Do you have someone to help you? It can be easier if there is somebody to hold piggy, and then you can syringe feed. You do need to be firm to ensure he is getting enough.

Blended veg is fine but he needs enough recovery feed for the fibre so don’t let the amount of blended veg he gets become too much that he won’t take the critical care.

Pellets turn mushy with saliva which is why he is able to manage them, they don’t remain as a hard food for very long, whereas veg wont go mushy so if he can’t chew them, then he will struggle much more than with pellets.

Are the vets experienced with piggy dentals?

Yes of course, absolutely trying to feed as much as possible. I have him wrapped in a towel on a little chair and my mum holds him to stop him wriggling too much. To be honest, he doesn’t seem to like the blended veg anyway so always prioritising the critical care. Like you say, this is his hay replacement which isn the most important plus it has good vitamins in.

Yes, that makes sense regarding the pellets turning mushy.

He did eat some parsley on his own but then he looked like he was getting it stuck and trying to pull it out.

The first vet I saw every day was a small animal vet and had done lots of guinea pig dentals. She then referred me to an exotic specialist in Manchester for further help as she said they would know more / next steps than she would know. The Exotic vet had lots of experience with guinea pigs and other exotic animals.

I just don’t know what more I can possibly do when the issue is his roots are elongated and causing this discomfort. I just need to really focus on getting as much critical care as possible at this moment.

Thank you very much for your advice.
I just don’t know what more I can possibly do when the issue is his roots are elongated and causing this discomfort. I just need to really focus on getting as much critical care as possible at this moment.

Thank you very much for your advice.

You may find Furryfriends (TEAS) comments on this thread helpful.
TEAS is a sanctuary for guinea pigs with special needs and she sees a lot of dental piggies.

The reality is, all you can do is follow your vets advice and see if they can sort things out for your piggy.
I do hope he is ok

Dental - Elongated roots the issue?
Dental - Elongated roots
A lot of the guinea pigs that arrive with us, have been diagnosed with elongated tooth roots.

However, as soon as our vet files the teeth and corrects the crowns of the teeth, the guinea pig is able to eat for themselves. It really doesn’t have to be a death sentence.

The vet we use is Simon and Kim Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic, in Northampton. They see guinea pigs with dental issues, from all over the UK x
My bunny has the same. She manages well though on metacam (albeit at a slight higher dose, but of course she is bigger than you piggy) but it took a while! She also can't eat hay. Regular burring of the crowns as @furryfriends (TEAS) has said made a difference for her when needed to reduce pressure.
The growth of her teeth (and roots) has slowed with age so she's kind of hit a plateau now where she doesn't need dentals on the crowns anymore.
She has regular tear duct flushing as they are blocked by the upper roots.
She is prone to infection in the lower jaw around her lower roots but a course of abs will normally sort it out if it's caught early.
I wonder if some additional pain relief may benefit him? Miley had tramadol alongside the metacam for a while. He may be associating eating with pain which is putting him off perhaps?
Hand feeding little tiny bits of herbs also helps!
Best of luck, I hope he's feeling better soon. Dental problems are so horrible when you can see they're in pain 😢

Also 100% recommend Simon and Kim at the Cat and Rabbit Clinic! We've had piggies in at the rescue who were saved by their dental expertise 😁
A lot of the guinea pigs that arrive with us, have been diagnosed with elongated tooth roots.

However, as soon as our vet files the teeth and corrects the crowns of the teeth, the guinea pig is able to eat for themselves. It really doesn’t have to be a death sentence.

The vet we use is Simon and Kim Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic, in Northampton. They see guinea pigs with dental issues, from all over the UK x
I would have hoped Frank would eat at least the day after the filing, but unfortunately not. Northampton is quiet a way off for us to keep him in the car that long I think, I will keep them in mind though absolutely. Thank you so much.

Just hoping he will turn a corner one day soon and eat on his own…He picked up a carrot before which is progress but didn’t bite into it. Giving as much critical care as possible to get him strong
My bunny has the same. She manages well though on metacam (albeit at a slight higher dose, but of course she is bigger than you piggy) but it took a while! She also can't eat hay. Regular burring of the crowns as @furryfriends (TEAS) has said made a difference for her when needed to reduce pressure.
The growth of her teeth (and roots) has slowed with age so she's kind of hit a plateau now where she doesn't need dentals on the crowns anymore.
She has regular tear duct flushing as they are blocked by the upper roots.
She is prone to infection in the lower jaw around her lower roots but a course of abs will normally sort it out if it's caught early.
I wonder if some additional pain relief may benefit him? Miley had tramadol alongside the metacam for a while. He may be associating eating with pain which is putting him off perhaps?
Hand feeding little tiny bits of herbs also helps!
Best of luck, I hope he's feeling better soon. Dental problems are so horrible when you can see they're in pain 😢

Also 100% recommend Simon and Kim at the Cat and Rabbit Clinic! We've had piggies in at the rescue who were saved by their dental expertise 😁
I think that’s it, I think he goes to eat but then doesn’t because he probably think it will hurt. I will mention Tramadol to my vet, if that’s going to make him feel better I would absolutely try that. He got a taste for parsley but I was terrified of feeing it because he was opening his mouth really wide and pawing his mouth like it was stuck so i had to take it out his mouth :(

Thank you so much, and I hope your Bunny is okay❤️
I’m two hours away from the Cat and Rabbit vets and my Pepper was absolutely fine in the car going there and back. They really are amazing vets.
@Hollyanna thank you yes she is doing well!
Even if the tramadol isn't an option there may be another pain relief he can have 👍
I hope you can find something that helps him feel better soon 🤞❤️
@Hollyanna thank you yes she is doing well!
Even if the tramadol isn't an option there may be another pain relief he can have 👍
I hope you can find something that helps him feel better soon 🤞❤️
Glad she is doing well! :) True, I shall contact the vet and see what options there is as well as the Metacam. Thank you so much
I would have hoped Frank would eat at least the day after the filing, but unfortunately not. Northampton is quiet a way off for us to keep him in the car that long I think, I will keep them in mind though absolutely. Thank you so much.

Just hoping he will turn a corner one day soon and eat on his own…He picked up a carrot before which is progress but didn’t bite into it. Giving as much critical care as possible to get him strong
I used to travel with my boys Bill and Ted from West Cornwall, a 600 mile round trip and both my boys were fine travelling. As long as they have food, water and have a fleece or cosy they settle very soon and sleep most of the hours away. Simon and Kim are amazing, you won’t find any vets with the experience and success they have in the UK
We had dental issues with one of my boars, Merry, who had grinding and filing and three anaesthetics over a month-from-hell and lost over 100g and was so very ill...he endured three months of syringe feeding six times a day and endless trips to the vets and a horrendous journey from the East coast to the West of Scotland and back because we had a holiday with all our grown kids that we'd planned forever and...
Anyhoo. He pulled through. It took him six weeks before he ate anything by himself. Critical care kept that little boy alive, but I remember how anxious and exhausted we were ( partner and I) doing all the nursing.

But. The first day I heard the unmistakeable chomping sound of a little piggy on the hay? Best sound ever. He came back from the other side, slowly regained weight ( we still weigh him every single day) and is glossy and bright-eyed and enjoying hay, freshies, grass ( when it's not freezing outside) floor time, treats and sunbathing in his hutch alongside his brother.

Hang on in there. Better days will come. These little creatures have a strong desire to live, it's our responsibility to help them achieve many days of popcorning, pantaloon displaying, loud and boisterous wheeking and many ecstatic chin-rubs. Good luck!
We had dental issues with one of my boars, Merry, who had grinding and filing and three anaesthetics over a month-from-hell and lost over 100g and was so very ill...he endured three months of syringe feeding six times a day and endless trips to the vets and a horrendous journey from the East coast to the West of Scotland and back because we had a holiday with all our grown kids that we'd planned forever and...
Anyhoo. He pulled through. It took him six weeks before he ate anything by himself. Critical care kept that little boy alive, but I remember how anxious and exhausted we were ( partner and I) doing all the nursing.

But. The first day I heard the unmistakeable chomping sound of a little piggy on the hay? Best sound ever. He came back from the other side, slowly regained weight ( we still weigh him every single day) and is glossy and bright-eyed and enjoying hay, freshies, grass ( when it's not freezing outside) floor time, treats and sunbathing in his hutch alongside his brother.

Hang on in there. Better days will come. These little creatures have a strong desire to live, it's our responsibility to help them achieve many days of popcorning, pantaloon displaying, loud and boisterous wheeking and many ecstatic chin-rubs. Good luck!
Thank you so much for this❤️ I am so glad your little Merry recovered and is doing well!

I really hope that will be the case with Frank, he has had two lots of teeth filing in just over a week and still no desire to eat by himself. Although, he is very interested in the food its like he doesnt know how to pick it up!

Thank you for the positivity ❤️
I used to travel with my boys Bill and Ted from West Cornwall, a 600 mile round trip and both my boys were fine travelling. As long as they have food, water and have a fleece or cosy they settle very soon and sleep most of the hours away. Simon and Kim are amazing, you won’t find any vets with the experience and success they have in the UK
Thank you very much and thanks for the reassurance, I have sent them an email to enquire about the procedure ❤️
My Guinea Pig, Frank, is still not eating food by himself despite having two lots of teeth trimming.

Last week I noticed he wasn't eating any if his vegetables so I took him to my vets. She looked in his mouth to see he has overgrown molars so he went back in the next day to have them trimmed under anesthetic. We would hope this would solve the case and Frank would be back eating again, but this was not the case. We had to syringe feed every day throughout the day as well as give him two doses of metacam. He was going to the vets every day for daily check ups.

We thought there was some sign of improvement, he drank his waterbottle by himself one evening which he has never been able to do since he stopped eating. He is interested in food, puts his teeth in it but doesnt eat it.

As a week went by and there was no improvement we got referred to an exotic vet. Long story short, he has bloods and xrays. Bloods were fine but Xrays were very bad. He has overgrown roots. Top roots growing very near to his eye, bottom growing very near to his jaw bone. He had anesthetic again to have his teeth trimmed even more in hope to release some pressure when he eats and to hopefully prevent an abscess forming.

We brought him home on Friday, today is Sunday and we are still seeing no improvement at all. Still having to syringe feed. I am very concerned as he has lost a lot of weight and is continuing to lose weight each day. He sometimes takes the CC very well, other times he refuses the syringe.

If anyone has experience or advice, please let me know! I just want him back eating on his own again.

Thank you
I had this issue with the first 2 i ever owned…
Was getting charged £100 each visit and there was nothing they could do too stop it eventually
Thank you very much and thanks for the reassurance, I have sent them an email to enquire about the procedure ❤️
You won’t be disappointed, you’ll get a proper assessment and all the dental work will be carried out there and then, they use the conscious dental method which takes about 5-10 minutes using tiny files and no nasty General Anaesthetic to worry about either
You won’t be disappointed, you’ll get a proper assessment and all the dental work will be carried out there and then, they use the conscious dental method which takes about 5-10 minutes using tiny files and no nasty General Anaesthetic to worry about either
That is absolutely amazing. With it being such a way off its good they do it all in one day!❤️ Without anaesthetic too is incredible
You won’t be disappointed, you’ll get a proper assessment and all the dental work will be carried out there and then, they use the conscious dental method which takes about 5-10 minutes using tiny files and no nasty General Anaesthetic to worry about either
Sorry, how much did they charge for this procedure? Obviously its more costly with anaesthetic so just wondering what cost it would be approx :) x
Sorry, how much did they charge for this procedure? Obviously its more costly with anaesthetic so just wondering what cost it would be approx :) x
It’s quite a few years ago niw and prices will have gone up but I think it was around £65. You could ask them to confirm the current prices Good luck 🤞
I hope you can get an appointment. Like people have said you won’t be disappointed. I took my Pepper there with a tooth root abscess last year. I was quoted over £2,000 by my local exotics vets. I think Cat and Rabbit charged me about £400. But he did have an anaesthetic. Good luck. ❤️
I hope you can get an appointment. Like people have said you won’t be disappointed. I took my Pepper there with a tooth root abscess last year. I was quoted over £2,000 by my local exotics vets. I think Cat and Rabbit charged me about £400. But he did have an anaesthetic. Good luck. ❤️
Thank you, he has had two lots of filing already in a week, he has had them trimmed right down but hopefully this vet can sort them if we get an appointment. That’s a crazy difference ! I spent approx £700 for his procedure last week and I just feel like its made no difference to him… these guys at cat and rabbit sound great. Thank you
Thank you, he has had two lots of filing already in a week, he has had them trimmed right down but hopefully this vet can sort them if we get an appointment. That’s a crazy difference ! I spent approx £700 for his procedure last week and I just feel like its made no difference to him… these guys at cat and rabbit sound great. Thank you
They really are brilliant vets and genuinely very caring.
My Guinea Pig, Frank, is still not eating food by himself despite having two lots of teeth trimming.

Last week I noticed he wasn't eating any if his vegetables so I took him to my vets. She looked in his mouth to see he has overgrown molars so he went back in the next day to have them trimmed under anesthetic. We would hope this would solve the case and Frank would be back eating again, but this was not the case. We had to syringe feed every day throughout the day as well as give him two doses of metacam. He was going to the vets every day for daily check ups.

We thought there was some sign of improvement, he drank his waterbottle by himself one evening which he has never been able to do since he stopped eating. He is interested in food, puts his teeth in it but doesnt eat it.

As a week went by and there was no improvement we got referred to an exotic vet. Long story short, he has bloods and xrays. Bloods were fine but Xrays were very bad. He has overgrown roots. Top roots growing very near to his eye, bottom growing very near to his jaw bone. He had anesthetic again to have his teeth trimmed even more in hope to release some pressure when he eats and to hopefully prevent an abscess forming.

We brought him home on Friday, today is Sunday and we are still seeing no improvement at all. Still having to syringe feed. I am very concerned as he has lost a lot of weight and is continuing to lose weight each day. He sometimes takes the CC very well, other times he refuses the syringe.

If anyone has experience or advice, please let me know! I just want him back eating on his own again.

Thank you
Just an update on the post, Frank still isnt eating by himself. Feeding around 60ml of critical care a day and he is still losing weight. The Rabbit and Cat Clinic are unfortunately not taking on any more new guinea pig dental cases for the time being…will keep an eye out for if they do take more patients on… I just feel so sorry for my little baby, doing everything I can for him
That’s such a shame that you can’t get an appointment at the moment, but in the meantime, could you up the amount of syringe food he’s having? Does he take it well? I aim for around 100 - 120 mls of syringe food, per 24 hours, for a piggy who isn’t eating anything for themselves. Will he eat porridge oats? What about mushed up nuggets on a plate? xx